Lynn Nickerson Update

Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by Codeman4318, Nov 2, 2008.

  1. Codeman4318

    Codeman4318 New Member

    Nov 9, 2005
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    Lynn Nickerson update:
    To get everyone up to speed on what’s happening and what has transpired.
    Super Comp racers Linda and Steve Hoover have been working on this idea for sometime and actually started a fund raiser with the Super Comp and Super Gas guys and gals at the Shreveport LODRS. I got wind of it and donated to the fund myself. I thought the alcohol guys might want to get involved in this and asked Linda if we could help. Linda's desire was to raise enough to cover the school, airfare, hotel, rental car and all associated expenses so that Lynn would not be out, any out of pocket expenses. And as a bonus if any extra was raised it would go to Lynn for his ongoing medical expenses.
    I cruised the Alcohol pits at the Noble LODRS (seeing how I had a little unexpected time on my hands) looking for some donations(and by the way thanks to Lewis Family Racing, Texas Tremor Racing, Callaway Racing and Pepper Express Racing). Upon talking to the Harkers, they graciously offered to donate a Frank Hawley Super Comp school certificate which would cover the tuition for the school. The Harkers had won the certificate donated by Frank Hawley at a prior charity event. It took about a week to pull that together and then upon Will Hanna, graciously getting the word out on the net, I got the phone call from Rob Geiger about Doug Foley's generous offer to donate the entire school tuition. It never ceases to amaze me the generosity of the racing family when called upon to help one of the family members we hold near to our hearts. I can't tell you more about Lynn than you already know. Although the school itself has been covered, we still need to cover all the expenses. We've had some good response and hope we can raise enough as said, to help with medical expenses as well. Sorry this was so long, but I felt I needed to clear up a little bit of confusion.
    Thanks for your time and help,
    Cody Draper
    P.S. As of now Lynn is scheduled for 12/29-30/08 in Gainesville, Fl at Frank Hawley's.
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2008
  2. Bob Unkefer

    Bob Unkefer New Member

    Oct 26, 2008
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    Another Lynn update

    Fellow announcer and body shop owner/customer painter Brian Olson has procured a new Impact helmet for Lynn Nickerson and will deliver to Lynn prior to his trip to Florida complete with custom paintwork from Brian’s well known Olson Paint & Body shop in Peru Indiana.

    Lynn and Brian have announced numerous events together and have been friends for many years. After Brian got word of this special opportunity for his good friend he became motivated to help his fellow announcer become a fellow racer. Having raced in numerous categories over the years, Brian knows the need for the correct driver equipment and felt this way he could do his part to help out Lynn's personal safety needs for attending Frank Hawley's Drag Racing School.

    As soon as Brian gets the helmet finished we'll get a photograph posted. Knowing Brian and his artistic talents, in conjunction with his longtime friendship, this should turn out to be a pretty special paint job.

  3. Kramer Metal Fab Inc.

    Jul 28, 2008
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    Unk, Check your PM
  4. Bob Unkefer

    Bob Unkefer New Member

    Oct 26, 2008
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    Short night getting home from Vegas.........I'll pm you soon....


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