Air/Fuel sensors?

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by Chris R, Jun 7, 2007.

  1. Chris R

    Chris R New Member

    Apr 10, 2006
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    Does Air/Fuel Sensors work in rich conditions such as in TAD/TAFC/ProMod applications?
    Has anyone experieced aircontamination due to backpulses in the zoomies?

    ///chris R
  2. Flyboy68

    Flyboy68 Member

    Mar 26, 2006
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    Chris, Since nobody replied i'll tell ya what i've learned. The FAST and Innovate system will work w/ alcohol. The problem is a lot of systems don't like to read and give #'s under 4:1 which is where most alky motors idle at, even though idle you don't really care about. I know they recommend the sensors to be 16 inches from the head allowing the exhaust to cool for extended sensor life as well as acurate readings. However in exhaust situations they need to be 18 inches from the end so they don't get any fresh air in and corrupt the reading. So w/ that in mind, might make it tough unless your zoomies are 34 inches long. If they aren't i'd error towards the head than putting the sensor too close the the outlet. Basically fudge on the 16in not the 18in. Never seen these on zoomies though. Most of these guys will just laugh and tell ya to put your egt's back in, however i see o2's taking them over very soon. ...just my 2 cents

  3. Chris R

    Chris R New Member

    Apr 10, 2006
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    Thanks Josh!

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