ND this week? Bradshaw's comments

Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by Dan Lynch, Aug 20, 2003.

  1. Dan Lynch

    Dan Lynch Member

    May 7, 2003
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    Anyone else feel like puking after reading that article. It almost sounded like they wanted you to feel sorry for them cause they don't have a 2 tenths advantage when it gets hot out. And to say that driving an Afuel car takes more of a driver than the BAD. Is he kidding himself?

    After I got done reading the article, I felt like the BAD's actually have it lucky that they have a chance to win when it is hot out, and when the Afuel car screws up.

    Thanks for the chance...

  2. Kingnitro

    Kingnitro New Member

    Jun 21, 2003
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    Does any A-fuel driver think they have a Huge advantage?
  3. Hentges

    Hentges New Member

    Jul 2, 2003
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    Your not mad at me because you got a dose of your own medicine that almost broke your back are you?
    After Dallas and Topeka I knew what games you like to play. There is no gentlemans agreement between blown and A-fuel on who's to stage first. All what you had to do was just go in and I would have followed. Take two asprins and you'll feel better tomorrow.


    P.S. get off the Rick Santos kick, I don't think he could have even run a 5.20 at Seattle.
  4. Back Attack Racing

    Back Attack Racing New Member

    May 13, 2003
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    your point is well taken that my comparisons are not apples to apples in a literal sense. But, they are similar in that each respective category is always going to have one or two standouts that outperform the majority. For example, no matter what car Rampy gets in, he's a dominant force. CIC helps the other guys, yet he still stands above the rest even in the midst of CIC. As for the fuel teams, it seems that he with the most money and technology and laps down the track usually prevails. Is that fair? Is that parity? Not really, because other teams are being outrun for the most part, based on the above facts I mentioned. How about Greg Anderson, what does he have that everyone else doesn't? Obviously something, but if NHRA finds what he has and it's legal, they're not going to rob him of that advantage just because he's winning while someone's whining. This advantage is how a race ends up with a winner. The TAD class obviously has its own problem and I've agreed with that from day one. The only difference is, I chose to do whatever it takes to win and it is obviously not a popular choice with my former peers. But I don't answer to them for my decisions. I just do what's best for me in the big scheme of things. I do appreciate your input though.Sincerely, Alan Bradshaw
  5. kosky racing

    kosky racing Comp Eliminator

    May 11, 2003
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    alan your statement ask anyone who has driven both. I hav driven both and by far the blown cars are harder. also Idont think anyone has driven them longer. Kosky racing
  6. hedda

    hedda New Member

    Aug 19, 2003
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    Looking back, Mr. Bradshaw has been guilty of being the instigator of some starting line games himself. Funny, how when he THINKS the tables are turned, he takes it personally. Somewhat of a double standard, wouldn't you say?

    Guess when the universe is rotating in your direction, you forget where you came from. If I recall correctly, in psychological jargon, it's called delusion of grandeur.

  7. Back Attack Racing

    Back Attack Racing New Member

    May 13, 2003
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    Mike, I appreciate your input regarding driving the two car types. I do agree B/AD cars can be an animal at times, tire shake and short shift fixes, etc. All I am saying is that there are different dragons to slay in each type of car and then there are the easy tasks of driving each of them also. Maybe if everyone had the chance to drive the A/F car I'm driving, they could better understand and appreciate my viewpoint. But only three of us know what it's like to drive Randy Meyer's 5 teen hotrod. If you've got a 5.60 A/F car, then yeah, its probably not as challenging. But a 5 teen A/F car is a different animal. I think I'll give up this debate for now, because really, it doesn't matter. Let's just go race and have fun driving what we want. Sincerely, Alan Bradshaw

    PS I'm not here to stir trouble, only to enlighten others thru my experiences and opinions. After all, that's what this forum is all about, right?

