Fuel Flow Meter

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by Eric Vollmer, Nov 21, 2008.

  1. Eric Vollmer

    Eric Vollmer Member

    Sep 20, 2008
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    At the risk of sounding stupid....I understand that a fuel flow meter is used to monitor the amount of fuel consumed during a run, but how are you guys using them to tune with? What trends or events are you looking for on the data graphs? Also those using a flow meter are you also monitoring the pump pressure and fuel nozzle pressure? I'm just getting ready to purchase a data system and was wondering what all I needed to monitor and how to use that data to tune with. The combo is a big chief motor with a 14-71 psi roots blower. Thanks for any help or advice on the fuel flow meters.

  2. nitrohawk

    nitrohawk New Member

    Dec 28, 2003
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    The nozzle flow of course will tell you what gpm that is going through the nozzles. It will not tell you what gpm your motor requires but once you have a baseline run you will be able to overlay the fuel gpm to keep it where you want it to be. Of interest is what the gpm is at your idle or launch rpm. Onec you have a good baseline run you can use this run info to keep the same or adjust bv for varing weather conditions. If you use hi speed leanouts you will be able to see the gpm change and presure change when they open. If you havn't used a computer in the past you will have lots of fun. My only suggestion is buy a good one with everything you can afford. Be sure you can get info and service


    Dec 8, 2004
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    Call Randy @ RPM or go to RPMPERF.COM He can help you with a great Data Logger
    He also is great to work with.

    Data helps you establish what changes you made and how it effected your time slip. Change your fuel curve and see how it effect your split times (60-330. and 330 -660 etc.) Also you can document your leanout comming on and off.

    Get a data logger from Randy and start listening to what your car has been telling you!!!
  4. drn1013rd

    drn1013rd Member

    Aug 23, 2006
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    hey eric

    well first off everyone is stupid getting into this money eating sport so don't feel bad cause i would say i am the king of stupid, just joking you got that beast ready for the track, good luck you and jim have a merry christmas
    if i don't talk to you guys before then.
    don nolan
  5. Eric Vollmer

    Eric Vollmer Member

    Sep 20, 2008
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    well it feels like we are getting close, but there is still alot to do. you know how that goes. you are def. right about no one is smart who gets into this sport! the money seems to go out a lot faster than it comes in! what about you, you going to still be ready to run in early spring? I'll give you a call this week and catch up.

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