Tuning Help

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by dan1, Nov 28, 2007.

  1. dan1

    dan1 New Member

    Nov 28, 2007
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    New Here, So HELLO TO ALL.I have been following posts in tech section awhile,i really need some advise on tuning my motor.what i have is a all alum 580 BBC Merlin with Grumpy jenkins series heads.i am running alcohol with a 10-71 wiend that RBS stripped and hard anodized, birdcatcher, 110 enderle pump,msd 7 box and msd dist. static comp 9.5-1,timing 32deg,plugs i believe are autolite 3923 or 3924,nozzels in hat are 46s and downnozzels are 36s. overdriven at 28.89%-17lbs boost.my questions are are these the right plugs to be running?i have been reading on here and it looks like not,also am i running enough timing?from what ive been reading i should be closer to 38-40 on timing. i would like some input from professionals as it looks like there is no shortage of those here.Thanks for any help.Dan
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2007
  2. Mike Canter

    Mike Canter Top Dragster
    Staff Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    Dan, I show both those plugs to be 5/8 hex, 3/4" reach and with gasket. I also show that they are both a projected tip. If that is correct then I think you would be a better with either an Autolite AR-3932 or an equal NGK R5671A-10. A slightly warmer plug which will still work an Autolite AR3933 or an NGK R5671A-9. All these plugs are standard reach. I would also think your plug gap should be down around .015-.019".

    As far as the timing that is hard to say. With the Digital 7 you can probably push it safely to 35-36* depending on your mixture. Try reading this first at http://www.dragstuff.com/techarticles/reading-alcohol-spark-plugs.html and see where the timing mark is on the ground straps and go from there on timing.
  3. dan1

    dan1 New Member

    Nov 28, 2007
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    Thanks for the help, already picked up the plugs ,went ahead and got both heat ranges so we can experiment on the dyno later. The artical on dragstuff was good reading gives me a little more insight. Dan
  4. Mike Canter

    Mike Canter Top Dragster
    Staff Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    The heat range of a plug is the ability to transfer heat from the porcelein to the metal outer body of the plug. You are not reading a fuel ring on the porcelein with alcohol so the heat range does not play into that part. You do need to keep the porcelein cool enough so it doesn't become a glow plug in a leaned out mixture which is easy to ignite.

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