Engine build suggestions?

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by K.B.R, May 4, 2009.

  1. K.B.R

    K.B.R New Member

    May 4, 2009
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    Hello there everyone.I got refered here by Chuck Stevens about my question on yellowbullett and would like some advice for a friend.

    I have a friend who wants to build a roots type blower motor to run on alcohol injection for his nova.He would like to make 1500-2000 hp,if not more.Right now he doesn't plan on running in any racing circuit but I trying to talk him into setting it up for the psca pro street class,so the car doesn't just sit for month's at a time, but I don't know how horsepower he would need to be competitive in that class.
    He will be using a aluminum block,but not sure if it will a dart,brodix,world or donovan.What ever one he could get good price on.I have been helping on ideas on displacement and was thinking anywhere from 510-555,depending on which type of head he goes with.
    He would like to use the brodix big duke head but I think he could reach that power level with a conventional head.
    The blower would either be a 10-71 or 14-71,most likely the 14.

    Any help would be grategul as I would like to help him get the power he is looking for.The reason for the pro street class and not the outlaw 10.5 class is because the car will be based on big tires.Not sure on weight just yet but probably would be around 2500-2900 without driver.

  2. isracing

    isracing New Member

    Oct 8, 2008
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    Tell your friend not to waste one penny building a motor from scratch, there are some KILLLLER deals out there for T/K engines at pennies on the dollar.

    here is a buddy of mine's motor for sale dirt cheap, check it out in the classifieds on here.

  3. Ken Sitko

    Ken Sitko Super Comp

    Oct 21, 2003
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    I don't know anything about the pro street cars, but if you want to make a solid 2000 hp, you should go with a 14:71, not a 10. Also go with the latest blower technology, like a Littlefield with K11 rotors or one of the new psi blowers. As has been suggested here before, instead of trying to re-invent the wheel, it would be wise to buy a complete combination from one of the engine builders so it makes good horsepower right out of the box. Another good alternative is to buy a low mileage motor complete (like a BAE fat head motor) from one of the top alcohol funny car guys, then you have most of what you need. If your class allows screw blowers, even better, then you're ready to go, and you'll have close to 3000 hp.
  4. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    Little now or alot later

    Like Ken said, tell your friend to spend a little more money and get a Hehmm-ahh. There are tons of deals on used top alky/pro mod motors on here. Anyone that has went down the road of starting from a Chevy combo and making update after update to handle the hp will tell you they would have rather just started with a hemi, which is designed to handle the hp and the blower.

    With a blower motor, you want to get the best blower you can and let it do the work. Boost doesn't hurt parts as much as tuneups do - and that goes back to how hard you push it. If you're considering some sort of street class, should be able to run it fat and happy and not really rev it up.
  5. Money Shot

    Money Shot Member

    Apr 13, 2009
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    Big Chief vs. Conventional

    The better the heads the less strain on the blower. No need to turn the blower as hard with efficient heads. Use the chiefs.
  6. K.B.R

    K.B.R New Member

    May 4, 2009
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    Thanks for the advice guys.Even though I asked the question yesterday the car/motor in question would not really be built for another year or so as my friend is going to overseas.He is not in the service or anything just got him self a new job,that will fund the build,and that is how long he will be gone.

    Anyway,I did talk to him today and let him know what you guys have suggested so far and he would still like to build the motor himself for the fun of doing so.

    He said that he has priced some parts recently and figures he could get the parts for around 11-12 thousand,from the crank to the blower.
    Does that seem about right?
    I have yet to price everything myself.

    As for the type of engine,he will be sticking with a Chevy based motor.Going with the BIG DUKES or the BIG CHIEFS would be the best bet?
  7. Ken Sitko

    Ken Sitko Super Comp

    Oct 21, 2003
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    You will find it harder to make power with the Chevy, and when you do push it hard enough, it will start breaking. Come back in a few years and let us know how it turned out.
  8. ZERO260IN1

    ZERO260IN1 Member

    Nov 22, 2006
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    Not everyone can afford a BAE Ken. Its not exactly a bolt on when it comes to installing into a door car either. IMO he can get to his goal with a wedge, and if he wants to move up after learning ect, one of your motors should be for sale :D
  9. Ken Sitko

    Ken Sitko Super Comp

    Oct 21, 2003
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    All I'm trying to say, is if you need 2000 hp (or more), and you want it to be reliable and not on the edge, a quality hemi motor is the way to go. If you lower your expectations to 1500 hp or so, you can go the chevy route for less money.
  10. JRB

    JRB Guest

    We made over 2000 HP with a wedge in a 2700lb door car and ran 6.50`s with a K11 and 6.20`s with a screw. Both bolted to the same motor. With a bruno drive. 526 Donovan with Dart 360 heads done by Reher Morrison.

    The only issues we had were in the valve train. Which is expected once you start running it hard. Never really hurt bearing or the rods or anything though.

    I will agree though about going to a hemi, if possible. It is a bit more dependable to run over time, and if you plan on running in the Pro Mod/Pro Street classes out here on the west, let me know. I know of quite a few places to race. PSCA, WCHRA, WCOPMA, just to name a few.

    -Jason Bunker
  11. JustinatAce

    JustinatAce Member

    Oct 20, 2008
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    Another guy to talk to about using wedge in a blown alky is Rob Atchison.. He can make some crazy stupid power with those things.
  12. JRB

    JRB Guest

    Rob uses a 481X, which is what we went to after the Donovan motor. If you want a Chevy style motor, that can make tons of power and doesnt have many issues, its the way to go. Rob runs good, weve gone 6.200 @ 240.09 with it in a 2950lb Pro Mod. Bubba Stanton uses one in Roger Hensons "Widowmaker" PX ADRL car. They were the 2nd car to go 200 in the 1/8th mile in a pro mod. And 3rd to the 3.70-zone. I know Tommy Gray went 5.70-something at 245+ with one as well. Plus many others have done well. Mike Janis at JanCen is a killer guy to talk to about AJ stuff. He ran very well at Legal PM stuff before he switched over.

    There are plenty of people who have done well with Chevy stuff. Just gotta ask around. Let me know if you have any questions. Im based out of California.
  13. Dale H.

    Dale H. Member

    Dec 7, 2005
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    I guess one question would be-does he wan't to run a cooling system? Unless he wants to use a cast iron hemi block,and cast heads, there aren't to many choices out there.I would say that the hemi is the way to go.
  14. K.B.R

    K.B.R New Member

    May 4, 2009
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    Ken Sitko
    I don't think I will be able to change his mind on building a Chevy,but I could try.I got time.
    I will come back and let you know how everything turns out,I may even post the build on here when that time comes.If that is OK?

    How much power would that same combo make with the Big Ducks or Big Chiefs?

    Jason,Any chance on you being at psca races on the 15th in Fontana?

    Dale H.
    Don't know just yet.Have not asked him anything about the cooling system.
  15. JRB

    JRB Guest

    Yes, ill be at the PSCA race next week. Ill be tuning the Good-Guys Camaro, owned and driven by Marc Meadors. Stop by and say hi. Be glad to meet you. :cool:
    Last edited by a moderator: May 7, 2009
  16. K.B.R

    K.B.R New Member

    May 4, 2009
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    If everything goes well for me that weekend I will probably be there on Saturday or Sunday.If you are still there I'll be cruising around in a wheelchair.


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