
Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by teamtukr, Jan 26, 2009.

  1. teamtukr

    teamtukr New Member

    Dec 24, 2005
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    i have dj chutes on funnycar they hit so hard it bounces the back of the car they are mounted low on rear end
    what chutes do you recommend stroud, simpson ??
    thanks glenn
  2. mikentracy718fc

    mikentracy718fc New Member

    Jan 5, 2006
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    Hey Glenn, Call Joe and talk to him personly. He can fix your problem. When I worked at Deist the Gasperelli's had the same problem and we put the Bridle line through the center of the chute and down the Shroud lines a ways. It caused them to open softer and quit picking the back of the car up. Changing manufactors is not going to fix the problem. If you can not move the mount up call Joe. Give him a chance to fix ya up. Good luck with that and hope to see ya some time this year. Miss ya out there since I have moved up in class.

    Mike Halstead

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