Race Data Inc

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by Bob69, Sep 27, 2008.

  1. Bob69

    Bob69 Member

    Jul 31, 2007
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    ANyone out there using onboard data gathering computor made by "Race Data Inc". They have a 32 channel system ( I 100) of which there will be a flow meter availible this winter.
    Are they reliable?
    User freindly?
    ANy other comments?


    EXPLOSIVE New Member

    Mar 14, 2007
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    i 100

    na go get a racepak i bought one of those junk things and it never worked it never had all of the parts in the box when we bought it i sent it to them 2 times before the first race and it still would not work so then i took the entire car to there shop in Oregon and Josh and Pete could still not make it work with the entire system right in front of them i even fired the car a few times for them. just go get a racepak ya they are expensive but like everything you get today you get what you pay for. i now have both a v-300 on one car and a pro-2 in the other and there has never been one problem plus they are very user friendly

    just sharing my experiences ]

    Jake Sanders
  3. Bottlefed

    Bottlefed New to Blowers

    Feb 20, 2008
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    Or if you are on a budget get an RPM data logger,

    Look for previous discussions on the board about data loggers and you will find that most everyone that uses them is happy with them. Since the unit became wireless they are really a pleasure to work with, and support is excellent.

    Now if only MSD make a wireless interface for the 8973 I would really be happy :)
  4. 65dodge

    65dodge Member

    Oct 24, 2007
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    Racedata System

    I just recently purchased a Racedata system and it is working fine for me. I sent a PM to Explosive before I bought my system asking about his issues and he never responded so I think he may just be one of those people who like to complain without explanation.

    I had a to get a new driveshaft collar because I ordered the wrong one and I needed a replacement cable and Peter sent me the stuff right away with no charges. I would recommend the system as a low cost alternative to the RacePak. The RPM system is comparable I am sure but I got my system on Ebay brand new from Racedata for $500 less than the RPM.
  5. bill

    bill Member

    Dec 25, 2006
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    i was thinking of buying altronics redalert to get my egt reading and rpm is it any good or junk is any body using one thanks for any information

    EXPLOSIVE New Member

    Mar 14, 2007
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    65 dodge sorry for not replying I have been busy the last few nights trying to finish up the FC for the CHHR. but as for the computer it was one of the latest ones at the time [last April] but now the car that it was on is sold but i still help tune the car and as far as i know it is still having problems but some times it works but we haven't ran the car all year so i don't really remember but we will be racing in October so i hope it is all fixed but after the service that i received from peter i will not recommend nor buy one of his computers. i don't mean to bash but I'm just telling you what the deal was with me. I don't want anyone else to have to go through all of the hoops that i had to jump through.

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