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Heads PM Sent about 990 heads i have
Bearings That is exactly what we figured out ,after market alum blocks take the all the same bearing, and factory cast iron motors takes 3...
Bearings well i tell ya ,my engine builder is beside himself:confused: and so am i:confused:, this aint my first rodeo and it darn sure isnt...
Has anyone here had issues with cam bearing dimesions? went to install mine today and there was as much as .020 difference in .O.D, SO I WENT AND...
Tuning Thanks for the help, already picked up the plugs ,went ahead and got both heat ranges so we can experiment on the dyno later. The artical...
New Here, So HELLO TO ALL.I have been following posts in tech section awhile,i really need some advise on tuning my motor.what i have is a all...