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Six bolt standard deck roots hemi fuel head mag manifold. Bare manifold, rough shape but works as intended. $550 Enderle 1200 fuel pump with...
Whats the best way to cut floaters and discs? Setup on an old flywheel or straight to turntable?
Just purchased a used FG5000 to grind flywheels, clutches and floaters. Anybody have any tips for a newbie?
Titanium vs aluminum vs steel for 8-1/8 hemi Anybody know the weight savings?
Rear main Sent flywheel and complete clutch to Crowerglide. Flywheel was bent .010 Crower trashes them when they get .003 out. Rockwell was also...
Thanks Jim, Are you using the aluminum ones? Do you recall the part #?
14mm spark plug repair insert? Tap the head bigger, screw the steel insert in then screw in new plug. Idk, get em at the local parts store.
Blew #7 spark plug out this weekend, threads and all, repaired it with an steel insert. Next night #6 went that already had a steel insert but...
They work with mags or distributors so should work with the Mallory. They do have one that plays back 4 lowest and 4 highest rpms. Probably more...
Tel-Tac II Not mechanical but we've had good luck with the Tel-Tac tachometers.
Why not WD-40 for post race? Been using it for awhile with no apparent issues. Your thoughts?
Thanks guys for your help. Looking into all your suggestions as we speak.
Never checked that, whats the best way?
All aluminum with a farely new donut and flywheel (year or so) w/ ring gear, 6 stand. Serviced before both races.
13 quarts, Faria wet sump, Nitro system one filter, Olson pan. Around 120# oil psi.
1st weekend out after 3rd 250' pass spun #5 rear main. Repaired crank and put new saddle in, lined honed, etc..... 2nd weekend out after 4th pass...
Ora's tools Where can one find info on "Ora's" tools? Searched the web, leads back to ITA. Thanks
Leakdown Now I'm confused, If you want 20% leakdown then 2nd gauge should read 80, 1st gauge 100 If you want 30% leakdown then 2nd gauge should...
10 bolt BAE fuel heads, blue stands, stage V intakes, dual taper pushrods. Intake pushrods rubbing the liners. Question: will the manton tool...