BAE / VENEY / AJPE / TOTAL FLOW which heads?

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by William Payne, Jan 15, 2009.

  1. William Payne

    William Payne New Member

    Jul 19, 2008
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    Hello , I am intending to over the next year start buying up parts as I can afford them so that I can finally get on the path to going drag racing . I am not looking at buying right now but I like to look ahead .

    I was just wondering who makes the best heads though out of the ones I listed and who ever else makes heads . I am not sure what class I will build a car for to learn in but will probably be some form of alchy combination with the intention of moving to a nitro combination in the future . Being a Mopar fan I would like to use a Chrysler engine and with the amount of chrysler hand me down stuff that winds up for sale I don't see why I should look at buying parts for other engines .

    As I said I am only looking ahead it is all a dream in my head right now but just thought I would ask the questions .
  2. jonimus333

    jonimus333 New Member

    Nov 7, 2007
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    I beleave that buying fuel heads etc. is a little cheaper than the fathead stuff. But it depends on what you are looking for as to what class you can afford to run. Don,t start buying parts until you are close enough with your budget, to buy. Save all the money until ready. Then get the parts you will need. There are lots of parts that won't work together, Talking from experiance. Lots of it. Good luck Don
  3. jim phillips

    jim phillips ta/fc

    Apr 29, 2007
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    no kidding the venney stuff wont work the brad stuff either but for sure the older brad fuel heads cheaper and easier to come by i agree save your money
  4. AFC357

    AFC357 New Member

    Nov 19, 2007
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    Total Flow and BAE interchange, stands and all! Steve at Total Flow is the BEST!
  5. Danny Humphreys

    Aug 4, 2003
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    Save your money!! Whatever you buy today, there will be something better in 2-3 years if you are looking at top of the line new stuff. If you are looking at more budget minded, older stuff, put save your $ together and try to buy a complete engine from a reliable source. You will save money versus piecing it together.
  6. secondwindracing

    secondwindracing top alcohol

    Feb 10, 2004
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  7. William Payne

    William Payne New Member

    Jul 19, 2008
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    When buying used parts like heads and blocks , if you went to the manufacturer looking for advice will they still touch them or do they want nothing to do with used stuff ?
  8. jonimus333

    jonimus333 New Member

    Nov 7, 2007
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    Brad seems to help when you need it. Most people are willing to help you, if they don't help don't buy there stuff. There are lots of ways to go fast. The main thing is make a dicission on what you want to do, and stick by it. There a alot of ways to skin a cat. Don

    Feb 14, 2005
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    Again,it depends on $$$$ and how fast you want to go...all the heads mentioned will work fine at a 5.80's a 2300lb car ..we run aj hemi at 5.90's in a f/c or fiat altered/lencodrive @ under 8500rpm and little maintenance ...
  10. William Payne

    William Payne New Member

    Jul 19, 2008
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    I noticed BAE have a price list and AJPE doesnt so I shot them an email asking if they had some form of a price list and I kept getting a failed delivery return email lol oh well .

    I am not intending on buying anything until later in the year but thought I would try and get a price list to know how much money to save . I do know this much I will be buying blocks , heads , and blowers used because they cost a flaming fortune everything else in the engine I will try and buy new .

    Though hey its all in my head right now just a pipe dream .
  11. Co-Line

    Co-Line Member

    Jun 9, 2004
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    Cylinder Head Options

    Co-Line produces a very nice cylinder head as well. These are the cylinder head that is many times known as the Medlen or Randy Anderson heads.

    Many of the BAE items & std. valvetrains will interchange with it and they are affordably priced. We manufacture in house as well as offer full repair services. Development of the next generation is in process at this time...

    It has proven to work well for a variety of people -
    Dale Brand - IHRA A/FC record 5.64 @ 249
    Howard Anderson - 2008 AA/Gas Supercharged Champion
    Bob DeVour, Don Hudson, Cody Perkins, and many others utilize the heads with good success.

    And if you are on a tight budget, we typically have some used pairs from our own car available at any time!
  12. William Payne

    William Payne New Member

    Jul 19, 2008
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    How did these heads come about? I have heard of them but don't know the history behind them .
  13. jonimus333

    jonimus333 New Member

    Nov 7, 2007
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    Do your homework on the blocks and heads and other parts. Know what to look for. every part has a certain area that has a weak spot. Know what questions to ask and where to look. And be honest with your self, about what you want to do, how deep your pockets are, and be realistic with horse power numbers.Getting down the track and going fast is a total package. Not just a bunch of go fast parts. Good Luck Don
  14. Rockin' Robin WKR

    Rockin' Robin WKR New Member

    Jun 8, 2006
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    Who's running hemi stuff there in New Zealand? Maybe you should stick close to what they are doing so you have a "pool" to work with. Are you crewing with anybody there so you can learn more about this stuff? How about a Sainty motor out of Australia? NHRA banned it, so you know it's got to be good!
  15. William Payne

    William Payne New Member

    Jul 19, 2008
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    Lol what do mean pool? if you mean people selling or sharing stuff , well most of the people down here keep their engine parts close to themselves they generally only have enough stuff for themselves .

    There are a few hemis down here , I can think of about 7 off the top of my head , though dont expect to see the guys that have them selling them off or sharing parts lol .

    I am a mopar fan so I intend on a hemi combination . I am a long long way away from doing anything yet I am just trying to learn about whats what and who sells what . I dont have much experiance with building hemi's but I know how they work because I spend most of my spare time reading about them .

    I think about engines pretty much 24/7 . I just want to ask all the silly questions now so that when I am at the point where I can do something I will have a fair idea of what I am doing .
  16. Rockin' Robin WKR

    Rockin' Robin WKR New Member

    Jun 8, 2006
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    I was referring to a pool of knowledge as well as parts. You know, someone that is doing the same thing that could be a source of help if needed. I can tell you from experience that doing a one-off combination that's different then everyone else's has its pluses and minuses. That's us. Last year we dropped a valve at the beginning of the season and it took all summer to finally get it all back together. That's when you realize you need two of everything.

    BTW, the link I posted is essentially a hemi on steroids. That Sainty motor has all the fixes that NHRA won't allow in Top Fuel. It's extremely one-off!
  17. nitrohaulic

    nitrohaulic Bracket Racer

    Nov 8, 2004
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    That's worked for me over here. Was a Chevy hot rod/bracket guy now turning to hemi. My hemi friends are invaluable when it comes to "Will this fit?" :)

    Be very d*mn careful about buying stuff over here and having it shipped over there. A good friend of mine got screwed badly by a name guy on a hemi engine. Every f***ing thing in it was junk. People will be looking to you as a way to sell their cracked sh*t and you'll have no recourse.

    The Rodeck block I have for sale, I paid someone on Nitromater who lived in the area to go have a look at it for me. He and his dad were old time bracket racers and at least knew to look for cracks.

    I've been paid more than once to inspect and purchase parts for people before shipping them, myself.
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2009

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