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Remove Prevous Ammendment Declarifies Previous Clarifications REMOVE PREVIOUS AMENDMENT: “Artificial cooling and/or heating of fuel (i.e. cool...
Thats great Jay is a great guy and treats racers well. I can't wait to see him at the track. Very cool. Doug
Thanks Duane Duane, Thank you for taking the time to share your results with us, I can't say I am surprised, but I am sad to hear them just...
Were was Conway testing I heard at FL they were only running 1000FT. Perhaps they tested at more than one race track? A .34 at 94% is...
Has anyone heard how the various test sessions are going? Just wondering if anyone has figured out the 94% yet? See you all in Pomona.
First I have heard of the 280MPH. Still nothing officialy from NHRA. Okay if this is the issue than why don't they just post a rule that states...
Averages Don't Tell The Whole Story Unfortunately you can't just average the ET's from both classes you have to look at the standard deviation....
Fuel 101 FUEL 101 Fuel + AIR at the correct raito makes engergy (BTUS) power is another way to look at BTU's. Engine Air Flow (cfm) lbs of...
Yes Keep me in the Loop on your progress I have been to many IHRA races in sportsman classes and PROMOD and found the races to be very well run....
NHRA Letters Guys, I do read this forum all the time but rarely ever participate, I can't hold my tongue any longer. I received a copy of the...
Guys, Who makes and where do you purchase starting line tire scrapers? Just to be clear I am talking about the handheld scapers the crew uses...
Just wanted to take a minute to publicly thank John and his team for the assistance they gave us at Bradenton and especially for the parts they...
Mike can you send me a phone number. I too would like to have some skirst made for our trailer. Doug