OT: Internet access

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by Dave Koehler, Apr 27, 2008.

  1. Dave Koehler

    Dave Koehler Member

    Sep 10, 2004
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    I have been using Hughesnet satellite for the last few years. I even have a portable dish I drag around when traveling.
    Lately I have been eyeballing the wireless thing.

    Anyone here use Verizon or Sprint for internet access? Like, dislikes?

    Dave Koehler
  2. Mike Canter

    Mike Canter Top Dragster
    Staff Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    It ain't going to be as fast as the Hughes Net but it is cheaper. Because of the type format used the Sprint is faster than Verizon but not by much. I am thinking of getting it for when I travel so I don't have to drive the motorhome into subdivisions to find a WiFi connection.
  3. altered boy

    altered boy Outlaw Altered

    Aug 4, 2003
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    i've had wireless cards from all the major carriers... in my experience verizon had really good coverage. i think sprint has just as good of coverage... but sprint was definitely faster than any other. i'm using the px-500 card from pantech... had it six months or so so i would imagine they have even better ones now.
  4. Dave Koehler

    Dave Koehler Member

    Sep 10, 2004
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    Satellite fast? Mike, you can't believe everything the cute redhead in the commercials says. :)
    Way better than dial up though....most of the time.
  5. Dave Koehler

    Dave Koehler Member

    Sep 10, 2004
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    There was actually a cute redhead at the local Verizon store (see a pattern here?) that actually knew her stuff. Couldn't trip her up on anything.

    I'm a little concerned about Verizion's 5 gig per month max usage though.
    Sprint has an unlimited plan but there seems to be far too many horror stories about billing errors that gives one pause.
  6. QPM

    QPM New Member

    Sep 19, 2007
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    I have a Sprint card, along with my team owner, and It has worked flawlessly for me. the speed is good (not as fast as a home wifi network, but good). In fact, I am using it right now on my way to Fontana. I drove form Phoenix to the middle of nowhere Arkansas without lossing service. I dont know about billing issues as the team pays the bill.
  7. AnimalCrew

    AnimalCrew New Member

    Oct 25, 2005
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    I have had three different cards. The AT&T worked great up north (Chicago) but terrible down here in Florida.

    The Sprint PCMCIA card worked fantastic and I have transferred it to a small wireless router that uses the card for Inet access and gives you foour ports of 100MB and a Wirelessg Access point. Great where you have more than one machine in your pit or want to share with your neighbor. Push a button on the front of the router and it makes the broadband connection for you then its just like a broadband router at home.

    I use a Sprint USB broadband "card" or device for traveling. I just was in Chicago and it worked great and it has worked all over the southeast flawlessly. If anyone needs any further details, let me know.

    BTW - any of the providers should be better than satellite because of the inherent latency of the satellite system when two way comm is involved. Provided of course the signal strength is adequate for the broadband carrier where you happen to be.


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