A/Fuel Funny Car

Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by Randy G., Nov 9, 2007.

  1. WJ Birmingham

    WJ Birmingham New Member

    Oct 1, 2007
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    I really love reading some of the good discussion on these forums.

    There's a lot of technical knowledge.

    Sure wish a debate could/would occur without the peanut gallery comments.
  2. clint thompson

    Jan 15, 2004
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    Well whilie i agree that it would screw up the parity of the class just as it did with the dragsters, I too would build one if "dreamland" became reality. Would be a lot of fun, that said, like Dennis I do love driving the supercharged car but then again i have never driven an A Fuel car so????? Sure seems like some people get awfully "twisted up" when commenting on these threads. It is just a discussion for crying out loud. Who is this Dan Lynch guy anyway, I looked on NHRA.com points clear back to 2005 and don't see that name in the top alcohol dragster list anywhere??
  3. Shawn Jones

    Shawn Jones Jr. Dragster

    Nov 10, 2003
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    Ok I am only going to post from a drivers stand point and leave the cost and parity debate out of it. I agree with Randy in that there are only a handfull of great drivers out there, and most of us (me included) are just average to good drivers. Dragracing as a whole has become less and less about drivers ability and more and more about car set up. You may or may not think this is a problem. I personaly do. TAFC is one of the few cars left in drag racing where the driver has as much of an influence on the cars performance as the car, crew, funding, etc... do. If you look at almost any other form of motorsports the driver plays as big of a role in the cars performance as the car and crew do. This unfortunately, just isn't the case in a lot of dragracing.

    Let me ask this... Don't you think driver ability should play as big of a factor in a race as the car???? I know I think it should.

    That being said, there is no doubt that I would enjoy driving an a/f car especially if it ripped off a 5.40. The question is would I be as proud of doing it as I would be if I ripped that same number off in a Blown TAFC? Probably not.

    Shawn Jones
  4. Pat McGill

    Pat McGill Member

    May 7, 2003
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    Great statement! Similar to how impressive a .20 is in a BAD, while a .20 in a AFD is an everyday occurence.

    What were the conditions for Reichert's 5.25 in the 1st round at Pomona? It sure felt hot to me.

    Dec 2, 2004
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    I think A/FC would be a great way to just go faster. and beable
    to perform and put on a whole new show.
    TA/FC ,..yes that is a drivers deal, leave off the clutch with
    the rpm`s blistering the ears, shifting buttons, pedaling, shaking, keeping
    it in the groove,..totaly a drivers animal,...
    BUT I think its all about the fuel,.. yea baby NITROMETHANE ,
    Snort, grunt, pop, bang, cackle, load the motor to be
    pulled down, mild header flames, the smell,.. oh yea and the E.T.
    This will be the only way to beable to go faster without crossingover
    to a AA/FC. except if your Manzo then the high .40`s are basically
    reallistic,...I think after a few test sessions and a handle on the combo
    no dought in my mind seeing a mid to high 5.30 runs.
    especially if Steve Boggs goes for it too.

    what can I say,.......
  6. Hokes Racing

    Hokes Racing Moderator

    Oct 13, 2003
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    Might be anyone

    Dan Lynch BioDan Lynch, 63, is a private investor. He is a founder of CyberCash, Inc.. He also founded Interop Company, which is now a division of Key3Media

    Dan Lynch :: Connecticut Marketing Consultant Dan Lynch is a Connecticut Marketing Consultant specializing in integrated marketing. Although based in CT, Dan Lynch services clients throughtout the ...

    Dan Lynch – Registered ParliamentarianDan Lynch is a Registered Parliamentarian and meeting procedure consultant based in Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

    Dan Lynch, 2003 Nov 23Dan Lynch, a member of the South Dublin Astronomical Society, was on flight QF2901 - a 14-hour flight that left Australia, intercepted the eclipse over .

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    It Doesn't Matter What Women Want - Dan Lynch - MensNewsDaily.com™... because women will be telling you what they want just as soon as you ask them. It's about what you want that matters first. Dan Lynch

    About Lynch Vineyards: People - Dan Lynch, VintnerDan Lynch can often be found walking his vineyards in dusty loafers, with a pair of clippers in his back pocket and a refractometer close at hand
  7. Dan Lynch

    Dan Lynch Member

    May 7, 2003
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    That's funny, I was just on their site as well looking for Norm Drazy, Randy Anderson, Steve Boggs, John Glade, and Norm Grimes and I couldn't find any of their names listed in the points anywhere either....
    Coincidence, I think not???
  8. mosaurus

    mosaurus New Member

    May 15, 2007
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    great post!

