Marketing Paper

Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by centerplugs4life, Feb 22, 2009.

  1. centerplugs4life

    Oct 2, 2007
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    I am doing a marketing paper on why NASCAR is more succesful than NHRA in terms of marketing their product. I need some sources to back up my arguements. So anyone caring to comment on this would be very much appreciated. If you do comment please list your full name, what you do in the sport or the world of business, and number of years involved. Thank you very much for all of your help.

    Thanks Will for this amazing site. Without it would take me hours at race tracks to do all of this research.

    Chris Harubin
    NHRA AFC 357
  2. Eric David Bru

    Sep 4, 2005
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    What are your arguments?

  3. centerplugs4life

    Oct 2, 2007
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    David good thought. I quess I should give you some of my thoughts. First is that society on a whole loves the Jerry Springer feel of NASCAR the drivers fighting in the infield after an accident. Basically the overall drama of the drivers which creates rivalries. There hasn't been a good rivarly in drag racing in years. Secondly, in the late 90's Jeff Foxworthy and others made being a red neck a good thing. He brought a new way of life to people who never though of it the quickest and easiest way to become a redneck if you live in South Cali start watching NASCAR. I also think to a sponsor the pace of drag racing doesnt work. As long as you dont wreck you car is going to be on TV for three hours. Even if you win at NHRA event how long is your car going to be on TV maybe ten minutes. That is if the basketball game doesnt run long and shorten the amount of TV the show gets. I have some others but that should get the ball rolling.
  4. Eric David Bru

    Sep 4, 2005
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    I am with ya thus far...

  5. AFC357

    AFC357 New Member

    Nov 19, 2007
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    Rivalries is HUGE for marketing, remember Snake -vs-Mongoose? Havn't had much of that since the 70's. With all the corporate sponsorships, the "nick names" has disappeared. The cars used to have as much (or more) personality as the drivers. Nascar is much easier to televise, oil-down KILL live TV! I also think bracket racing killed to appeal of drag racing for spectators (although it is what helped the local tracks survive) and makes it affordable for everyone. Look at the success Milan Dragway has on their Friday Night shows..ALL heads-up classes, great racing, a good announcer and they get 7 to 8k butts in the stands! Gotta get back to work
  6. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    To quote Jules Winnfield, "Well allow me to retort.." (jk, I just like using Pulp Fiction lines whenever possible)

    While there is no doubt that Nascar is bigger than NHRA, a strong argument can be made that NHRA offers better value. We just can't reach the volume Nascar can. In the end, that is why Winston went to Nascar.

    I forget if it was T. Wayne Robertson or whoever was in charge of Winston when they were forced by law to choose one sport to sponsor, was quoted as saying NHRA offered better value. There have been numerous Street & Smith's Sports Marketing Journal articles devoted to this subject, along with a CNBC spot on this as well.

    One marketing strength that drag racing has that no other sport has is for roughly 5 minutes, everybody in the stands and on tv are focused on the two cars, potentially a company's billboard. I forget the numbers, but I think it's like 85% of a Nascar broadcast is devoted to the top 10. If you are in the back of the pack, now you have to split the TV time with 30 other cars. At the track, you have 43 billboards passing you, and you only see them when they are in your part of the track.

    For 5 million you can have a top program in NHRA. I don't know that you would get the trunk of a competitive Nascar program for that. Or you could be a Truck sponsor. Given the state of things right now, 2.5 mil could probably get you a top program right now in NHRA.

    As far as live TV goes, oil downs create a problem, but I think a producer that actually knew the sport could pull it off. Have some pit reporters that are in touch, and always have a story or driver to talk to for an oil down. You have to put the commercials somewhere, too. Not to mention, it's a great time to run some archive Diamond P footage. Nascar has it's share of yellow flags, and it's not the end of the world. The announcers and production team pull the slack during those times.

    Everyone talks about NHRA making that next step. I don't see them going much further without live TV. How popular would NFL be with tape delayed games?

    Rivalries are fine, but as far as the fighting back in the pits, do we really want that? Nascar has gotten so commercialized, sometimes it seems like a damn WWE wrestling show. In some ways we have to be careful what we wish for.
  7. JustinatAce

    JustinatAce Member

    Oct 20, 2008
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    I think two major things put NASCAR ahead of NHRA as far as publicity.

    #1 - NASCAR events can be shown live without much down time in comparision to NHRA events, which is why they will always get live primetime television coverage on major networks. If all you want to show is the Pro classes, then you'll be waiting a little while between pro passes.

    #2 - NASCAR has just done a better job of appealing to the masses. When was the last time you saw a movie made about real drag racing? Fast and the Furious does not count. They've done a great job of marketing their drivers, and with the exception of last year with all the moving around that happened, you can buy #20 hats or #29 shirts and your driver will most likely have the same number next year. You've got 43-45 different cars at any given race that you can root for in the same class. You've got massive car pileups at the big tracks that the drivers usually walk away from and people love that. Then after the pileup, the racers attack each other, usually verbally but sometimes in slap fights. It's a 200mph demolition derby. They go through cars like there is no tomorrow. NHRA has wrecks, but they usually don't end very well. Then, if NHRA drivers are going to start crap, what do you have? Staging games? Talking crap? You're average joe can't relate to that because they aren't educated to it, they can relate more to getting somebody loose and putting them in a wall when you're mad.

