Some questions so i dont repeat...

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by alkyholic, May 25, 2009.

  1. alkyholic

    alkyholic Jr. Dragster

    Dec 30, 2003
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    Brad fuel heads, jp1 block.

    Pistons, pins and rings were brand new and i made one 300 ft pass and one launch about 150 ft. We must of had some pretty bad detonation, pushed the valve seats into the head, crashed the ring lands on one piston and bent 6 wrist pins. The worst side of the damage was on the 1-3-5-7. I had 36 degrees in the mag (SM4). Too much timing? Maybe i lugged the motor? Lean early on?

    There were 2 black scuffs in the #5 and #7 cylinders that are right where the rocker head stud splits them. You could draw a perfect triangle from the head stud to one of the scuffs, over to the other and back to the stud. 11 o'clock on 7 and 1 o'clock on 5. Does anyone know what that was from?

    Also, what do i look for to see if the rings are any good.

    Thanks for any help...
  2. jim phillips

    jim phillips ta/fc

    Apr 29, 2007
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    i would need to know a little more about your motor but it sounds like to much timing and not enough fuel when i didnt know to much about what i was doing with the hemi i sunk 8 pistons and bent 6 rods from detination on one pass the fuel system is very important to have it done by someone who knows fuel systems as for timing under certin conditions you could run a lot of timing if your fuel system is right i have run the fuel head stuff for a long time 30* to 34* would be safer and still run fast on shit tracks 30* will go down just about every time and be pretty fast just depends on what you are tring to accompolish

    things to check

    fuel pump gpm make sure you have enough

    high speed

    barrel valve

    make sure your nozzles are not clogged up on those holes

    i can help give me a call 812 228 7683 good luck
  3. Bottlefed

    Bottlefed New to Blowers

    Feb 20, 2008
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    For whatever its worth,

    Most of my experience has been with nitrous motors, on nitrous motors when the tune is good and you just go a little too far 1,3,5,7 almost always show more damage than the right bank so I would assume blower motors are the same.

    And the little bit of experience I have with the big head hemis is also that 30-34 being about as far as you want to go unless you are trying to rotate the earth.

  4. alkyholic

    alkyholic Jr. Dragster

    Dec 30, 2003
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    542 CI (4.375 X 4.5) littlefield 14-71 HH 56% over. 11.3 compression. Hays steel hat clutch, 450lbs base - had 2 turns in it about 600 total.

    Erson springs are brand new, new valves etc...

    The barrel valve and hi-speed were set up by Fowler, hilborn -4 pump flowed 14.2 gal @ 4000

    The car was a legal IHRA car, just looking to have fun on circuit or like the outlaw dragster class at norwalk
    Last edited: May 25, 2009
  5. john348

    john348 Top Alcohol

    May 29, 2003
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    I honestly dont think it was a timing issue, but you are almost @ the limit
    I have ran as hi as 40 with the old SMIII that were hopped to 4 amps by Cerrelo years ago on a veney fuel head when you really had to get after it
    i think you went very lean
    did it pinch the bearings as well?
    or was all the damage up top

    how did you check timing with a light or did you just buzz it in
  6. alkyholic

    alkyholic Jr. Dragster

    Dec 30, 2003
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    the bearings were fine, it was buzzed in and then checked with a light.
  7. john348

    john348 Top Alcohol

    May 29, 2003
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    bent 6 pins and didnt get a bearing?:eek:
  8. alkyholic

    alkyholic Jr. Dragster

    Dec 30, 2003
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    i agree thats strange. Here are the readings for the upper...

    In Mid Out
    1. .838 .844 .836
    2. .840 .838 .838
    3. .838 .840 .836
    4. .838 .838 .838
    5. .838 .840 .837
    6. .840 .840 .840
    7. .838 .838 .838
    8. .840 .840 .838

    Number one had the crashed ring lands and had the most bearing squash, i guess that #1 did get it a bit.

    the lowers were all at .840
  9. jim phillips

    jim phillips ta/fc

    Apr 29, 2007
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    thats the same size motor i run thats a smaller pump than i run i would have to find my flow sheets but it doesnt sound like enough fuel going to the motor main size and nozzle area is important did jeff do the complete fuel system i know he knows what he is doing one thing you need to learn is dont get greedy start off conservitive less timing more fuel and read your plugs and tune for there dont try to set the world on fire the first pass you have to learn to go a to b without hurting parts most of the time if you have it hopped up on shit track are one thats not so good its not going to go down any way trust me i will be glad to let you look at my numbers i havent hurt any parts since i put this car together 541 fuel head 1471 littlefield 57% over 44amp msd on 30* waterman pump crower 10" clutch 3speed will go 3.90s to 4teens depending on the track
  10. alkyholic

    alkyholic Jr. Dragster

    Dec 30, 2003
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    Jim - fowler didnt do the nozzles, they are as it came with the motor, i dont have the numbers in front of me, i'll get them tomorrow. If you dont mind i'd like to give you a call tomorrow evening and thanks for the input.

    John - Harry was with me and was pretty suprised at the damage that was caused, he thought i drove the car correctly. We had the richest jet i had in it and i didnt touch the barrel valve from fowler.
  11. secondwindracing

    secondwindracing top alcohol

    Feb 10, 2004
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    I'am with Jim I think the pump is on the small side we run a 19.5 gal. pump on a 526 with a set of brad fuel heads..they might be yours jim:):)..Dave

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