    Nothing more, nothing less.
  8. Back Attack Racing

    Back Attack Racing New Member

    May 13, 2003
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    Hentges, it seems odd that on national TV you claimed " I was just building some heat in my engine" and now you say you're dealing me a dose of my own medicine. Exactly what dose of medicine is that, since you seem to know so much? (dallas and Topeka?) By the way isn't it ironic that the game you played in Seattle bit you? Or maybe it was that damned MTBE fuel additive you run. For the record, we broke a pushrod ball adjustor on the burnout and thats why we slowed down. So take your shots how you wish, but they do come back to bite you, dont they. By the way, I have a new and improved staging procedure that eliminates repeat moments with racers like you. If you care to discuss this in private, you've got my number, call me. Or reply to this with a request for me to call you. I have your number. Sincerely, Alan
  9. mk

    mk New Member

    Aug 19, 2003
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    I generally do not reply to posts on these boards, But I do enjoy a cheap laugh at all the mindless dribble from all the expert keyboard racers. But after reading Alan Bradshaw's post I must say. "HERE-HERE". Any questions about the BEAT TO DEATH parity issue refer to Alans post.
    Also anyone that that thinks Santos isn't a fair comparison, He ran 20's 3 years ago, So whats the problem now. I suggest the B/AD teams keep up the hard work & you'll find the power it is there just like the A/F guys did. Anyone who thinks they're at the end of the rope, Remember when Top Fuel would never run 6's. A final thought stop trying to RULE out the competition and work on your own combination. Mike Kopchick Rage Racing
  10. hedda

    hedda New Member

    Aug 19, 2003
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    Mr. Bradshaw,

    I can definitely visualize how challenging it would be to drive a 5 Teen A/F car with only one hand on the wheel and with the other behind you patting yourself on the back. I think your approach to enlighten others may not have your desired effect. Funny how times and veiw points change.

  11. Back Attack Racing

    Back Attack Racing New Member

    May 13, 2003
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    thank you!!!! someone's finally showing some sense. Sincerely, Alan
  12. Kingnitro

    Kingnitro New Member

    Jun 21, 2003
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    Alan, I'll bet this time last year in your blown car you didn't think the A/Fuel performance advantage was no big deal!
  13. Kingnitro

    Kingnitro New Member

    Jun 21, 2003
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    MK, how many 5.20 passes did Santos compete agains't? Oh I forgot the 5.13 or 5.17!
  14. Dublin

    Dublin New Member

    May 26, 2003
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    I agree with Dr. Bradshaw...(I believe it is Doctor, right??)

    Pairity over the course of the season is the real issue...not at a specific location. There are evolutions, chances, expenses, investments, etc. that make the sport exciting...and some times, if you're reving a car and playing mind games, its fun to watch, as is the din it creates in forums like this. Bottom line -- it takes both a car and a driver to get down the track...

    As far as the skills involved in driving, I am sure that if you strap yourself into a beast that moves that fast, that quick, you've got to be more than a trained monkey -- in either flavor of car. I don't drive (that fast anyway) myself, so I can't speak to the different requirements, twitches, reflexes, movements, decisions, etc. but I know this: at over 250 miles per hour, you'd better know what you're doing!

    I know we all have opinions...and mine is that Bradshaw does a damn good job behind the wheel, and his record proves that. Last year and this year, too!

    Randy Meyer has figured out what it takes to get a car to move like that -- and part of that is the good Doctor.

    More power to the both of them for putting their own stuff on the line to make it all happen.

    Good, safe, success to you all, and may the best --COMBINATION-- of man and car win.

  15. Back Attack Racing

    Back Attack Racing New Member

    May 13, 2003
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    HEDDA, you're not worth my time for any lengthy elaboration. So I'll make it short. You are welcome to an opinion. But you don't know me from the next guy. You'd like to think you do, but you don't. You're a keyboard racer. If Im mistaken, come by my pits next time you are racing (driving a racecar) and we'll chat. Then you can do your opinion forming on facts. Ive never once went on a "look at me, spree!!" so lose the attitude on my patting my own back. Don't misinterpret self confidence with arrogance and conceit, because they are distinctly seperable. You know, sometimes you get a guy like me that calls a spade a spade and everybody goes berzerk. Just read the facts for what they are. Sincerely, Alan Bradshaw
  16. Kingnitro

