High School Project

Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by Eric David Bru, Nov 5, 2007.

  1. Eric David Bru

    Sep 4, 2005
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    Hey gang,
    I have a project planned for next spring that I need your help on.
    What I want to do is develop a speech/presentation geared towards the local high school mechanics/auto shop/etc classes that shows the importance of education in motorsports.
    It is my general opinion that counselors do not properly explain to kids why they need to study and take various classes in high school and kids think that they should only try in classes they like. For example, a kid that may excel at auto or wood shop may not want to try in English or Math classes. Or a kid that is wanting to go into the business world may shy away from the Auto Mechanics classes. Even though this is the 21st century, there are still girls that are not always welcomed into the "shop" classes.
    What I would like to do is schedule a presentation where me and the crew bring the 1956 to the local high school and while we are dressed in our crew uniforms unload the car, set up a 'pit-space' and do a speech/presentation during this that explains the need to get their money's worth out of their classes.
    Marketing, Economics, Accounting, Public Relations, History, Auto Shop, etc while stressing the importance of legal on-track only drag racing. If possible I would coordinate this with a local DARE or Police/Fire Department. Keep in mind, we are in a rural area where the largest town in our school district is about 880 people.
    Have any of you done something like this and can you give me an outline of your presentation?
    How bad of an idea would it be to do a jack-stand warm-up of the car complete with a converter check? All normal safety protocols would be used as if we were at the track.
  2. michael hall

    michael hall New Member

    Oct 10, 2006
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    It sounds great, but all I can think of is the Pro Mod accident with the AMS car...all the planning in the world and an accident could happen.
  3. Eric David Bru

    Sep 4, 2005
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    That is why I am uncertain about even starting the car. It would be on jackstands, the FD would be there, but...

  4. altered boy

    altered boy Outlaw Altered

    Aug 4, 2003
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    cool idea... many people don't realize it's no longer racing it is motorsports marketing. i mean to you and i it is racing... the long nights, frustrating mistakes, incredible pay (i kid i kid... haha) just to send our POS down the track a few seconds at a time. but it's all really just part of a bigger marketing machine... a business. and it needs to operate as such to be successful.

    FWIW... i only fire my car three ways 1)with a belted driver possessing the knowledge/ability to stop/shutdown the car in the seat (on stands) 2)without a driveshaft in it (on stands) 3)with me in it pointed down a race track

    as for referencing this to the AMS deal... that was a horrible event. they pointed a missile down a public street... and the police sanctioned it. sad deal with a very sad outcome. no one wins in that deal
  5. jim phillips

    jim phillips ta/fc

    Apr 29, 2007
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    i have thought of going to the school and talking to the shop teacher for the mechianics class pic some students tear the car down put it back together and start it along with a presentation i thought that would be cool i would have loved to have done that when i was in high school
  6. eli

    eli Banned

    Dec 24, 2005
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    Ya, me too, but Don Garlits never showed up. :rolleyes:
  7. Paul Noakes

    Paul Noakes Member

    Nov 28, 2006
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    High Schools

    Hello everyone,
    I think this is an awesome idea!! I have personally done this myself except the firing of the car. I teach junior (grade 9&10) transportation technology at the school that I showed my car and it went over really well, except the fact the senior transportation teacher thinks my time would be better spent golfing so he did not bring the seniors into the shop??? Almost retired. I think you have to start with the auto shop teacher and have his input on the cirriculum so you have an idea of what that individual is or has taught . This does get the kids attention but if you can explain or reinforce things like the four stroke cycle, brakes, safety, cooling, lubrication and anything else that may have been covered you will be welcome back time and time again. I also prepared for other departments like: art- I gave them a blank outline of a funny car and asked two tasks.1 design me a new paint scheme and 2 find a company paste thier name on the car like you were trying to get them to sponsor the car. I have actually used a couple of these drawings, and my current paint scheme was designed by a student. The art department loved it, Geography has a list of the IHRA races and they mapped out the routes and mileage so I can figure some costs- students loved it. Math is adding everything up so when I approach a company they will know where the money is being spent. I gave the math teacher a couple of sponsor figures and asked him to get students to figure out which races I should attend with the different amount of money.This will also help me!!!! I got the photo department to take pics and I sent one to the paper to hopefully get it in with the students name on it, have not heard back. If you wanted to fire the car I would ask if they have a fund raiser coming up that you can help with, but personally the way the world is and how the generation is being raised (don't get a job, get a lawyer) you may have a problem - noise????
    As far as something written down, I can not help you. I did go on about how you do not have to be rich to do this if you take your time dreams will come true. Getting kids to take the car apart sounds good and would be great experience for the "good ones" but I would hate to see something go wrong or missing. Hey give it a try I hope I helped, if you come up with some good stuff to try pass it on.
    One thing to remember
    Long after the students have forgotten what you taught them, they will remember how you treated them.
    Good luck

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