don't ride that tail gate

Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by bob szabo, Jun 24, 2007.

  1. bob szabo

    bob szabo FC / altered

    Jun 30, 2005
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    I was at a Sacramento, CA Race last weekend. A race team was towing their racer back to the pits. I believe three guys were sitting on the tail gate of the pickup truck tow vehicle when the support chains broke and the gate dropped. The crew fell to the ground in front of the race car. The tow vehicle driver was attentive and immediately stopped the vehicle. I can't count the number of times seeing crew (often with kids) on the tail gate in a tow. As well as towing fast for between rounds schedules.
    Four things came to mind for us:
    1. check my tail gate restraints or change them
    2. avoid crew riding on the tail gate in a tow
    3. the attention and competence of the tow vehicle driver; avoiding idle conversation with that person during a tow and keeping that person attentive for the unforeseen
    4. keep tow speed down regardless of the pressure.
    bob szabo, tech book author
  2. JMR

    JMR Member

    Dec 3, 2004
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    tail gate

    General Motors has a recall/warranty on the tail gate straps going back six or eight years. Good point Bob, really dumb things happen in a heartbeat. Jeff
  3. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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    I believe NHRA has a rule regarding this. Steve McCracken's girlfriend was killed falling off a tailgate on the return road several years ago when he was racing his "Sundancer" BB/FC.

    Another thing worth mentioning. Tom Lemon was towing through the pits when a spectator jumped under his truck as though he wanted to be hit. Tom stopped very quickly before hitting him and they pulled the guy out from under his truck. It was almost like the guy was looking for an insurance claim or something.

    Glad no one was hurt.
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2007
  4. jwsamuel

    jwsamuel New Member

    Apr 4, 2005
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    A crew member got killed at Richmond during the points race their in may when he fell off the gate. I am surprised it does not happen more often.

  5. HEMIdude

    HEMIdude New Member

    Oct 11, 2005
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    Similar applies to golf carts. Promod racers Quain and Mitch Stott lost their father a few years ago at Norwalk when the driver of their golf cart took off before he was on securely. He had both feet on the cart and must not have had a hold with his hands. His head was the first thing to hit the pavement. I was literally 15 feet away and saw the entire incident. Words can't express how it affected me.

    Everyone has to keep their cool and remain calm no matter how big a win or loss may be or how little time there may be between rounds. Tow drivers should take a count of all who will be riding in/on the truck and not move the truck until they hear every single person say they are ready to go.
  6. mister know it all

    mister know it all New Member

    Dec 11, 2004
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    our full crew goes to the line at race time, before we even get up to the start up area we talk about which "2" guys are going to get the driver. the rest of the crew walks by foot back to the the tiime they are done weighing it, checking the fuel and so on. we have the jacks ready and the generator running. sometimes to much is more of a problem.
  7. bobbyblue359

    bobbyblue359 New Member

    Nov 3, 2006
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    Mister, You've Got It Right! I'm Telling My Wife To Run Over People All The Time And All She Does Is Go Slow And Get Us All There In One Piece. Once The Adrenalin Subsides, I See Her Wisdom. She's Never Had A Ticket Or An Accident Ever In Her Life. Me On The Other Hand At 18 Should Have Been Put In Jail. At 62 I'm Calmer Now, But Not Between Rounds. That's Why We Stay Married: I'm The Flea On A String And She Calmly Reels Me Down To Reality. It's Hard To Take Back Running Someone Over, And Then Asked Why, Just Say You Were In A Hurry To Get Ready For Next Round. Doesn't Sound Good In Front Of A Judge Or St. Peter. It's Better To Tell Nhra You're Not Ready Than Go Another Round With Someone's Death On Your Hands. We've Never Hurt Anybody, But It's My Wife's Sanity That Has Kept Us Safe. Still, I'd Like To Wipe Off The Remains Of A Drunk Spectator Just Once From The Front Wing. That's Why My Wife Won't Let Me Drive At The Track.

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