racepak v300 verses pro1a or 1b

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by drn1013rd, May 18, 2009.

  1. drn1013rd

    drn1013rd Member

    Aug 23, 2006
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    i know the 1a or 1b is a better computer with more functions but why does
    racepak say the v300 is definitley not recommended to work on an alcohol car but will work in pro-mod, at there trailer this weekend at bristol was told mags, and tire shake when i pointed out pro-mod has same mag and probably as much if not more tireshake then was told v300 had the one vnet wire that would burn off and loose all data then told the 300 just wouldn't hold up,
    has anyone run the v300 in top alcohol and what luck have you had with it
    don't want to start any arguements would just like to know because i don't have 9000 to put into a pro 1b.
    thanks in advance don
  2. Rodney O. Trower

    Rodney O. Trower New Member

    Mar 15, 2008
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    V-300-SD in both my alky dragsters, all I have ever had. Never missed a beat I believe you were told an story.
  3. Dale Finch

    Dale Finch Member

    Dec 29, 2004
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    Best talk to Ron at Racepak, the V300 was never designed for top alcohol use. The boards on a pro computer are built for the vibration etc. The problem with using the incorrect computer is you are reading it's outputs. How would you know what is correct or not. Now if your car never shakes you may be getting away with it. Best to ask Ron. He will give you the facts and it is up to you from there.
  4. Mike Canter

    Mike Canter Top Dragster
    Staff Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    Dale, I am going to disagree with you a little here so I apologize in advance. All the Racepak data loggers are built to withstand vibration. Promods have just as much vibration as Funny Cars. I talked to Racepak indepth on this subject. The problem with the V300 is that it uses a databus to go out to all the sensors which is the latest in technology. Let me explain a databus for those who don't know. This is where you have a single set of wires that all the sensors are attached to. This is a lot simpler and cleaner. All the sensor data is digitized and all sensors take turns in sending their data on this single wire (bus) loop. The Pro units use what you call discreets or so everyone understands it means a separate wire to each sensor so you have a lot of wires running around but to time sharing on the same wire. Some of the data is old fashion analog and some is digital. The problem using a databus system such as the V300 is interference from the ProMag 44 can mess up the data or the timing of the digital data from all the sensors and this means you can get no data after a run. For some reason this is more common of a problem on Funny Cars than ProMods and nobody has a real good answer why. So if you install a V300 on a Funny Car you take a chance that it may not work or it may intermittently fail to log data. The Pro units with the single wires to each sensor are not dependent on timing or sharing data slots on the same wire so they seem to work very well around ProMag interference. RPM Performance does not use the databus system because of this problem so RPM Performance data loggers are more like the Racepak Pro Units. So the question you have to ask yourself when buying and installing a Racepak data logger on a Funny Car is do you want to take that chance with a V300 of it not working. With the V300 databus system a lot depends on the location of the data wire and the location of the actual data logger. The EGT shielded wires seem to make a great antenna to this ProMag interference and cause a lot of problems on the V series also. It is a gamble and some people win and some don't. A friend and I built a data logger system using a databus like the V300 and it works great on all cars that don't have a ProMag. We have yet to figure out how to effectively shield everything from that @#%$ ProMag but we are still working on it.
  5. Bottlefed

    Bottlefed New to Blowers

    Feb 20, 2008
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    Thanks for the explanation of the various Racepak systems, and I applaud you for taking the time to explain the difference between serial and parallel data paths.

    PS, you get my vote for post of the month....

    Richard Gavle
  6. drn1013rd

    drn1013rd Member

    Aug 23, 2006
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    thanks Mr. Canter

    i really appreciate the time on explaining the wiring for me because i had no clue until now, but still the promods run the same 44 mag as the funny cars, yet it is recommended for them i don't understand this at all, my car is a dragster so i guess it would go for them too?
    thanks don nolan
  7. Mike Canter

    Mike Canter Top Dragster
    Staff Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    In discussions with Racepak and what I know on Electro Magnetic Interference (EMI) the difference bewteen the two style cars could be the open body of the Funny Car versus the closed body of the PM divided by the metal firewall or it could be that the PM has more chassis tubing going around things vice under like the FC. It could be that FC put everything into the little box up front and PM put it back inside the car usually just forward of the right rear wheel tub which is further away.

    I know you guys don't like ProMods BUT just a passing note here. Jason Scruggs was testing his new ProMod at the Steele Alabama track this weekend and ran the eighth mile in 3.687 secs at 206.61 MPH. Now you have to admit that is faster than a lot of TAFCs. I was impressed. Check it out at http://www.promodifieds.us/forums/showthread.php?t=16590
  8. DQUES

    DQUES Member

    May 20, 2004
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    Been using a V300 in a alky f/c for 4 yrs and zero probs with it . It is mounted on the rear tree and lasted through shake . Have used both a mag 20 and a 44 .
  9. Sandracer695

    Sandracer695 Member

    Jan 8, 2005
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    I have been using a V300 on my top fuel sand dragster for 5 years. The only problem I have ever had is the flow meter. I had to posistion it horozontialy towards the injector and it cured the problem. I run 2 44amp mags. All other sensors work fine. Dust, dirt, shake and I even crashed and it still works perfect.

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