Blown Alochol water or not

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by moparchris440, Jul 20, 2008.

  1. moparchris440

    moparchris440 Member

    Jun 8, 2008
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    Ive been running a Keith black all aluminum water block and stage V water heads for 3 yrs with good results running water through it. My question is do I need to anymore its now injected, I would like to lose the weight. My concern is obviously hot spots around the exhaust valves with potential of cracks being water heads and all. Anybody with experence running water heads with no water? Thanks Chris
  2. 23T Hemmee

    23T Hemmee Member

    Jul 10, 2007
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    If the heads have never been repaired you shouldn't have any problem as long as you're running a fairly conservative tuneup. I ran a similar setup in a Quick-4 group with mild blower setup, had some problems with a couple of seats when I got too greedy on tuneup but both heads had been previously repaired. All kind of depends on what kind of racing you're doing too. Got any spare heads laying around? I've got a straight port Hilborn for 10-bolt that's been modified to fit 1/2" tall deck, been sitting on a shelf for 4 years, need to use or sell.
  3. br22bob

    br22bob Member

    Apr 16, 2007
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    How much you asking for the Hilborn? Was it cut down the middle and made narrower?
  4. 23T Hemmee

    23T Hemmee Member

    Jul 10, 2007
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    Yes and no, it was cut down the middle and a spacer/joiner inserted, it fits a 1/2" tall deck, (11.220") not a 1/2' short deck. Had a set of Stage V water heads port matched to it, wound up putting them on a blower motor temporarily until I got a set of billet heads, wounded one of them too badly to repair, that's why I was asking Chris if he had any spares, they're getting hard to come by. I really don't remember much about the injector as far as nozzle sizes and BV, believe it was setup for a big inch alky combo, although it was also drilled for nitrous nozzles. Jim Dickey that ran with the Southern Fuel Coupe association in GA/SC area modified it or had it modifed to fit the tall deck, think he ran it until he put his blower deal together, that's about all I know about it right now. If your interested I can send some pics and get some nozzle and BV numbers for you.

    Sorry for the thread derail.
  5. Flyingpig

    Flyingpig Member

    Aug 20, 2006
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    Id like to find a water block and heads. Id be using a mild combination for bracket racing and Q16 or Q8. Currently using 451 B1 in a 235in dragster. Id be happy with just the block and heads for now if you want to keep using your internals. Send me an email at

    Thanks, Jim

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