
Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by Wendland, Sep 2, 2003.

  1. imjustafan

    imjustafan New Member

    Jul 10, 2003
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    Mr. Wendland

    So let me get this staight. In order for the blown guys to be COMPETITIVE with you A/Fuel guys they must.

    1. Rent Dynotime and run the shit out of their engines. $$$$$$$

    2. Hire some PROFESSIONNAL (Fred M. or whoever)to tell them how to make manifolds and cylinder heads. $$$$$$$(BTW I think Brad does a good job on both.)

    3. Spend $500,000 $$$$$$ to compete with A/Fuel Teams. By your own admission A/fuel teams are spending considerably less.

    WTF.... are you brain dead. HOW IS THAT CONSIDERED A LEVEL PLAYING FEILD????

    BTW since you are so proud of your acomplishments how was that Funny Car ride. LOL

    Lenny Riedel
    Just a fan who has been around for a long time.
  2. Kingnitro

    Kingnitro New Member

    Jun 21, 2003
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    That's right Lenny, your such a Genius! I forgot all about it! :confused:
  3. Wendland

    Wendland Guest


    Did I say something you didn't like or what? Do I know you?

    A: If dyno time is running the shit out of your engine then the answer is: YES

    B If you are not smart enough to do it yourself, Tune that is, YES, you should hire someone else to do it. It's called a crew chief.....By the way, if everyone runs the same shit, BAE heads, intake and so on, Wouldn't they all run the same. It's a good thing the pro stock guys aren't buying all their heads from Brad...

    C: If it takes 500,000 to be World Champion, and you want to be World Champion, Then YES. It will take 500,000.

    D: If I was brain dead, I wouldn't be able to waste my time on you....You should learn how to spell by the way ***(FIELD)******* Who's brain dead.......

    E: Proud, in a way yes. I thought I did well for never driving a race car before....More than likely better than you...As far as the funny car ride was great....once we put a good set of tires , Call Vern Moats 515-262-5053, he'll tell you....

    Bye SMART ASS!!!!!! Love you long time....
  4. '66 Vette

    '66 Vette New Member

    Jun 5, 2003
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    Before confirming that you are not brain dead, and before you jump on someone for their spelling, you might want to look at some of your, note the use of your, messages:

    "You are right, I'm wrong. Your Pretty, I'm Ungly. Your smart, I'm dumb. What else can I say...."

    Not sure what "Ungly" is. You might also want to look at the proper use of your and you're. :D
  5. Wendland

    Wendland Guest

    66 Vette,

    I'm sorry.... Foot in mouth, my bad....
  6. Wendland

    Wendland Guest


    How about 15% nitro in the blown cars?????
  7. imjustafan

    imjustafan New Member

    Jul 10, 2003
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    Mr. Wendland

    Yes, we have met. The reason you most likely don't remember me is because I didn't fill your wallet with money. JUST LIKE YOU I am a nobody. Neither of us spend a dime to own a TAD, A/Fuel, or TAFC. I have always found you to be a very arrogant person. This is nothing more or nothing less than me thinking your an ass.


    Lenny Riedel

    [ September 03, 2003, 04:50 PM: Message edited by: imjustafan ]
  8. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    you going to give up that easy? i was thinking we had a good discussion w/o someone getting their panties in a wad. :D

    15% would be interesting. unfortunately, i think flanakin would think it to be more interesting.

    i'm still voting for nitro percentage. its variable, if they screw up, they can up it, and they can factor it for divisional tracks.

    as far as changing tune-ups, we have to change ratios and take them nuts and bolts off the fingers too for diff tracks... :D
  9. Kingnitro

    Kingnitro New Member

    Jun 21, 2003
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    Hey Justaloser, Speak for yourself pal! BTW, go blow yourself!
  10. Wendland

    Wendland Guest


    Big words out of a real jack off... I have kept this thread as clean as possible but, you make it kind of hard... Yes, I have spent money on this class and a lot of hard hours from the the age of 10...If I'm a ass, so be it. I'm just a chip off the old block. That's off the opinion of someone I do not know and at this point don't care to know... You can call me if you would like 785-423-1277...Seams like you have a lot to say... Toll free @ 1-888-841-8358. At your leisure...But that might be difficult for you to come out from behind your screen. : [​IMG] p
  11. Wendland

    Wendland Guest

    Willy Wonka,

    I was just playing with the 15% deal. If the A-Fuel cars don't run well with the % deal, how long you think it would take to change the deal back? Who would be in charge of that decision? Then where would we go? Gear ratio? I would soon not race div. tracks if they were not on Nat event tracks...too dangerous for blown cars especially.......
  12. Wendland

    Wendland Guest


    The phone isn't ringing.......
  13. T.Smith

    T.Smith Top Dragster

    May 22, 2003
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    What if in 2005 you came up a common set of rules. Blowers with 70% nitro, Brad whatever # heads, 500 inch blocks. Kinda like what was done with Pro Stock in 1982.

    I still don't see how someone will able to come up with a set of rules, that will make both cars evenly competitive, under any conditions. Shit, is this NASCAR?
  14. Kingnitro

    Kingnitro New Member

    Jun 21, 2003
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    Rob, loser doesn't post an email or anything. I guess we hurt Lenny's feelings!
  15. imjustafan

    imjustafan New Member

    Jul 10, 2003
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    Mr. Wendland

    I see no reason to call you back as I have already clearly stated my opinion. What, are we going to become buddies now, or is that a threat to kick my a$$? Sometimes the truth hurts, and it seems to me your hurting pretty bad right now. Looking at your member rating it seems pretty obvious that I am not the only one that thinks very little of you. I am done with this thread now. I'm sure we'll meet someday out there again.

    Lenny Riedel

    [ September 03, 2003, 07:48 PM: Message edited by: imjustafan ]
  16. T.Smith

    T.Smith Top Dragster

    May 22, 2003
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    Are you really this dumb?
  17. Max Power

    Max Power New Member

    May 26, 2003
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    Can't you just feel, the love, that this thread is spreading.

    Seriously, the rules are off kilter, the "D" blower is what, now a 7 year old design. Whilst the fuel cars are learning more each week, on how get more fuel to burn. If the sanctioning body wants a spec class then, just come out with one.

    I would be willing to bet that if the Blown cars run well in Maple Grove, then the rules will be untouched. In the end, what does it matter, they (glendora) are prolly working on a way to get the Lucas money away from to one of the pro classes.


    [ September 03, 2003, 11:16 PM: Message edited by: Max Power ]
  18. Tad117

    Tad117 Member

    Jul 28, 2003
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    Just a question. Let's say they do change the rules and the nitro cars strugle next year and a blown car wins the championship. Is that championship going to be as satistfying as it would be if they left the rules alone and someone finds something and is able to pick up where the oakwood team left off?
  19. tjenna

    tjenna Top Alcohol

    May 15, 2003
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    No doubt it would be awesome to win a TAD World championship, regardless of a rule change. Unless you were cheating.

    A change is needed or the class will need to be called something different.
  20. Kingnitro

    Kingnitro New Member

    Jun 21, 2003
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    I don't think Santos could win a Championship agains't these guys anymore. The A-fuel cars weren't running anywhere close to what they are running now. When Baca ran a 5.22 in '01 it was only the second time one ran a .20. Since then they've run about 30!

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