TAD- what is truth?

Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by wolfgang, Dec 8, 2004.

  1. wolfgang

    wolfgang New Member

    May 17, 2003
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    on one side of the fence I have read that Marty Thacker is going funny car, David Wells is selling his operation and Don Hudson may do the same.

    On DRO, they had a rumor that Michael Gunderson was so disgusted last week trying to get his tad to run at 96% that he put his operation up for sale.

    C'mon guys.

    I know many people have lots of $$ invested and want to be competitive, but can we give 96% a chance and a few races to see how things pan out?

    If the a-fuelers are running 5.25's at Pomona in February, then we'll know the change did nothing.
    If they struggle to get into the 5.30's for the first 2 or 3 months of the season, then guys like Guy Kelly, Steve Federlin, Chris Demke and even Don Hudson if he's still racing could get a good lead built up with all the D2 and D7 races early in the year.

  2. rpmhiperf

    rpmhiperf Blown Alcohol

    Aug 16, 2004
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    Mitch was quoted in National Dragster that he is considering retirement also. The 96% rule was said to be the reason.
  3. Kevin Brown

    Kevin Brown Top Dragster

    May 26, 2003
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    Do the higher powers that be care if TAD is even around? (I sure hope so! If I did not love NHRA I would have not spent a shit load of money trying to come back out) Maybe its time to sell and look at TF or pro mod...

    96% will take a lot longer than a few races I'm sure...We tried 98% (theory was to try and activate the nitro...uhhh did not work) and we went from a 30's car to running 50's at best...

    This very well may kill TAD oops....(TAD injected cars)Let's see who is gone in Jan/Feb....

    Kevin Brown
  4. Jonathan Johnson

    Jonathan Johnson New Member

    Sep 26, 2004
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    Hey guys, everyone talks about these higher powers? Forrest Lucas was quoted by Bob Frey as saying this at the awards banquet "there are no events that the sportsman are not in attendance and 43 events a year that the pros are absent." So that alone and the wonderful graces of the LUCAS family for stadning behind the sporstman until at least 2009, should be enough for everyone to realize that we aren't going anywhere. So take the rules into account and see what happens before throwing in the towel. After all it's easy to give up, but stick around adn see what happens. The blown guys like Federlin,Wells, and Thacker, and that great young lady Hillary Will are flying. Everyone is sayiong Thacker is going to FC, but does he have one yet? Even so, he was a consistent 530 player. So if he does, there's a great ride to buy. He and the rest of the blown contingent may be sitting really pretty next year. Just an obsrevation from an interested by stander. Good luck to everyone and Happy Holidays
  5. Hillary

    Hillary Jr. Dragster

    Apr 18, 2004
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    Hey thanx for remembering us Jonathan. I'm looking forward to next year.
  6. nitrohawk

    nitrohawk New Member

    Dec 28, 2003
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    Hillary I was at Pomona and you impressed me.
  7. Bumpy55

    Bumpy55 Member

    Jun 30, 2003
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    Hillary,I was also at Pomona and you laid down a very impressive run,to bad it was overshadowed by the other lane. :cool:
  8. Jonathan Johnson

    Jonathan Johnson New Member

    Sep 26, 2004
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    Hillary, Not sure if u remember me, I'm friends with Erica, and we met you in Denver in 03. Since then she and I both attended Hawley's school, as I know you did in January..i think. Glad to see how well you've been doing. I know E and I are very proud of you! Hit me up on aim some time JJ4005.
  9. Don Hudson

    Don Hudson Supa fly

    Sep 22, 2003
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    Mr. wolfgang.

    It is true that I have purchased a TAFC. I will be racing it in 2005 & beyond.I love TAD, but, I cannot race in a catagory that has so much uncertainty. We just got tired of all the stuff...


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