Trailer brakes

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by Darvin Martinets, Jun 17, 2007.

  1. Darvin Martinets

    Nov 12, 2006
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    I have a trailer with air over hydralic brakes. Brakes work great when they are working. Just can not keep a master cylinder from leaking. Anybody run into this problem. Help Post a phone number and I will call. Willing to pay for solution. Darvin 979-299-5020
  2. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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    You didn't say if there is an air leak or hydraulic leak.

    If the master cylinder is leaking brake fluid it may just need to be rebuilt. If that doesn't work you may have a moisture problems that has deteriorated the master cylinder to the point where it should be replaced.

    Bleeding the brakes can be a little tricky due to the length of the lines and if you have 3 axles. But it's really not much different than any other master cylinder.

    I have a 3 axle 52' trailer made by T&E with an air over hydraulic system with large brakes. Because one master cylinder feeds 6 wheel cylinders I keep an eye on the reservoir as the brakes wear because it will empty it out. It's been trouble free for me, and I would never go back to electric brakes if I could help it.

    Lurking to see what anyone else has to say.

    Last edited: Jun 17, 2007
  3. Darvin Martinets

    Nov 12, 2006
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    I bought the trailer used. It had a leaking master cylinder on it when I bought it. It took me for ever to find a new (not rebuilt) master cylinder. I put it on, blead the system and in 50 miles this master cylinder was pouring out the back just like the old one. I think I have a problem with the air servo. When you release the air valve, it hits the MC so hard it sounds like it is breaking it. Does yours do this or is there something wrong with my system
  4. HEMIdude

    HEMIdude New Member

    Oct 11, 2005
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    I assume the master cylinder is located above the wheel cylinders but if it's not the whole system will drain back to it. By chance is the trailer parked on an incline that would put the master cylinder below the wheels?
  5. Darvin Martinets

    Nov 12, 2006
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    No ,this trailer is on level ground.

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