bent rods

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by wilman0069, Feb 23, 2009.

  1. wilman0069

    wilman0069 New Member

    May 25, 2008
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    I had reher-morrison build me a new 565 for blown alky combo. Wes put steel manley rods in it. Run time is only in my shop. I have at least 3 bent rods (the h beams look like a double s). What would cause this with a 14-71? Not enough rod or too much fuel? (DMPE set up the fuel curve and supplied all parts) The bearings look good. The only odd thing I've noticed is a peculiar smell in exhaust like too rich or detoniation. Runninf 10 plus w/ 8973 controller. Blower is BDS air loc w/ 28% od.
  2. Mike Canter

    Mike Canter Top Dragster
    Staff Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    Are you running a crank trigger with the 8973?
  3. Ron C

    Ron C Jr. Dragster

    Mar 4, 2005
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    A load of raw fuel in the cylinder will hydralic a rod.
    Might be a thought.

    Blessings........Ron Clevenger.
  4. crashly

    crashly Member

    Sep 2, 2006
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    what does the crank trigger do mike ?
  5. 560Jim

    560Jim Member

    Aug 11, 2007
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    Which rods are bent ?
    Is the blower an open or delta bottom?
    Is the blower set back?
    What alerted you to the bent rod problem?
  6. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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    When we first started racing alky almost 20 years ago we bent a few rods just starting it up because the guy with the squirt bottle thought he was putting out the Yorba Linda fires or was in charge of starting the worlds largest BBQ.

    Depending on your shut off proceedure you might be leaving a cylinder or two full of alky. If you don't back it down before spinning the starter again it would be crunch time.

  7. wilman0069

    wilman0069 New Member

    May 25, 2008
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    I am running a crank trigger with the 8973. I prime up the engine on race fuel with small electric pump. Kill the motor with the shut off valve (run it out of fuel) The blower is full open bottom no set back. I ran a 8-71 all last year using the same start up and kill procedure. The blower is new and all the fuel system is new from DMPE.
  8. wilman0069

    wilman0069 New Member

    May 25, 2008
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    I know for sure that 4, 6, and 8 are bent. I just pulled the pan to inspect bearings because we were gonna make some test and tunes this weekend. The rods were obvious to the naked eye.
  9. Mike Canter

    Mike Canter Top Dragster
    Staff Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    The reason I ask about the crank trigger because unless the wire from the crank trigger to the 8973 is a shielded wire it will pickup interference from the sparkplug firing and randomly fire the 8973 causing what appears to be random detonation. MSD makes a special shielded wire that has a extra small black wire at one end. This wire has to be grounded to the chassis. Even then you still need to run that cable away from every other cable and far from the sparkplug wires.

    So where is the 8973 located and what make crank trigger are you using and do you have a shielded cable that has the extra black ground wire on it? The MSD part number for the cable is #8164.
  10. CAlbertTAD149

    CAlbertTAD149 New Member

    Feb 19, 2006
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    like randy said, did you back it down? if the car stalls, or you shut it off and then restart without backing it down, that can bend the rods. you said the bearings looked good, and if you have detonation, that usually hammers the bearing. mike is right too, so if you dont have it set up the way he explained, you might want to change that too, it can only help. also if the rod was bent, you might not have the normal amt of air in the cylinder (not enough?) causing it to smell rich.
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2009
  11. wilman0069

    wilman0069 New Member

    May 25, 2008
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    It is a Leahy crank trigger. It does have a shiel that grounds to frame. The 8973 came with a shielded wire also that grounds to frame. There is one 6' length of MSD trigger wire that tie the two together that is not a shielded wire. It must be a common wire for msd (green and violet) used it on several msd"s igns. in the past. I think I know the answer= I had trouble getting it to fire when I first started it up. I remeber seeing alky/ race fuel come out of the zoomies. Would that be the culprit?
  12. 560Jim

