TAD Parity

Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by dirty rat, Aug 25, 2004.

  1. dirty rat

    dirty rat Jr. Dragster

    May 8, 2003
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    I dont think anyone wants to spend K$ on new parts or make huge chansges to tune up and the associated learning curves. We are a team who has race blown alcohol for 20 years. we race becuase we enjoy the competition and the friends that we have made.
    We sugest that the blower overdrive be incraesed to 2.25%. This would allow the blowers to make air at a lower rpm (-500) and maybe reduce some of the breakage. If the NHRA wants they could insist that a chip be placed to limit max rpm. Also lower the wieght minium to 1950 lbs. We believe that these changes could improve the parity about .07/.08 sec.
    A limit on technology in the A/F ie. fuel pumps. clutches, ect, to currently available parts not to slow them down, but to control the rapid pace they are evolving at now.
    These changes are relatively cheap. don't require huge changes in tune up and can be affective to parity and can be monitored easily.
    I hope the NHRA can see the need for changes as TAD needs both Blown alcohol and A Fuel dragsters.
  2. mitch myers

    mitch myers Guest

    Your all wet. Parity smarity, You wanna see parity go to last weekends results from Montana my friend. Anything over 4000 ft density altitude and I want the blown cars to add 200 lbs and be limited to 2.00 on the blowers. Hows that for wishful thinking!
  3. The Zone

    The Zone Member

    Sep 14, 2003
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    I bet most teams would agree to it Mitch, if They could have the same enhancements the other way at altitudes below 4000 density (IE gizmo and you take away 200 lbs from their current weight).

    BTW, not to make you mad or start a fight, but why did your team go to Billings. Were you trying something new to try and make up for the altitude.
    I know that Ed Verenka has run in the 5.60's at high (Calgary last year 6500 corrected)

  4. was R4K

    was R4K Member

    Jun 20, 2003
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    If I remember- Mitch tied B. Johnson at the last NHRA points meet in Calgary for a 5.6 track record- It was a memorable run of Beauty! Not sure of corrected altitude that day, but the track sits at 3300 ft.
  5. tjenna

    tjenna Top Alcohol

    May 15, 2003
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    Wasn't Boggs able to attend?

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