Seat upholstery

Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by Randy G., Dec 12, 2007.

  1. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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    With all this talk about formed foam seat padding around the driver, let's read what the NHRA Rule Book I just got yesterday says:

    "Seats must be foamed or formed to fit the drivers body. Minimum one layer, flame retardent material mandatory as seat upholstery, with manufacturer's name displayed. No magnesium permitted."

    The seat in my car is made out of aluminum, has a single layer of Nomex and the TAYLOR manufacturer logo. It has a small lumbar support hump built in it.

    Based on the wording "or formed to fit the driver" as I read it, since my driver is XXXL, and the seat is M, and because once he sits in my car you can't fit a tech card between him and the seat anywhere, it is legal as-is.
    It would be a different story if I used the same seat and put Tate Branch or Brett Williamson in it where the seat is half again wider than the driver.

    Am I correct?

    Last edited: Dec 12, 2007
  2. clint thompson

    Jan 15, 2004
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    sounds like it to me. I will pass it in tech (but will collins?)

    nope you're gonna have to spend the grand on the foamed seat even though sounds like your driver will squish it all out. I am having Jeff Garvin fly to oregon to do mine, the only place there will be any foam is behind the small of my back i am sure.
  3. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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    Clint, I just got off the phone with someone involved in the rule book and he tells me NHRA will be clarifying the confusion. He also told me the rule is meant to protect smaller drivers like some of the petite females and girly drivers like Brett (just kidding, Brett). Not sure how this will effect the XXL drivers with built-in cellulite padding but I think we're good.

    I asked him whenever NHRA is inclined to make new rules we need to be given time to sort them out. Making the rules changes for 2008 effective July 1st and not January 1st would be a step in the right direction. Not many of us have a fabrication department in-house ready to go based off vague rules changes that take effect immediately, especially when we plan on testing 3 weeks after we get our rule book.
  4. Shawn Jones

    Shawn Jones Jr. Dragster

    Nov 10, 2003
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    LOL I guess I am one of those "girly" drivers like Brett then... I liked the name Bob gave me better...cracker ass...

    But getting to all the rule changes...Damn we sit out a year, and now have to spend 10k just to get the car to pass tech...WTF??? So I have a couple questions...
    1) It says 1 piece, or 3 piece shrouds, but all the FC shrouds I have seen (John Force etc...) are in 6 pieces...So what am I missing there?

    2) I also have a Taylor seat, with a lumbar foam support, does this make me legal, or because I can fit more than a tech card between me and the seat do I have to spend the $$$ for the foam?

    3) I am completey confused on the belly pan... The way I read it is since we are required to run the belly pan now, we no longer need to run a diaper. Am I correct? Also can someone explain to me how we are supposed to have a 4" lip behind the bellhousing without interfearing with the cockpit tin???

    4) And last... Am I really going to have to re-locate my crotch seat belt strap as someone indicated on this site???

    Thanks NHRA.
  5. TAD529

    TAD529 Member

    Sep 19, 2006
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    1) We have a 3 peice shroud on our dragster... The way it is set up is a peice goes around both sides of the roll cage which meets at the rear of the cage. Then theres a 3rd peice that come up the rear of the cage from behind the shoulders to above your head....

    2) Dont know about 2...

    3) The belly pans, from what I understand and if theyre going off the dragsters except a year late is the belly pan has to go all the way around the frame to both top frame rails. Ours extends past the bellhousing and trans to about 8 inches from the differential (again this is a dragster). I beleive the pan must extend rearward of the bellhousing and around the transmission, and yes it will interfere with the cockpit tinwork....bur I could certainly be wrong. Also you still have to run a diaper.

    4) yeah, lol
  6. Shawn Jones

    Shawn Jones Jr. Dragster

    Nov 10, 2003
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    This one definately looks like more than 3 pieces. Is this still ok to do or is this no longer allowed?
  7. F/C Girl

    F/C Girl New Member

    Feb 9, 2005
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    The seat is less than a grand -- There is a kit, you can do it yourself. The bigger you are, the less foam for the seat. runs appx $275 to $300

    If you don't want to do the material outside, Dennis will do that part of it for you.

    It works backwards in size ratio for what you get, Clint for me in my seat it's a medium (possibly large), my understanding for you it would be a small (being less foam required).

    I have all the info as I met with the guys at PRI and they've asked if I want to be a distributor. I see this coming in to all racing classes sooner than later which is why I spoke with Dennis about distributing the kits before agreeing to start to help out other racers especially the ones that just can't afford the extra $1K and all the expenses (Super Classes, Top Sportsman etc, it's not mandatory for them yet, but it would make since, some of those guys are really hauling a$$ and it's just another procaution to protect us).

    Please feel free to contact me at if anyone is interested in the info.

