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What battery will do the job to start my blown hemi : 12.6 static compr. 20% over Superman/ Oddy 14/71, Msd 44 Mag, Meziere mid-plate mounted,...
What is recommended as a minimum clearance piston to head on a 9000+ rpm Blown Hemi ? ( Winberg crank, Brooks rods, venolia 4.310 pistons with HD...
I am restripping one Kobelco K8 and one Kuhl , both H/H and 14/71. Do you know the inside case Diameter for these 2 ? ( for cutting of the outer...
I am installing a 8134 kill switch according too the Msd tech drawing only i have the pos. side switched and the neg. to chassie ground. I have...
I have just received a pro cap kit ( 7445 ) that was intended for a MSD 44 8140 , but as most of you know that cap -base does not fit . What i...
Dear all ! I have purchaced a Msd 44 and it has a dunn X / clover leaf on it. Do you know who makes an adapter for 2-pin mag base drive or would...