1000' for alky in Pomona?

Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by Will Hanna, Jul 29, 2008.

  1. 310TAD

    310TAD Top Alcohol

    May 11, 2003
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    SRAC Meeting

    We (the SRAC Alky reps) are planning on having a meeting at the US Nationals. If you want this subject discussed there, you should contact your rep, or I would be happy to bring it to the table (or not).
    It would be a big help if Will would run a poll on this great site before that time. That would give us a better idea of the splits.

  2. nitrohawk

    nitrohawk New Member

    Dec 28, 2003
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    When was the last time a tech inspector looked at your chutes or pulled on your brake handle.
  3. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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    Those are the kinds of things you would certainly hope would nevert have to be policed, but you never know I guess.
  4. mbaker3

    mbaker3 New Member

    Dec 30, 2007
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    I am a strong believer that you should be responsible for your own actions. If you are running 330 MPH in the 1/4 mile or 315 MPH in the 1000' run and you don't check your brakes or chute yourself !!!!!!!!!!
    The ultimate result of that, they call "cleansing the gene pool", you really didn't need to be a part of this stuff anyway!;)
  5. Hemi Parts

    Hemi Parts Top Fuel

    May 30, 2003
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    Off topic I guess


    Sorry 'bout that I guess I was a little off topic. This site has some great contributors and I sometimes forget the format. That being said, all that I said directly applies to cars with alcohol in the tank as well. As heavy as TADs are today going 275-280 is way fast for Pomona. Tire issues may not be a problem but stopping darn sure is. I've been on a lot of really weak tracks over my career and fortunately always got stopped including at Pomona. However I never had a malfuntion of any kind there. Oh and I ran carbon brakes when we started running big MPH for the class. Bottom line, I'm not racing the category right now so maybe I should just keep my mouth shut and let the current competitors decide.

    Thanks for the space.

  6. Russ Parker

    Russ Parker Member

    Jul 19, 2003
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    I meant no offense and welcome your opinion and ideas. Most threads of this length do tend to stray from the original topic to some degree and I was only trying to bring it back to the question Will originally posed to us.

    Thanks for your input.
  7. Hemi Parts

    Hemi Parts Top Fuel

    May 30, 2003
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    no offense taken.

    At least 10 characters :D
  8. hotrodracer

    Dec 10, 2004
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    Day late & 1$ short, but whats new?

    The Wednesday after Scotts untimely passing, at a lunch with some old time NHRA'ers here in So Cal I shot off my big mouth with: "NHRA doesn't have the guts to either slow down the cars, or shorten the track to 1,000ft."
    Well the track was shortened to 1,000ft for the pro nitro cars, and prob with much input/pressure from the underwriters. No 'slow down' other than the shorter track. Mention 'slow down' the cars is a good way to get branded as a "heretic" by loyal NHRA'ers.
    Years back have ran 300' at the sand drags, the 1/2 mile at Riverside, and 1/4 mile tracks all over the South West USA. Never ran the 1/8 mile tracks as there were none in this area, and had a dislike to them anyway as it was not real 1/4 mile drag racing. Yeah also street raced here in So Cal at various places like: the Valley Cutoff, 5th street (now Colima Rd), Arrow Highway, Rivergrade Rd, etc.
    So what about 1,000ft at Pomona for the Pro Sportsman floppers and dragsters? Yes is my take and why? To err on the side of safety is one reason for starters, and 'perhaps' cost another.
    ?Question? "IF" 1,000ft at Pomona, and other tracks, what changes would you make to your tune/set up? Save parts or just run it harder for a shorter time?
  9. nitrohawk

    nitrohawk New Member

    Dec 28, 2003
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    Randy G.
    I wish everyone was as safety concious as you and I. However I have seen TAD go to the starting line with brakes that have to be pumped up to work, visible brake fluid leaks and chutes with torn up pilots, shroud lines broken and rips in the panels and believe it or not much worse problems. I am not advocating that NHRA start checking brakes and chutes but I know that they are two of the most important safety devices on the car and they are not chedked by anyone. Maybe if you have an issue with the chute not working NHRA should inspect the chutes on the return road as well as brakes and keep a record of the causes.
  10. Dale Finch

    Dale Finch Member

    Dec 29, 2004
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    Had a funny car break a chute mounting bolt here at Mission 2 years ago. Even on that length of track it was in the beach before you knew it. The brakes really haven't changed in a long time but the speeds sure have gone up. Why wait until someone is hurt or worse. Had the pleasure of racing and meeting some of you who have posted. I am with Dave on his too. Woodburn has sent chills up my spine a few times when picking up the car in shut down. Some of the tracks either need to be longer or we need to manage a different game plan before someone does it for the sport. You guys are too much fun to lose anyone.
    No I don't drive but the whole team is responsible for safety
  11. Don Hudson

    Don Hudson Supa fly

    Sep 22, 2003
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    I wish more people thought like this.

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