    Just so you know, you have to suit up and sit in the car for about 45 for the slow resin to start to mold, then leave it over night, then you do the cutting and forming to custom needs. (there is another type too, but to me it seemed a little more cumbersum (sp) than this particular type. (Dennis will be offering the kits too)

    ta ta for now,


    Shawn: Mckinney has a 3 piece carbon fiber that is legal, $680. Plus $40 for the hardware. Jeff Burnett will have the same thing.

    The belly pan is pretty easy we did a lot of the work and the welding was about $400, yes you still need the diaper underneath, we did ours out of tin last year the way the speck is this year, works great (though we've never needed it knock on wood)

    Butler pads, Garvin or Taylor motorsports, appx $600.

    Crotch strap--from my understanding from Murf (Dennis - Randy Please correct me if I'm wrong) the 7 point will work as well and with DT's current restraint system, it's a one belt addition to the existing, if not then moving the current one is necessary. Dave Germain was told that he could attached a loop bar 3 inches back from his leg bar and pull his existing strap through the seat.

    Hope this helps, looking forward to seeing you & your dad out there this year.

    Last edited: Dec 13, 2007
  8. Nathan Sitko - 625 TAD/TAFC

    Jun 24, 2003
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    just to clarify...

    So just to clarify Nancy...if we upgrade to the 7-point belts we do not need to move the bar that the crotch strap currently is wrapped around (aka front seat bar)?

  9. F/C Girl

    F/C Girl New Member

    Feb 9, 2005
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    Nathan, that was my understanding from both Dennis & Murf since the crotch strap becomes secondary at that point with the 7 point in place.

    The only myth is that it's Not written in the rule book that way, but that IS how it was described to me by two guys in the know, so that's the direction we're going since it really makes the most sense in the way that it works and cost effectiveness.

    If anyone hear's or know's different, please share.
  10. Nathan Sitko - 625 TAD/TAFC

    Jun 24, 2003
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    Thanks for the info Nancy. I'm putting the 7-point belts in this year anyhow - but in the meantime, if anyone up close to us needs a new bar put in for their 5-point deal, give us a call!;)
  11. BD

    BD New Member

    Jan 15, 2004
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    carbon fiber shrouds

    Nhra Has Not Offical Accepted Any Composite Shrouds As Of 5 Oclock Today..................

    The Oil Retention Pan Device For Top Alcohol Funny Cars In The 2008 Rule Book Will Be Revised To Read Like The Nitro Funny Car Rules.

    You Still Need To Have A Sfi Approved Diaper Or Bucket

    Any Question Contact Me At Bdevour @
  12. Chsbldr

    Chsbldr Member

    Jul 4, 2005
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    I just wanted to mention to every one to be very careful of the type of formed seat kits you get! I too was at PRI and talked to several people about this. On top of that I have researched several types only to find out some of the kits can not withstand heat and flame vey well!
    Even covered with nomex it could still cause a hazard.
    I am not saying any of those that are being used right now for Drag Racing are, but to warn those who want to do the seat them selves to make sure and buy the stuff from someone who knows what you will use it for.
  13. Dave Germain

    Dave Germain New Member

    Aug 1, 2003
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    Bob, I was told by Danny Gracia at the PRI show that the Mckinney carbon fiber shield was approved but that the Burnett version wasn't yet. I have a seat sort of on order but I worry bout sitting in molten flaming foam when it catches on fire. I wonder how quick the NHRA will be to rescind the order once the first fuel car catches on fire. I agree with Randy G. - all these rules should have had a little more lead time. I know those rule books weren't printed yesterday so why the secrecy? Do they not want TAFCs at Pomona? Becuase that is the end result of all this. Why do't they just say that instead of jerking my checkbook through my foam encased rearend? Dave Germain
  14. BD

    BD New Member

    Jan 15, 2004
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    Composite Head Shrouds Accepted List

    The Companies That As Of Today Have Submitted The Proper Information To Be Nhra Accepted List For Composite Head Shrouds For Alcohol Funny Car Only Are:

    Bret Williamson...also Sells The Sfi Approved Bucket

    Jeff Burnett Racing

    Spitzer Race Cars

    Mckinney Corp

    Dragsters Will Only Be Allowed .075 Titanium Or .090 4130 Steel

    Any Questions Can Call Me At 562-547-3183..bob Devour
  15. Don Hudson

    Don Hudson Supa fly

    Sep 22, 2003
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    B(&)D-I used to be into that

    So, these companies are accepted, But is the Product?(composite head shrouds) Will these products have an SFI tag? or does it fall in line with chassis inspection/certification. Hope all is well.
  16. BD

    BD New Member

    Jan 15, 2004
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    alcohol funny car shrouds

    don.................not SFI approved,.........but NHRA accepted........

  17. Don Hudson

    Don Hudson Supa fly

    Sep 22, 2003
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    Cool, so your saying I can buy one from one of the fine suppliers listed.
    Now im excited.:)

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