    The NHRA has a ton to offer, you don't see NASCAR guys rebuilding motors in their pit stops, doing wheel stands and awesome burnouts. The family atmosphere, the speed, sights and smells are unmatched anywhere in motorsports. NASCAR has just done a much better job marketing and relating their sport to the general public, educating their fans and creating an incredible following.

    Justin Jacobsen
  8. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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    Two major things that put NHRA Drag Racing ahead of NASCAR.

    #1. Fans can't get within a hundred miles of the pits in NASCAR so there is no chance for interaction with teams or drivers at all while every ticket is a pit pas with the NHRA. Plus, TV will never do drag racing justice. That's why #1 is so important. And NASCAR will never allow #1.

    #2. NHRA Drag Racing appeals to a wider fan base, demographically speaking. NASCAR is the "Good 'Ol Boys." NHRA is the face of America. I think some companies are starting to "get it."

    #3 (Ooops, I said 2 things). Anyone with a strong enough desire can work their way up the ranks and end up a professional in the NHRA. All they have to do is prove they can do it. I doubt that is possible at NASCAR because of their high fences separating the fans from the racers. What this means is the kids in the stands can dream of some day actually becoming a professional racer like Spencer Massey did. Just like the kids in the stands at a baseball game holding their mits and hoping to catch a foul ball. They dream of playing in left field in 10-15 years.

    Last edited: Feb 23, 2009
  9. JustinatAce

    JustinatAce Member

    Oct 20, 2008
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    Excellent points. :)
  10. centerplugs4life

    Oct 2, 2007
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    Do you guys realize that there hasnt been a commerical for drag racing since the last diamond p broadcast in 1992. Hell I get to watch NASCAR commercials during the NHRA race. Somebody needs to bring back the SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY ads on the tv and not just on the radio.
    Another thing I can up with is this NASCAR has three basic sactioning bodies all working together all one under the other. NASCAR, Bush series, and ARCA. How many different sactioning are there for drag racing NHRA, IHRA, NMCA, NMRA, ARDL just to name the ones I can think of no of them working together to promote to the sport. Most times they are arguing amongst themselves which is better. I hope this makes sense. I have been writing for hours. :D
    Thanks for everyones replies please feel free to keep them coming.
  11. altered boy

    altered boy Outlaw Altered

    Aug 4, 2003
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    well if you want drag racing to rival napcar... oops.. i mean nascar here is what ya need to do:

    1-bring back the fuel altereds man... my grandma could pilot one of those long-ass dragsters

    2-get rid of the center-line... it's just a damn 'guideline' anyway! amirite?

    3-nascar got one thing right... rubbin' is racin'! freaking randy baker and i have been trying to teach you guys that for years!

    4-did i mention bring back the fuel altereds?

    and last but not least...

    5-mandatory mohawks baby!!
  12. Dan Lynch

    Dan Lynch Member

    May 7, 2003
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    How about the Nascar ad playing on the Pomona Alky show the other night... G'N'R with some great camera work... Was a great commercial... Almost made me want to watch some Nascar this up coming weekend...
  13. crdafoe

    crdafoe Member

    Oct 8, 2005
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    One HUGE thing that CrashCar has over Drag racing is that a totally brain dead idiot can understand it, and there is only ONE "Winner". Specifically, you don't have to learn about Red Lights, ET, MPH, Reaction time, Top Fuel/Funny Car/Pro Stock/Alcohol classes etc. There are a lot of factors that one must learn to properly understand Drag Racing.

    Conversely, If you want to take a room full of idiots, give them a couple cases of beer that they proceed to get smashed on, they can STILL understand the concept of cars following each other around an oval, and whoever gets to the finish line first is the winner. And when their buddies at the Piggly Wiggly ask them "Who Won", they can answer "(Insert the favorite CrashCar driver of the month here)" DUH.

    One thing that NHRA has been stupid on though is their 40-year-old slogan ago "The Cars are the Stars". NasCar has, over the past 30 years or so, used every marketing opportunity they could to promote their drivers. The cars themselves are irrelevant, as is how fast they go, how much horsepower they have, etc. You could ask almost anyone on Main Street USA to name a NasCar driver and everyone would probably know about Dale Earnhardt, and lots would know Jeff Gordon, Dale Jr, Tony Stewart, etc. But if you asked those same persons to name any NHRA drivers and I'd bet you'd get a lot of blank stares. IMO NHRA has squandered 30 years of opportunity to advance the sport of Drag Racing by not promoting the drivers more.

    But my opinion and 75 cents will buy you a cup of coffee!
  14. Eric David Bru

    Sep 4, 2005
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    I still like the idea of running the TF vs the TF/FC and the TA/D vs the TA/FC and then one more round for a Top Eliminator final - final...

    Kinda like the Winston deal from years ago... :cool:


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