8973 set up help

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by H BROWN, Feb 25, 2009.

  1. H BROWN

    H BROWN blown alky

    Sep 20, 2004
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    ok i finally got all the parts in to set up a crank trigger and 8973 and have a few questions.
    1- I can only set up the crank trigger on the right side under the mag. (HEMI) I wanted it on the drivers side to run away from mag and any other wireing, but cannot get the right brackets, so will it be far enough from my coil and points box which is mounted almost under the mag? It is a shielded leahey trigger with a ground and I bought the extension shielded cable with ground to go inside the car to the 8973 in the floorboard. How far is to close to the mag for the trigger wires?

    2-I run my timing 36 -38 degrees and have set my timing at the pointer to 36, then set the triggers pointer to line up with the magnet. is this correct?

    3- if I have read all notes and other threads right i need to bump my timing 4 xtra degrees because of the 8973, so now i bumped the timing pointer to 40 and then reset the trigger to the magnet. now I know this is rough and will fine tune when i start the motor. when i fire motor do i need to power the blue wire to 12 volts to get an accurtate 40 degree timing set, or set timing with no power to blue wire? sorry just not clear on this 4 degrees to bump timing up or leave the 4 out. basically if i have timing set to 36 degrees and unplug the 8973, does my timing fall to 32 or bump to 40?

    What happens if 8973 fails, will my timing jump to 40 hurting the motor or just fall to 32 just causing a lazy run but no damage?

    4- do i set up the mag comp to a pro mag which is auto setting, or set up with crank trigger which says 2 degrees? i am lost on if on pro mag auto does it take out the 4 discussed in # 3 with the blue wire activated or deactive?

    5- i did get the msd capacitor for the 8973, do i need a seperate 12 volt wire from the rear battery, or can i get from the distribution block in floor board fed by a weld lead from the rear batterys to front floor for my other ACD box and start button etc?

    thanks for any help, i know a lot of questions, but 38 is on edge and 36 saves bearings and I DO NOT want to screw up and end up with more than 38 at any time in run. thanks again for all the help howard
  2. Mike Canter

    Mike Canter Top Dragster
    Staff Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    1. With the shielded crank cable you should be no closer than 6". Try and keep the cable on the underside of tubing so it is somewhat shielded. Make sure that shielded ground wire goes to chassis ground.

    2. That is correct.

    3. When you fire the motor the 8973 is using the Run Retard Curve graph until you apply a momentary 12 volts to the blue wire and it changes to the Launch Retard Curve graph. If both the Launch and Run Retard curves graphs have zero retard in them you will not see any timing difference. Just a momentary 12 volts to the blue wire or you can leave 12 volts on it for a while if it comes from the clutch switch. Just as long as the 12 volts goes away from the blue wire at the moment of launch. That 12 volts being on the blue wire also energizes the Two Step and the release of the 12 volts activates the Launch Retard. The easiest way to handle the timing is to wire up one of the Step Retards to a constant 12 volts anytime the 8973 has power. So if you used Step Retard #3 and have it energized all the time then you can use it like a Timing Chip. If you start the motor and put the timing light on it and it reads 40* then put 4* retard into Step Retard #3 so it retards back to 36*. Now any time you check the timing and it is off rather than moving the crank trigger just change the required degrees in Step Retard #3. This makes life easier. If you just had a Pro Mag 44 without the crank trigger then you can do the same thing so you don't have to turn that mag with the motor running and get zapped.

    If the 8973 fails the motor shuts down because the ProMag Electronic Points Box shuts down.

    4. I run ours with a crank trigger in MagComp in DegAUTO and I have never worried about that 4*. Forget the 4* and act like it is not there. As soon as you adjust the timing it is gone.

    5. Take the voltage for he capacitator from the distribution block on floor board

    If you have alread have the mag timed for 36* and you set up the crank trigger and either adjust it to 36* with a timing light or adjust Step Retard #3 so you have 36* with a timing light then the rotor phasing of the mag will be right on.

    Make sure Start Retard has zero degrees in it.

    Without the motor running and 12 volts turned on to the 8973 have a laptop hooked up to the 8973 and check the "MONITORS"" area in the upper left quadrant of the screen. It will tell you if any retards are on or off and other nice things about the 8973. If you use Step Retard #3 as a timing chip then ot will show that Step Retard #3 is turned on. You can also watch the MONITORS section when the motor is running to make sure everything is good.
  3. Danny Humphreys

    Aug 4, 2003
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    Good luck Howard, I think you're reeally gonna like the adjustability of power you'll have to work with
  4. Creech

    Creech Member

    Dec 5, 2008
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    possibly disconnect the 8973 from the loop to eliminate a variable if it does it again.
  5. aj481x

    aj481x Member

    Jan 27, 2004
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    3. When you fire the motor the 8973 is using the Run Retard Curve graph until you apply a momentary 12 volts to the blue wire and it changes to the Launch Retard Curve graph. If both the Launch and Run Retard curves graphs have zero retard in them you will not see any timing difference. Just a momentary 12 volts to the blue wire or you can leave 12 volts on it for a while if it comes from the clutch switch. Just as long as the 12 volts goes away from the blue wire at the moment of launch. That 12 volts being on the blue wire also energizes the Two Step and the release of the 12 volts activates the Launch Retard. The easiest way to handle the timing is to wire up one of the Step Retards to a constant 12 volts anytime the 8973 has power. So if you used Step Retard #3 and have it energized all the time then you can use it like a Timing Chip. If you start the motor and put the timing light on it and it reads 40* then put 4* retard into Step Retard #3 so it retards back to 36*. Now any time you check the timing and it is off rather than moving the crank trigger just change the required degrees in Step Retard #3. This makes life easier. If you just had a Pro Mag 44 without the crank trigger then you can do the same thing so you don't have to turn that mag with the motor running and get zapped.