    I think its funny that Dan Lynch puts himself in the same company as some of the better thinkers in our sport. He lists a group of people with a huge amount of accomplishments. Besides making wise cracks and putting people down, I have wondered what he has accomplished?

  9. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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    Post of the year nominee right there.

    Not meaning to be disrespectful, but there are a lot of guys who run and tune without driving and we have heard of them. Keith Clark, Bob DeVour, Mike Walker, Bob Miner, Don Williamson, Ora Vasquez, Frank Parker and lots more. I've been around a quite while yet the only time I ever hear of Dan is on the internet. Maybe Dan isn't his real name but he thinks we should know what it is? What is it?

    Last edited: Nov 16, 2007
  10. Pat McGill

    Pat McGill Member

    May 7, 2003
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    Alright children, let's get back to Randy's original post. Why screw-up a good thing by bringing nitro to TAFC? There is enough of those piss-boxes in TAD.
  11. mosaurus

    mosaurus New Member

    May 15, 2007
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    Post away!

    Looking at his last post, I guess the same can be said about Pat McGill. He has no involvement w/any team, in any capacity, but still flaps his jaws in a negative manner.

    Nice job, again!
  12. eli

    eli Banned

    Dec 24, 2005
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    That my be so, BUT, he's the COWBOY ! :rolleyes:
  13. Woodchip

    Woodchip Top Alcohol Dragster

    Aug 27, 2004
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    What If Manzo comes out with a fuel A/FC and starts ripping off low thirties? what then?
  14. Pat McGill

    Pat McGill Member

    May 7, 2003
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    Luckily, there will always be beer available.

    I don't want TAFC to follow the trend that has become commonplace in Comp; people politicking for new classes in order to be competitive.
  15. Fuel Cars

    Fuel Cars AA/AM

    Aug 20, 2003
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    Why not start an A/FC association, like the many of the outlaw ones, and judge the response?

    Personally, I'ld rather see ProComp again with maybe some tire restriction for "parity".
  16. mosaurus

    mosaurus New Member

    May 15, 2007
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    I'm assuming you mean as in a 'Brokeback Mountain' type of cowboy. Yeah, I guess you're right.
  17. lynnengels

    lynnengels New Member

    Oct 15, 2003
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    a fool funny

    i shouldnt say anything since i dont have a car any more, but if i could have a p.o.s. as nice as randy goodwins car and i knew what he,s forgot id still be racing and id probably want an a fuel funny car too. and i also respect what my friends lawren and shawn jones opinions and dennis taylor, clinnt thompson,will and others that are real racers, not the pat magills and dan lynchs that were mouthing everybody five years ago when i still had a car,and the newer ones like 66 vette if you guys really are racers you should step out from behind your computer names everyone would respect what you have to say more and if those are your names my bad, anyway just my opinion and we all know what opinions are like, ___holes everybodys got one. a former tad owner and a former tafc owner and driver and the driving part was very debateable since the only thing that sreamed louder than the blower was me in the lights. just sign me has been or never will be, aw heck ill just use my real name lynn engels
  18. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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    That would be great because once again Frank the Man(zo) would show us the way.

    I hear he is going to give it a couple more seasons and then hang up the Nomex. Maybe with a change of pace he might be inclined to stick around in to his mid 60's. I told my wife I would quit at age 50 but one year and exactly eleven months after the big birthday I still get a kick out of firing my stuff up.

    Hey Lynn. You've spent your last dime doing this like the rest of us addicts. You have say-so, too, and speak from experience. I appreciate your comments.

    I would never walk up to Big Bill and Dana Hopewell in the middle of a conversation and call the car they run for Dwayne a "piss-box".
  19. Dan Lynch

    Dan Lynch Member

    May 7, 2003
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    I have plenty of respect from many in the TAD/TAFC world... Just because I can't include you or Randy in that group doesn't really matter to me...
    If you've been following my posts over the years, you know that I know my shit when it comes to Drag Racing... If you can't read between the lines, that's not my problem...
    If the owner of this site didn't respect my comments, I'm sure that I would have been sent on down the road a long time ago...
    ps. I'm always available at DanLynch174@yahoo.com, hell I even reply to most of the fan mail that I get.
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2007
  20. Pat McGill

    Pat McGill Member

    May 7, 2003
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    Why would you even mention walking up to those guys and calling the car they run for Duane a piss-box? That doesn't mean you think the AFDs are piss-boxes, does it? That being said, can we get back to the topic at hand?

    Do any other BAD racers (you know, the guys/girls that have been getting screwed by NHRA for years) want to chime in on adding injected nitro to TAFC? How quick did Brooks Brown/Tom Topping go in '91?
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2007

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