Fontana motor help

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by jody stroud, Nov 22, 2007.

  1. jody stroud

    jody stroud ZOMBIE Top Dragster

    Sep 3, 2007
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    Can anyone tell me about the fontana hemi combo? Cost, where to find one and the pros and cons. Have heard that they are a little more user friendly than BAE motors. Looking for something that is easy to service between rounds, in IHRA TD we sometimes need to go round robin, no time to service bearings, heads etc. just fuel, cool down a little and go. Jody Stroud

    Dec 2, 2004
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    Fontana Hemi is the shiznig, very service friendly and long living,
    they are around $36,000 new intake to pan,..
    I have been on the top end, and bottom end, of the Fontana this year,
    and probly into next year also, as a crew member it is the sweet dream of going rounds, dont know of any cons, just nothing but pro`s.
    Bring car back from run, adjust valves, service clutch, pull the pan throw a couple of fans on the rods let them cool down, retorque, or you can inspect the rod bearings there is usually lots of time, and its a good habit to follow by too takes all but about 22 minutes to change them all, thats about it. been threw many severe tire shaking conditions and did not
    have to worry about the mains,..we can go 2 races and even more without inspecting the mains and when we do they are still like brand new.
    Get a excellent set of intake valve springs and go all weekend, no probs.
    if by chance you hurt a valve or burn a piston, leave the intake and blower
    on the darn thing, and just pull that head off change the piston slap it
    back together and what about 8 minutes. yes the crew is that good ..:D
    get ahold of Bob Minor......for more info
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2007
  3. Bob Kraemer

    Bob Kraemer New Member

    Feb 24, 2004
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  4. Dave Germain

    Dave Germain New Member

    Aug 1, 2003
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    I have a Miner Bros motor. I priced the BAE first but it was 2000$ more than a comparable MBR motor. And best of all I didn't have to wait 12-13 weeks (per Jeremy at BAE) The Miner bros motor has a big bore- 4.500 and a short stroke 4.125 so it will rev to the moon and with it's good valve train geometry it won't hurt stuff doing that either. I am very happy with mine, I only wish I had done it a couple of years sooner. It would have saved me a bunch of money and a ton of hassles. Dave Germain
  5. Steve Gasparrelli

    Apr 18, 2005
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    The MBR Engine is easy to work on, extremely durable, and most important...makes world class power. We have run the MBR Engine for the last 4 years and are very pleased with it.

    I would recommend the MBR wholeheartedly.

    Contact Bob Miner @ 1-209-609-3030. I am sure he would be happy to help you.

    Steve Gasparrelli
  6. clint thompson

    Jan 15, 2004
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    Hey Jody,

    I have run the Fontana (now Miner Bros.) engine for 15 years. Ever since Bob Miner took it over several years ago it has been a formidable competitor to the more common BAE stuff. We have the power to run with anyone and the motor is extremely durable. There are no issues with main bearings whatsoever. The motor uses a Chevrolet style crank with the thrust main on the back, this means tire shake will not blacken your rear main like the Chryslers do. The valve train is extremely stable and pushrod issues are also non existant. We have run the same pushrods for years and only change the adjusters every 30-40 runs because we feel sorry for them. We run the motor over 10,000 rpm on every shift with no issues. The heads come off with the intake/blower left on the motor, so you can have a cylinder head off in about 5 minutes. The bottom 3" of the block is comprised of removeable billet pan rail extentions that can easily be replaced. Most of the time if you do kick a rod, you just change the pan rails and the pan and no block welding is required. The mag drive is part of the front cover assembly so no additional external parts to deal with. The blocks and heads are billet so very durable and stable.

    You would be very pleased with both the performance and the service you get from Bob Miner. He is a racer and does everything he can to keep you on the track. Parts availablity is good, the prices are very similar to BAE and the service is top notch.

    We have won 7 wallys using Miner power, and the cars that run this engine are all strong players. Doug Gordon has gone 260 mph in his TAFC, we have run as quick as 5.57. Ken Perry has the quickest BAD timeslip in the country and he runs Miner Power, Joey Severance's BAD is also very quick and fast using this engine combo.

    Call Bob and get yourself one, you won't be sorry!:)
  7. TOL

    TOL Active Member

    May 18, 2005
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    Hey Clint, just curious who's rod you run and how often you chenge them out in your MBR motor? Thanks.
  8. clint thompson

    Jan 15, 2004
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    we run GRP's and change them at 18-20 runs. Have not had any trouble with them (he types as he is knocking on wood lol)

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