    560Jim Member

    Aug 11, 2007
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    If it has enough fuel in the blower/manifold when it starts it can hydraulic. Sounds like there may have been enough fuel comming out the chimneys for this to be likely. Interesting that the bent rods are almost in the firing order. May pay to check number three closely.
  13. backmotor

    backmotor Owner/Crewchief/Test Pilot

    Jan 1, 2004
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    It is odd that all three bent rods are on the right bank (4,6, & 8) was it parked on an incline (side to side) and the primer fuel puddled on one side when starting it ?? :confused:
  14. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    firing order

    speaking of firing order, sounds like a stupid question, but are you 100% you don't have a wire crossed? sometimes it's real obvious and they pop and bang, other times it just sounds real off.

    possibly disconnect the 8973 from the loop to eliminate a variable if it does it again.
  15. Bottlefed

    Bottlefed New to Blowers

    Feb 20, 2008
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    For what its worth BBC nitrous motors usually eat the even # cylinders first, they suffer more than 1357 as a general rule.

    Richard Gavle
  16. Mike Canter

    Mike Canter Top Dragster
    Staff Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    That unshielded siz foot section of crank trigger wire is like an antenna to electromagnetic interference that can cause the 8973 to randomly fire cylinders. Believe me we all suffered for years with nitrous motor on the MSD Digital 7 ignition systems so much so that most nitrous Promods back 5-7 years ago switched to Mallory ignitions. We would send our ignition systems back to MSD saying we had a timing problem and they would return it saying no problems found. Then they cam out wth the shielded crank trigger cable and all the problems went away. The 8973 is basically a Digital 7 system. You can probably use the MSD part # 8862 as an extension to the crank trigger to replace that unshielded section. Regardless if this caused the problem or not I highly recommend running a continous shielded cable that has the shield grounded.

    This is the writeup I normally give to Digital 7 users...
    MSD crank triggers and ignition boxes are very sensitive to interference from sparkplugs firing, electric fans and electric water pumps or even nitrous solenoids turning on or off. This type of interference is called Electro Magnetic Interference or EMI. When MSD crank triggers are used the cable running from the crank trigger back to the MSD ignition box becomes an antenna for picking up all the EMI being generated by anything electrical on the motors and causes the MDS ignition box to randomly fire. This random firing can cause serious damage to a motor or may just cause it to backfire or just pop through the exhaust or just not run right. Sometimes this EMI will cause the ignition box to fire at a time that will take out one or more pistons or rods and will appear like detonation. These problems may just take out a piston every 20 to 30 races or every other race.

    To fix this problem MSD has made a special new crank trigger cable, MSD Part #8862. This new cable is shielded internally and has a separate ground wire for the shield. To see if you have this new cable check the connecting plug at the end of the crank trigger cable that is closest to the MSD ignition box and see if it has a separate black ground wire or not. The new 8862 shielded cable has a separate black wire with a lug on it to be attached to chassis ground. If you do not have this new shielded cable then I highly recommend that you get one. If you have this new cable but have not attached the ground wire to chassis ground then you should do hat as soon as possible.

    I also advise that even with the new 8862 shielded cable that you still run it as far away from any other wires and as far away from electric motors as possible
  17. wilman0069

    wilman0069 New Member

    May 25, 2008
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    I have double checked all cylinder firing order, all is good. The car is not on any incline, it is actually 6" in the air on my car lift. I will replace the non shielded wire with one. Thanks for all the input. I am also replacing the steel rods with MGP aluminum rods and getting the motor rebalanced. I'm not an engine builder but it seemed to me that this is too much power for a steel rod motor. Thanks again.
  18. Creech

    Creech Member

    Dec 5, 2008
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    14-71 blown alky steel rods, it didnt bend all of em?
  19. wilman0069

    wilman0069 New Member

    May 25, 2008
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    No, two were severly snaked and one had a small ripple.
  20. jim phillips

    jim phillips ta/fc

    Apr 29, 2007
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    are your sure you are someone didnt squrit to much fuel when priming it and it tried to hydro lock the motor when you tried to start it

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