2 sets of Fatheads. BAE/Total flow

Discussion in 'Noonan Classifieds' started by Soldierboy0098, May 9, 2015.

  1. Soldierboy0098

    Soldierboy0098 Active Member

    Feb 17, 2006
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    If the other parts I am looking at is still available I will sell both sets as is for $2600 plus sh so if your interested call quick before I send it in for repairs. I don't think the repair bill will be over $500 for the one BAE 5 head and it will be in good shape after the seat work and push rod tubes. I am guessing you would have 2 complete ready to run sets w/ all ti valves, spares, and all studs for under $3,500 when your finished give or take. You won't even be able to get a complete pair of 6's for that much. Thacker ran 5.26 w/ the Total Flow heads, keep in mind the current record for blown alcohol is 5.20 w/ the latest and greatest heads so only gaining a half of a tenth or so but spending a lot more money.

    I have 2 complete sets of Fatheads for sale.

    Both sets have dual plugs but come w/ plug block offs.

    1st set is Total flow billet fatheads, complete w/ large titanium valves and all studs. These are not the prettiest heads but function just fine and have a clean bill of health from Samsel. Cheapest set of complete fatheads on the market. $2,000+sh.

    2nd set is is BAE 5 billet fatheads, complete w/ large titanium valves. Comes w/ exh studs and inner head studs. I will send these to Samsel and get them repaired and ready. 1 is perfect and the other needs anywhere from 1 to 4 seats and 2 pushrod tubes. $2,000+sh

    Both sets complete and ready for $3,500 w/ spare emergency use valves. Some are nice. Would also include spare keepers.

    Trevor Sherwood
    Last edited: May 10, 2015

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