Crank Trigger Distributor Head

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by Blownalky, Nov 21, 2008.

  1. Blownalky

    Blownalky Top Sportsman

    May 9, 2005
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    I know most of you guys are running a Pro-Mag but I'm looking for a little help with my crank trigger to fire a MSD-10 Plus.

    I don't want to space my pulleys out for a front drive distributor on a BBC for use with a Pioneer or Summers Bros type drive. What I'd like to use is a RCD offset off the front cover. It's the one that lets you drive the fuel pump and a mag offset but in my case, I just want to mount a large diameter crank trigger distributor head instead of the mag.

    I called MSD tech and they said they don't make anything like the crank trigger head and never heard of anybody doing it. I was kind of surprised, thought someone else surely has done this in the past. I suppose I may be able to chop a crank trigger distributor down and make it fit but was looking to see if someone made a head that would fit the RCD offset drive. Any ideas or sources?
  2. jody stroud

    jody stroud ZOMBIE Top Dragster

    Sep 3, 2007
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    Tom, why can't you run it in the stock location on the rear of the block? Everyone I know that runs a 10 runs in the rear of the manifold, works fine. On a chevy combo at least. Jody Stroud
  3. Blownalky

    Blownalky Top Sportsman

    May 9, 2005
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    With the blower (setback SSI 14-71) and manifold (Indy), the only thing that would fit is the crab cap MSD crank trigger distributor. It has the smaller cap and I'm concerned that it will have cross fire with such a small cap as I am using timing controls that make rotor phasing more of a problem. I would think that the bigger diameter distributor head would lessen the crossfire issue.
  4. Blown540

    Blown540 Blown Alcohol Dragster

    Aug 21, 2007
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    Mallory 9000 Dist Head

    I ordered a Dunn 6" offset for the rear of a BBC and Dunn sent me a crossdrive Mallory 9000 dist head, and I can very easily go to a Mag when I need to. I am running the MSD-10 also and all seems to work well! THANKS!:)
  5. jody stroud

    jody stroud ZOMBIE Top Dragster

    Sep 3, 2007
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    Tom, I run a crab cap on my blown chevy with big duke heads and msd 10 with no problems. Been 6.17 in the 1/4 and 3.99 in the 1/8. With my Indy Intake I did have to cut the very back of the intake off and weld a plate on to gain the needed room but it was'nt too much trouble. I only need to be carefull when I put the dist. in to line up the rotor with #1 , not much room to turn cap to align for phasing. With my 14/71 psi I dont think a 6" offset would be enough to clear the blower since it is set back 2 in. Jody Stroud TD 9325
  6. Blownalky

    Blownalky Top Sportsman

    May 9, 2005
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    Thanks guys for the ideas. Jody, my setup is very similar to yours so I have the same issues. Yes I did have to notch the Indy intake to get the distributor in. Looking closer, I may be stuck with the crab cap distributor because I can't use the quick release clamp for the RCD offset because of space considerations. Thanks again, appreciate the help.

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