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Was great to see you all outhere in Lebannon !!! What memories for me !!! It was a great week end of Drag Racing , even if my BUDDY Mike was a...
Way to go Mike and to all the Kosky racing team , GOOD JOB , also Congrats to Tom Conway , 2 Great innovators in that final rounds !!!!!!!!!!!!...
To all of our Dear friends of NHRA Division 1 Alcohol Classes !!!! I ve lost my Buddy Mike yesterday night , he suffered a heart attack and...
Nice Job Eric Lourie and Team !!!! Top Half of the field !!! WOW !!! WOW !!! The Devils are gone but BUDDY CHUCK still there !!!!!! Nice...
Congradulation to Frank Manzo and Art Gallant in Virginia !!!! WOW Arthur , .024 RT in the final round:D:D Nice Job Arthur , Gene , Bob and...
Congrats to Frank Manzo and Crew and also To John Finke and the Guys , nice call Grant ,some back to back 5.40 ET may do the the job you...
Nice Job done to the ShortlineExpress Racimg team , and Duane a .030 RT in the final WOW !!!!!!! Serge TAD-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congrats to Jim Whiteley and awesome job to Dave De'angelis and crew too , a all Blown final on a equal race condition on that day , either blown...
Way to go Duane , Bill and all crew , great job Guys !!!!! Serge TAD-11
Congrats to John Finke and Crew , nice Job in Brandenton Fl. Serge TAD-11:D :D
Congrats to Art Gallant and crew for the D-1 Championship , we were so close but racing is racing !!!!! Have a nice winter time everybody in USA...
Congrats to John Finke and crew , awesome job Guys . hey Mister Steve Boggs , have a good Cigar. Serge TAD-15 DM Racing:eek: :eek:...
Everybody seems to wait to see a 5.10 ET from the fast A/FUEL Guys in Virginia but KOSKY runs was amazing to me , a low 5.30 ET , almost in the...
New Jersey Devils are gone , too bad , Buffalo againts Carolina , gone a be a good battle. Hope to see you in Reading PA in 2 weeks....
Heard that our good friend and one of the best alcohol fans on the planet David Smith had a bad luck with his own car ( a Ford product). Hope...
Awesome job in ATCO NJ , too bad we were not able to be there , see you all next season at the track.... Serge TAD-13