Impact recalling 2008 sfi 20 suits

Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by Tommy, Jan 27, 2009.

  1. Tommy

    Tommy Super Comp

    Jul 27, 2003
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    1st the -20 firesuits don't recert a few years ago and were made to say -15's making them useless to FC drivers then the -20 boots are not passing even the new ones that were handed out at Pamona in 2008 that replaced last new new ones. now Impact is getting all the 08 manfctrd SFI 20 fire suits. and if you have one of these at pamona the rumor is you wont be able to wear it ever ayt all. better get that old firesuit out of the closet I wonder how a 2008 is no good but 2007 or 2006 is? just asking a question what else is no good, helmets,gloves,tony's firesuit at Pamona last year when he got burned. what the hell is going on.
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2009
  2. GregM784

    GregM784 Member

    Aug 24, 2008
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    First thing: Pomona

    Second thing: where did you hear about the recall? I'm very interested.
  3. East Coast Guy

    East Coast Guy New Member

    Nov 4, 2008
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    after dealing with impact on their -20 boots i've come to the conclusion that i'll never buy another thing from them again, they gave me an uneasy feeling..
  4. GregM784

    GregM784 Member

    Aug 24, 2008
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    I'im with you. They have my boots, and my helmet. I can't seem to get htem to SHIP them BACK to me. i'm pretty screwed.
  5. top505

    top505 New Member

    Jul 28, 2008
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    Is Impact going to be held accountable?

    All of this just brings up more questions and we all should be screaming for answers. Impact should be sending all of our money back for the boots and the suits. I tried to get answers back at the PRI show and they had none about the "New" "New" boot which they didn't have on display. Now the suits may or may not meet specs.

    Here is the other question - Why is this not on the NHRA website? They are suppose to be watching over us!

    What are we suppose to do once we get to Pomona and they don't pass inspection? How long has this gone on and why NOW just a week away from the race are we finding this out. This leaves little time to find new gear.

    I won't be putting IMPACT back on thats for sure.

    Has anyone else tried to call them? Good luck - IF you can get anyone to answer the phone.
  6. marklee

    marklee Blown Alcohol Dirt Drags

    May 21, 2007
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    THE only ONE who watches over US is the good LORD!!!!!!!!! Mark.
  7. William Payne

    William Payne New Member

    Jul 19, 2008
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    Isn't Impact suppost to be the best , didn't Bill Simpson start Impact when he left Simpson . What are they doing to have these problems , I hope they aren't trying to cut costs or anything because you should never try and be cheap when it comes to safety equipment , ever . This is worrying , me not being a racer this doesnt effect me but I was hoping to use Impact stuff oneday but with these problems is that a good idea.
  8. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    i can bring my Taylor/Phoenix suit and gear if this is true and someone needs a suit for Pomona
  9. clint thompson

    Jan 15, 2004
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    terrible service

    I wouldn't wear Impact stuff now if they gave it all to me. I had a terrible time last year with the Boots and a new helmet. bought the biggest one they had in three different styles still didn't fit. Called Simpson and had a trusty Bandit in 3 days fits perfectly. Impact gave me hell about the refunds and i still ended up paying some of the shipping costs. Terrible support.
  10. Chi Town Brown

    Mar 25, 2005
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    FIRST thing that needs to be fixed in this thread is THE FACTS!!!

    It WAS NOT Impact who wouldn't cert a -20 to a -20 on recert. IT WAS SIMPSON who would not recertify anything (Even a NEW NEVER WORN) -20 back to a -20. They would only give it a -15. And -15 a -10 and -10 to a -5 and so on. Reason: Material compaction. How the F#*^@ can you get material compaction hanging on a hanger if it was never worn? They lost allot of customers with those practices

    I hear as of late they have reversed there thinking.
  11. nitromilt

    nitromilt New Member

    Feb 7, 2006
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    I have a custom made extra-lightweight -20 firesuit that comes with a driver if anyone needs one.
  12. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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    I'll tell you what I heard. Rumors, mind you.

    The suits would not recert to -20 because they were never made to a -20 spec in the first place. The "new" Simpson company inherited the problem. Since the "new" company was still liable for "old" company suits, the rumor was that the people in power (you decide who that is) mandated a reinspection of all suits to get the "crap" off the streets.

    That's why the -20 suits in the closet that were hanging on a hanger and never worn were retagged what they really were...-15.

    You can decide if it's possible there was a little extra profit taking by cutting corners just before the transfer of ownership took place, at the expense of the racers? And yes, I have one of those suits.
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2009
  13. GregM784

    GregM784 Member

    Aug 24, 2008
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    Does NO ONE from Impact read this board? Come on guys, this is HORRID publicity. I for one and done wiht Impact.

    I have a pair of -20 boots for sale cheap. If i ever get them back from Impact.
  14. coyotedale

    coyotedale Member

    Dec 3, 2003
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    yeah, well too f***ing late. I sold my unused -20 for half what I paid, then went to see Dennis T and had him measure me up for one. It fits better, and is every bit as good as anything out there; service is where it is at.

    The line of b/s coming out of Simpson over why they would not recert was amazing. Some people just don't realize their own stupidity, and to try and b/s someone, it was like dealing with a retard who really thinks you are believing them. Their helmets are ok,,, but that is all I'll ever buy from them.
  15. Sean Bellemeur

    Sean Bellemeur Jr. Dragster

    Dec 28, 2003
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    Ok so I'm gonna chime in with a little plug, I got my suit 2 years ago from Design 500 up in Washington State. It is hands down the nicest, most comfortable suit I have owned and the integrity of it has held up nicely. The company is run by people who actually care about safety and they are very reasonably priced. Contact James at (206) 447-9860. They are actual humans that REALLY care about the well being of race drivers.
  16. duane shields

    duane shields New Member

    Apr 23, 2007
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    I have called and talked to an NHRA official (who I am not going to name) He did state that YES that if you have a 2008 SFI 20 and possibly a 15 firesuit it needs to be given back to Impact for some work. They will not be valid for Pomona.

    The Impact Boots that have a tag on them that you can't punch out the date on them, need to be sent back also. (Small tagged ones are ok)

    Make sure if you have boots or suit that you think may be in this list, you call Impact and ask them.

    There is suppose to be some suits available from Impact to get you through the race in Pomona, if your is not done yet.

    Because of legal reasons it seems that the companies don't want to post

    Impact phone number 317-852-3067

    Duane Shields
  17. East Coast Guy

    East Coast Guy New Member

    Nov 4, 2008
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    it's always about covering their own asses, instead of the people who bought their product expecting them to cover their asses, just my .02
  18. Lethal Threat Racing

    Apr 18, 2004
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    Buy from a company that buys US products. Some of this is due to the fact that some of the Driver Suite MFG's are buying products from China and other places. I SFI does not police this since a few guys were burned an independent sent a few items in to SFI and they did not pass. The product was not what was sent to SFI to get the Cert. I can not tell you how much Dennis Taylor has helped me out with gloves that fit like gloves, Boots that fit like boots, a driving suite that fits like a 3k suit.
  19. art d

    art d New Member

    Nov 4, 2006
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    I don't race alcohol, but have all Dennis Taylor safety equipment and it is all first class. Service is excellent, never a problem. He is a racer and helps support this sight by advertising on it. Why you guys would use anyone else's stuff is beyond me.
  20. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    big guy suit

    Thanks for the clarification Duane....

    If someone can fit in a one peice suit for a 6' 250 driver, I'll send my suit. May be cheaper to ship it than check it at the airport these days :rolleyes:

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