F/C Costs

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by COE, Dec 16, 2008.

  1. COE

    COE Member

    Dec 16, 2008
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    Hey all! I am new to the site and have been reading through the posts trying to absorb as much as I possibly can. I see lots of great information and great people who are willing to share their knowledge/experiences. Someday I hope to be able to contribute and give something back. I am throwing around the idea of building a nostalgia alcohol FC to run as a match-racer. Before I get to far into this venture I was wondering if anyone can give me a ballpark figure as to what it costs to operate (per run basis) one of these cars and what is the average "paycheck" for a match racing event? I am not so concerned with the payout as I am with the operating costs. I want to do this because this is something that I have been wanting to for a long time and I feel that I am in a position to finally give it a try. I know that I am probably never going to make any money or break even (I throw away money on a daily basis owning a 38' boat:( ) just want to get a feel as to what I am getting into. As long as I can sweet talk the boss (she is an accountant) I am going for it regardless. I am located in SC and plan to run mainly at tracks in the south-east (SC, NC. GA, FL, AL, etc). Thanks in advance for any information.
  2. jim phillips

    jim phillips ta/fc

    Apr 29, 2007
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    it just depends on what you want to spend the cost of the is a big investment but you can get one for less than what that 38' boat cost new are used i used to havethe big boats also as for when i match race i get 1400.00 to 2000.00 for three runs the alcohol i run is only 2.00 a gallon if you dont tear any thing up its a good day but when fuel for the truck was 4.99 a gallon the 2000. i made in texas it cost me 1100.00 to go there and back but you have alot of fun the problem is getting the match races good luck
  3. secondwindracing

    secondwindracing top alcohol

    Feb 10, 2004
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    I have done a break down of the whole deal, and it is around $1,200 per pass and that is not hurting anything just the mantaince..this is for the race car only not the semi ....for the semi ,tags taxes, IFTA, insurance and the good ol diesel fuel.. p.s. go to my web page we are also into big boats..Dave
  4. Kenneth S

    Kenneth S Member

    Dec 19, 2006
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    You may wan't to go to these websites, sign up, and ask any questions you may have.
  5. kylewurtzel

    kylewurtzel TA/FC

    Feb 8, 2005
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    if you are running a true alcohol nostalgia car i would say 1200 is very high. if it set up like a "modern alcohol" car it may be close. i can't give you an idea because i run a nostalgia nitro funny.
  6. hotrod 316

    hotrod 316 New Member

    Apr 5, 2007
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    60 -75 dollars just to start it on alc. (alc.oil, filter)
  7. youngtuner

    youngtuner Member

    Mar 24, 2004
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    Racecars are like Boats....
    Click the Starter the Burning of Hundred Dollar bills
    There both lots of fun, work and money.....
    Only on person gets to enjoy the ride though....
  8. jim phillips

    jim phillips ta/fc

    Apr 29, 2007
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    dave i think thats a little high and a little misleading in a way he is not going national event racing

    figure this out 50,000 for the car and trailer

    last year made 14,000 match racing for 10 races

    this year 3 races for 4,500.00

    deisel cost wasnt that bad except for the texas trip 4.99 a gallon that sucked

    i spend spend 600 a month for my truck that i drive everyday so i dont count that as a race expence though

    i didnt tear any thing in the last 2 years knock on wood

    most of the cost you just eat because thats what you love to do so how can you really put a price on it
  9. secondwindracing

    secondwindracing top alcohol

    Feb 10, 2004
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    Jim that is adding all the runs we make and how many run on and any parts on the car pistons/rings rods/wrist pins /oil/valves/keepers/valve spring/and the list goes on let's say you get 25 to??? on a set of rods and you figure all the other parts and how many runs you get out of them and then divided all that stuff on how many runs and you will be SHOCKED...I was going into a heartattack...ohhh don't forget about tires and blower belt and burst panels...we get 1/2 to a full season out of our plug wires and they are over $200.00x2=$400.00 plus:)..Dave
  10. jim phillips

    jim phillips ta/fc

    Apr 29, 2007
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    I See What You Meen I Used To Run The Dual Plugs Dual Mags It Looked Cool But In The Went With One Set Less Head Ach

    WANNABE New Member

    Jun 9, 2003
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    The one question I have to ask is 'how fast do you plan on going?'
    If you want a nostalgia body on a 7.0 tune up, you can get away with a total at the track cost of around $200 a run. (Not including crew, travel, and initial investment on the car, etc.) And you will get paid accordingly. If you want to run 6.0 deals, then add a zero to the cost per run. And yes, that is before the decimal point.
  12. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    whatever you do, get you someone reputable to set up your fuel system and give you a baseline to get started. maybe even find the local old timer racer that may want to go to a few races with you to show you the ropes. you see a lot of guys try to do what your talking about, blow their crap up then they're gone, or it ends up costing way more than they thought.

    all to often, people try to get by with "so and so ran this jet with his combo, and my pump and blower is kinda like his so i'll just run that". then either blow it up or its so far out of whack, you spend a bunch of passes and trips to the track trying to get to square one. stuff like flowed fuel systems and paying someone a little bit of money to get you in the right direction will go a long way, and more likely than not, save you money.
  13. jim phillips

    jim phillips ta/fc

    Apr 29, 2007
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    fuel system money will be well spent with some one who know there shit and there are several good guy out there that can do that for you
  14. COE

    COE Member

    Dec 16, 2008
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    Thanks all. Your information is very much appreciated. I will definitely post the same basic question over at the other sites mentioned (no such thing as too much info). Would like to see the car run in the high 6s to low 7s, but I am in it for the love of racing, not the money (although a little return would be nice :D). The sooner I unload the boat, the sooner I'll get to the track and hopefully get to meet ya'll. Thanks again for the responses.

  15. Jam-Air

    Jam-Air Member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    Hi Ron,

    In my younger days use to run in a match race group on the east coast called southern fuel coupes. it was a spin off of CIFCA. It has since gone away and match racing nostalgia alcohol cars on the east coast is tough unless you run in the great lakes funny car circuit.

    Currently, we run in CIFCA and won the championship in 2008. The car was over 80,000 to build, 40,000 for a truck, and 40,000 for a trailer, plus spare parts, tools,safety equipment,etc. You can value engineer things as you see fit. We run what we deem as the best of the best with brad billet block, aj cylinder heads and a lencodrive which has been flawless (over 100 runs no failures).

    We ran 10 events last year and it costs roughly 2,000 per event to run it. Races were in California, Arizona, New Mexico. Cost varies a bit based on fuel costs, air fare for crew guys, and hotel cost. Average tow for us is 450 miles one way.

    To win a CIFCA event you can get between 900 to 1200 per race depending on bonus programs. CIFCA has no entry fee for car driver & 4 crew members which is a great savings.

    Our car runs consistent 7.20's (CIFCA index) at 188-192 MPH and we have gone as quick as 7.00 flat with it with not a lot of blower.

    Let me know if I can help anymore, CIFCA is a match race funny car group for the average working man, more info can be found at http://www.cifcaracing.net

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