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This is a great post. Thanks for sharing. Nancy
thats funny. :D:D:D
Personnally, I would like to see the NHRA Commercials during the nascar coverage, Summit, Torco, Lend America, any of them, Especially the...
Dean, maybe the best is to contact IHRA directly Phone 419-660-4206 I pulled this from their site for you,...
Our sincere condolences to his family. Nancy Matter Racing
Congrats Laurie and Team!!! Good luck in Rockingham.
Randy, that is funny!!! Thank you so much Dennis, that was quite fun!!! (and kudos to Matt for his continued Support). Hey Dennis, in...
CONGRATULATIONS TO BOTH TEAMS for duking it out until the very End!!! Jay, Shelly & JR (and their new guy) are awesome racers just as much as...
God Speed Wally & Barbara Both. Now they can Rest together, peacefully. Seems not so long ago that my mom was their secretary in Toluca Lake,...
Congrats you guys!!!!!!! See ya Soon!!! Nancy
F/C DRIVER NANCY MATTER JUST MISSES STOUT DALLAS FIELD Although the team of Nancy Matter and Who Top Alcohol Funny Car Team...
Nancy Matter is Race Ready for Dallas After returning home from a five race outing that provided data from all different types of climate...
We look forward to hearing great news. I have a couple of friends running over in AFC IHRA and they love it!!! So I'm happy for them that...
We don't know Craig, but we wish him a speedy recovery!!!!
Charlie, you're a classic, I thought Jay Blake was going to fall on the ground when we told him the story. FYI for everyone on here, it has...
you may see a change at the next two D2 races though (divisionals) Lot's of cars expected in Atlanta, and Reynolds may have a few surprises in...
Congrats Marty & Team!!!! It was awesome to be there with you all, see you all soon!!!!! Take care, Nancy
Randy, by chance did you get the Reading Sportsman Coverage? Darvin Martinets told us yesterday in Shreveport that they had just watched it so...
Congrats Dave!!!! Nancy
Congrats!!! We were following you on Saturday night in Shreveport. See ya soon, Nancy