    This is a very good tip :)
  6. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    Here are my recommended steps:

    1. Leave 8973 in box it was shipped, complete with packing material.

    1 a. If installed, uninstall and place back in box it was shipped.

    2. Go to www.insidetopalcohol.com and place an ad on free classifieds for nearly new 8973 box. You may have to take a small hit on what you paid for it. Realize that you are potentially saving much more than what you are losing.

    3. Place an ad on that same website's classifieds looking for a used six shooter set up. You should be able to find a used leahy controller box, which is as easy as setting your alarm clock.

    4. Install six shooter and whatever controller you buy. Set the trigger to the timing you're actually going to run. Stage 1 of the six shooter needs to be the amount of retard on the button and then stages 2-6 are retard stages.

    5. No need to lug lap top around to make last minute changes. No cumbersome software to interpret what a certain retard is really going to do.

    6. Yes, these things eat Pro Mod motors too. Ask Wesley Jones about his last run in Dallas where he nearly burnt the car to the ground after it pushed the head gaskets out on all 4 corners of the motor, with the same tuneup as he usually runs.

    Good luck Howard, and if you need any help, don't hesistate to give me a call.
  7. Mike Canter

    Mike Canter Top Dragster
    Staff Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    Will there can be numous reasons why a motor blows and it does not have to be the 8973. That logic is silly. It seems like you are the only one that really thinks he has had problems with the 8973 and I believe as you stated that was because you failed to use a shielded crank trigger cable. The one or two other racers that you keep on quoting that had problems were so long ago and you never give specifics. There are so many FCs and ProMods all over the world running the 8973 for years now without problems. Like I said before it can't do things that it is not designed to do. Maybe your 8973 had it in for you and those ones and zeros all changed to twos just to spite you or in was taken over by aliens.:)

    If you feel the 8973 is too complicated for you then maybe the six shooter is better for you but the rest of us can handle it and use it correctly. I have seen guys have loads of problems getting six shooters to work correctly also but that doesn't mean that the six shooter is bad.
  8. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    for the record, all cars i've ever been associated with have the leahy trigger, which is shielded.

    name all of the tafc's running well with one...

    i can handle the software, i really wish it worked. it's nice to be able to plot a curve on a graph rather than use the chips. however, it's not the most user-friendly software ever created, and i'm a computer guy. i can imagine someone who barely knows how to turn the computer on trying to program their box.

    i'm done arguing about it. that's just my opinion.
  9. reeper

    reeper Fuel Altered

    Jul 5, 2004
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    For sale 8973 slightly used but not abused. Ck. good by Lahey
    $500.00 plus ride.Larry Reep
  10. aj481x

    aj481x Member

    Jan 27, 2004
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    For Sale: Box of six shooters, retard boxes, timers, chips, wire, switches, etc. Not used in 2 years since we switched to 8973. :D:p:D
  11. fastavenger 588

    fastavenger 588 New Member

    Feb 19, 2008
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    8973 good part if u know what u are doing

    we have run it for a year now with out aney prob we sure like it :D
  12. Mike Canter

    Mike Canter Top Dragster
    Staff Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    That's good Stan (LMAOROTF)
  13. H BROWN

    H BROWN blown alky

    Sep 20, 2004
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    mike, thanks for all the knowledge again, that will keep me busy this weekend LOL Thanks every one else on the input.

    Will i gotta try to tame her down and hope this is the way to go, so hopefully technology will prevail:rolleyes:
  14. wheelie

    wheelie Member

    Nov 15, 2004
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    Will has a good point, if changes cannot be made easily in the staging lanes right before a run, this is a negative right? Or do most of you keep a generator and a laptop going on your golf cars/pit vehicles :D:D:D
  15. aj481x

    aj481x Member

    Jan 27, 2004
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    I think most laptops have a battery. :)
  16. pentastarrail

    pentastarrail Top Dragster

    Aug 23, 2007
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    8973 question

    This is some good info.
    Thanks guys.
    I do have a question;
    I have an 8973 BUT instead of using the 2-step feature I use a throttle controller.
    Is the 2-step feature OK to use with a blown (1471 hemi) engine?
    I know they made the 8973 for blown engines BUT I just don't want any popping or banging like a regular engine on a 2 step.
    I would rather use the 2-step if it doesn't harm anything.

    Howard, It should work OK for you. I tried mine and it seems to work well for pulling power away when you need to.

    Thanks again for the info.
  17. Mike Canter

    Mike Canter Top Dragster
    Staff Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    We use a Two Step from the 8973 with our blown motor. It is down all the time in ProMods. The 8973 uses what they call a softtouch rev limiter that is not as bad as a regular Two Step. We push the throttle so that it just starts hitting the limiter on prestage light and once both stage lights are on it is to the floor on the Two Step holding at 5000 RPM making 27 lbs of boost..... :D:D
  18. JRB

    JRB Guest

    Mike is right. The 8973 works great as far as the 2 step function. Many teams use it. We have used it on Roots cars and Screw cars. Works killer. I personally love it. We`ve all heard the horror stories(Will :eek:) but ive never personally seen anything happen.

    Canter knows this box. Call him for questions. I can help out as well.



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