Converting IHRA AFC to NHRA

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by AFC357, Dec 2, 2008.

  1. AFC357

    AFC357 New Member

    Nov 19, 2007
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    The writing is starting to look clearer. I have had a new NHRA Rule Book on order for 2-weeks now (not here yet?). And I am trying to think of everything that needs to be done should we swithc to a screw...New SFI Underbody Coating ($650.00) Foam fitted seat ($___.00) Helmet shields (Carbon or Ti) ($___.00), Rear body quick release($____.00), New style exposed front tow hook, stove pipe,6-point seat belts, new competition license, and of course the $15K for the new blower/injector :mad: What else am I forgetting?? Trying to re-write my 2009 Budget:eek: Also not familiar with the "Grading Point" system I keep hearing about? How many Divisionals must I run before being eligible for a National? How much to enter a Div/Nat and what do these events pay? Thanks in advance, Tim
  2. Ken Sitko

    Ken Sitko Super Comp

    Oct 21, 2003
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    Usually you need to run 2 divisionals to be eligible to enter a national event. For top alcohol, entry is usually free (car, driver and 5 crew) if you pre-enter (phone the track a month before). Prize money is not good, only about 600 bucks first round if my memory serves right, then a couple hundred extra if you get to the next round. I think winners money is about $2500, but its been awhile since we won a divisional, so I could be wrong.

    You might need more than 2 divisionals if you are entering a popular race, like the WinterNats or World finals.

    Entry to a national event is about $350 for car and driver, plus approx 70 bucks per crew member. First round pays about $1500, not sure where it goes after that.

    Dec 2, 2004
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    Dont forget about all the available mudd and gravel parking spots too.
  4. Bill Naves

    Bill Naves Member

    Jun 25, 2003
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    Tim, I've been running both for the last 3 years. Don't know about div3, but unless you have a gold silver or bronze card. its been everybody pays in div2.My bronze card gets car driver and 2 crew in to make $600 qual money which I send immediately to Shell Oil so I can go to the next one. Have heard that div 1 is no longer free entry too..Mr Tigges may be able to confirm that. As for the car safety updates, 1000 for the seat...1000 for the helmit shield..when you do the 6 or 7 point belts I rec changing All to bolt in w/ separate shoulder wrap around..I highly suggest all of them anyway!.Good Luck..
    PS. has anyone got a drawing on how to do the rear quick release that uses cable and comes off without pulling the pins...I just don't understand the need for both. maybe by July they will reword that like they did the slots in the shields after everyone cut up their titanium and carbon shields
  5. jim phillips

    jim phillips ta/fc

    Apr 29, 2007
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    tim you think ihra was tuff wait till you get to div 3 and get ready to spend even more money i t think its always been the toughest divisional races even without king manzo these guys are tough of course if it was easy every body would be doing it good luck

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