
Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by CREWGUY, Dec 10, 2003.


    CREWGUY New Member

    Oct 29, 2003
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    My name is Brandon and i was hoping i could get some advice from you guys. I am 21 and been in alcohol racing sence i was 15 and i want to drive. I have crewed for a couple of people, but my dream is to drive. What is the best way to get into the seat. I have and opportunity to drive a super comp dragster but then i will more than likely not be able to crew. i dont know if i sould keep crewing till i can get the chance to drive a tafc or till i get enough money to get my own car. I am happy that someone is willing to give me a chance to drive with the super comp but my heart is in alcohol racing. Just dont know what i should do.
  2. tjenna

    tjenna Top Alcohol

    May 15, 2003
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    Win the lottery would help.

    Keep crewing on an alcohol team, go to Hawely's school, and the dream might come crew. I know many that are trying and would love to do it.
  3. Bumpy55

    Bumpy55 Member

    Jun 30, 2003
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    Drive the Comp car during the week at Muncie. Crew on the TAFC on the weekends. Clean your room and listen to what your mom and dad tell you. :cool:
  4. Rapid Transit

    Rapid Transit New Member

    May 7, 2003
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    Listen to Bumpy55 !!!
  5. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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    Most rides even in the fuel ranks require a driver to bring $$$ in the form of a sponsor or personal wealth.
  6. ch3no2

    ch3no2 New Member

    Oct 29, 2003
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    There are people lined up around the block to drive in the alcohol classes. If your not bringing something to the table like money or money or did I mention money, then forget it. These cars are exspensive, and no owner is going to risk you putting it in the wall unless you're gonna help pay to fix it. If you want to drive now then I'd drive the comp car. If you are dead set on driving the alcohol car then I would continue to be a crew guy go to Hawley's school and try to bring some money to the table. Good luck!
  7. Bob Holley

    Bob Holley New Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    Advice is cheap, and everone has some so here's mine.

    Drive the comp car and if you are good the learning will be of great value. Continue to crew when ever possible on the alcohol car learn all you can and work your ass off.
    Go to school and get an education to position yourself for better income the rest of your life.
    If you don't loose site of your goal it will some how happen.
    Money isn't everything. There are more people with money than skill and knowledge. If this were not true there would be no paid drivers and tuners.
    *** Larry Dixon had no money just desire and hard work got him the opportunity to sit in the seat.
    All the above will take some time and commitment on your part.
    If it does not work out the skills you pick up along the way at least might channel your desire to drive in another direction in the racing community.
  8. Greg

    Greg New Member

    May 12, 2003
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    Hey Brandon how goes it? yea, what Bob just said [​IMG] . Good luck in whatever you do and keep in touch. The only comment I have is that if you find a way to provide the funding yourself, opportunites are in your control and you can better influence your destiny. One thing I learned is that you must have a clear plan from today to where you want to go. In other words, if your plan is: today I will work hard and then some magic happens and then I go racing. That is not sufficient to produce your desired results. What do I know, but I want to see you acheive your goal. Best wishes and tell Bobby hello for me.
  9. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    brandon- same boat here

    24, been around alcohol cars all my life, started crewing at 16, want to drive but have no cash...yet.

    my advice is try to do both if possible. see if you can go bracket racing with the dragster and run ihra stuff so that you can still go crew on alcohol car. i think learning about the cars is more important to your long term success as an alcohol racer than running super comp. its hard to say. driving super comp will allow you to get up to speed more quickly if you ever do land an alky ride, but is that more important than knowing the implications of should i short shift to kill the shake or do i string it out try to get the shift light..if you short shift, killing et, but might save run, if you string it out, might have to abort...those kinds of deals, where you see situations. you'll learn alot of procedures and how to get your head on straight as a driver in the super comp car, but some stuff you'll learn like 'set it up on a .85 and dump northrop at the stripe' isnt applicable.

    also make sure you get some education so you can afford your own ride some day. good luck and stop by and see me some time if i get up that way with jason's car.
  10. Rocky

    Rocky New Member

    Jul 24, 2003
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    Seeesh! Nobody gave you the best -- and most obvious -- answer. Legally change your surname, Brandon, to "Bernstein". Voila! :D :D :D
  11. Dan Lynch

    Dan Lynch Member

    May 7, 2003
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    Or Lucas...
  12. Brownman

    Brownman New Member

    Aug 20, 2003
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    Brandon, Everyone wants to be in the drivers seat except me! I spent a few years crewing with a local T/F team then got out of the sport because we could never afford to finance our own team. Now almost 30 years later.Bingo! WE are ready to race TA/FC in 2004 for the first time. Pretty much all out of pocket. The Driver will be my 20 year son. He's fearless....yet smart enough to be cautious. And most important..GO SEE FRANK HAWLEY. They have the best possible training and it's no cake walk. Frank has only signed only 3 licenses for TA/FC all this year. He is very relaxed yet demands perfection before his name will appear on your application. If you stay around driven( no pun)people who speak the same language than things will happen. I only wish I had not dropped out for such a long period because I know that buying the best equiptment is only part of the battle! Good Luck ..... Brownman

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