Separate names with a comma.
congrat's Bill,ron and team.awsome job.good luck with the race.:D
just saw that "MR HOLLYWOOD" him self got Driver of the Year award for Div 5 alky flopper.:eek::eek::D.Good job Roger.i'm the one who should get...
he must be pretty close to it.:eek::eek::eek:.have a good one.:D
Found out tonight that Ken was inducted into the Div 5 HALL OF FAME.way to go ken.:D:D
well the Gang just got runner-up finish at Indy.way to go guy's.:D
jones,sorry to hear about prayers go out to his familly.
thank's everyone.i'm sure Brian and the Gang appreciate it.hope they can repeat at indy.:D.hey clint and nancy good luck at indy too.
yes they did kurt.i got the call at one oclock my time to tell me the new's.and yes it is long over due.wasn't able to make it with the guy's this...
i called the guy's this afternoon at the track and they told cy was ok,great to hear,but car pretty bad.
great stuff as alway's,thank's dave.
yeah i'm kinda sorry i used this name.real one is jim kalb.:)
great job guy's.;).couldn't happen to a nicer group.
To me they are just putting a Band-Aid over the problem that they need the track's longer or at least fix the shorter ones.
have a safe and good one.:)
awsome stuff dave.alot of great shot's of our car.thank's
thank's for printing the write up's will.we did have a great 4 race span.couldn't ask for better.:D:D
great stuff, thank's dave.
i have to agree with you.what a joke.:eek::eek:.
congrat's.:).looking forward to seeing ya at the track.
man i don't like the look of those.did they work.?????