
Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by The Zone, May 24, 2009.

  1. The Zone

    The Zone Member

    Sep 14, 2003
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    A 5.20 for Shawn Cowie and CC Bill Moore. A great job by Bill and the team who who their third event of the year, and finally getting a 5.20 on their resume. A 5.290@271 in the semis. Four 270 mph plus runs in the weeknd including an out of the tailer 5.33@ 271 on a green track thurdsay moring during the test session.

    Congrat's guys. Also kudu's to Bill for getting the flopper (Red Wolf) he tunes to the final round as well.

    Also congrats to Mike Johnson for finally getting their A/Fuel car to run with the new rules a 5.36 best and a 5.38 as well.

    To Jeff Johnsen for tuning Dale Carlson in the Hugh Ridley BAD dragster to a career best 5.37@ 264 in a semi final win over Brandon Johnson.

  2. jeffj

    jeffj Member

    Mar 8, 2008
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    Thanks Dean
    Team Cowie was at the head of the class and earned their victory.
    We broke our wing in qualifying, borrowed one from Ken Remple and broke that and finally took one offered by my old supercomp buddy, Steve Federlin. As it turns out we race each other's car (Justin Davis) in the first round and we get by with a .0103 margin of victory due to Dale's great light. Great folks and great competitors.
    Team Johnson did a great job with the fueler and we were lucky to get by them in the 2nd round. Hugh bought Mike's last blown roller and that is our race car now; Dale is Brandon's uncle and both tuners are a Johnson or a Johnsen..........Dale drove for Mike before Brandon and..............
    Slowing in the final was my fault in the tuning call but we had a great weekend and made progress we should be able to develop at future events. The amazing thing to me were the early numbers we were able to run which were not published: Q1 .911 @60' and 5.484/258.47
    Q2 .926 @60' and 5.510/246.57
    Q3 .911 @60' and broke the belt
    E1 .913 @60' and 5.466/263.54
    E2 .903 @60' and 5.374/264.47
    E3 .954 @60' and 5.597/243.70 deep stage and early shut off.
    And Dale did a spectacular job driving as well as leaving first in every round, winning us the first round on a holeshot. Great effort by the whole team, Hugh, Dale, Jim, Doc and Casey.
    Jeff Johnsen
  3. Dale Finch

    Dale Finch Member

    Dec 29, 2004
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    Great job to the Cowies and Ridley team. Bill and Jeff, you both did a great job. Well, the 5.29 just about broke everyone's back. Wow. I enjoyed this divisional more than some for a long time.

    Special thanks to Gregg and Robbe Lawrence and the team for letting me work with them this weekend. Lots of fun. Parity was awesome until the .29. More nitro........just kidding guys. Just teasing.


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