Hi Robert, Do you have an email address? Robert Schwab would like to email you about some parts. He is in Kencana-Papua at the moment and can't always call. You can email him direct if you would like on robert_schwab@fmi.com. Thanks, Mathew Leonard
Hi Robert, We have a fault in our MSD 8147. (No spark). Easily solved (repair by replacement), but question now of course is what to do next. Being curious I opened the old unit up and noticed it's made using discrete components and not totally screwed up with epoxy filling. Cabling checks out ok, but that's as far I can get without diagrams. Can these units be repaired? Any experience cost-wise? Shipping it Europe / USA v/v will also add to the bill. I don't suppose MSD provides a list of common errors (replace rectifier and try again...). Please drop me a message at mheijd@technofysica.nl if you can help. Thanks, Marcel