    Kingnitro New Member

    Jun 21, 2003
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    Alan, what was the quickest ET you ran in your blown car? Did you try to run 5.20's or just give up?
  17. Back Attack Racing

    Back Attack Racing New Member

    May 13, 2003
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    Im sitting here laughing and thinking to myself. You know, you're right. My career best was a 5.41/262.44 in my B/AD and honestly, that's as smart as we knew how to make it go. But at least I'm willing to admit that. I didn't really give up on the B/AD idea, I just seized an opportunity at the right time that allowed me to gain that 5.20 edge I was looking for. Just so happens it was in an A/F ride. Granted, we never ran in mine shaft conditions such as other blower cars did who ran 20's. But I think we could have maybe run some mid to low 30's there. Who knows! All I know is that I saw the hand writing on the wall that we've all seen coming for years and made a choice to increase my odds of winning by accepting the driving job for Randy Meyer Racing. Seems I made the right move, and honestly, I'm glad I did.

    Sincerely, Alan
  18. NHRA Fan

    NHRA Fan New Member

    Aug 19, 2003
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    Hello everyone,
    As you can see, this is my 1st post, but I have tried to check in now & then to see what everyone has to say. I have watched the video tapes of Seattle & Sonoma race and I have yet to see any starting line games played by Alan Bradshaw. I thought I did notice that in the Seattle final, the B/A car did rev-up like he was ready to stage. I don't know if he was trying to throw off Alan or not, but if you watch the interview at the top end, I got the impression that Mark was doing whatever he thought he could do to get an advantage. I'm not a racer, but would I have done it? I would like to think I would race heads up and let the better car/driver win. I was at Pomona last November and I remember Alan racing in the 1st round. I'm not sure who he was racing, but I do remember that after Alan staged, the other driver took what I felt was longer than necessary. I later saw Alan packing up his pit and asked him about it. He never once blamed that for his loss, and said that was part of racing. I thought that was a classy reply as was his reply at the Seattle race. Hey Hedda, maybe if you ask Randy Meyer nicely, he'll let you take the car for a 5 second ride so you can see what it is really like instead of visualizing it.
  19. Kevin Brown

    Kevin Brown Top Dragster

    May 26, 2003
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    WOW....BAD guys like to "Fake" the AFD into loading the clutch and throwing it on the "High side"....gets the clutch hot to quick! BUT.....most AFD guys are not as stupid as some think! Trim her back to 50 pounds on the fuel gauge and this dumbass will sit there all day!

    Alan, Kudos to you and Randy Simply awesome!....

    Kevin Brown
  20. TJTurner

    TJTurner New Member

    Jul 8, 2003
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    Wasn't Santos running those 20's before the overdrive limit was imposed on the TAD's? Since I am just "a Fan", I guess my opinion doesn't mean much to some people but as a fan I think NHRA needs to get things to the point where the top AF and top TAD guys are running just about the same. I do not pretend to understand all of the ins and outs and I say more power to Alan Bradshaw for playing by the current rules and taking full advantage of the situation. At the same time I do disagree with your comparisons to the pro ranks as all of the competitors in those classes have the exact same rules to go buy - there is only one "class" in the eliminator.

    Also, maybe Alan was upset with how one of the other people on the board expressed his opinion, but you sound like you do a a little bit of an attitude against people who are not as fortunate as you and therefore, do not drive a fast race car. As long as I preface my remarks as coming from a fan, I think I have a right to ask questions, discuss issues, and maybe even disagree with someone every once in a while.

    I hope this issue gets worked out and the majority are happy with where it goes because the alky classes are my favorite classes and I want them to be strong and healthy for years to come.

    Good luck to all of you at the US Nationals. I went to a few back in the late 70's (remember the Williams and Kazanjian AA/DA running a bunch of 6.5's to win in 1979??)to mid 80's when I lived in Michigan and it was awesome. With over 30 TAD/AFD's entered and 25+ TAF's, I wish I could go - an alky qualifying session would take 1.5 to 2 hours to complete - wow.

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