Rev limiters-Motor killers?

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by Dave Germain, May 28, 2007.

  1. Dave Germain

    Dave Germain New Member

    Aug 1, 2003
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    Ok guys, here is a question that I am looking for some consensus on- Rev limiters- do they hurt motors? I have been told by a couple very reputable sources that if the motor hits the rev limiter a person should change the rods.
    We ran at Mission BC last weekend. First full pass on a brand new set of rods, pistons and wrist pins. I had a 9800 chip in the rev limiter and it hit the chip at 9500 for 4 tenths of a second. The next thing was a clunk as number six rod left it's happy home and exited the block. I am really getting tired of squeezing rocks for blood to fix this thing. Any ideas on how to keep the reciprocating mass inside the motor would be appreciated. The motor didn't lean out according to the spark plugs or EGTs. I also didn't lose oil pressure either according to the racepak. Thanks, Dave Germain "Germinator" I'll be back.......
  2. Crew

    Crew Volunteer

    Jul 31, 2005
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    We run the MSD 8973 mag controller and it has the new limiter that doesn't hit the same cylinders in row. It doesn't hurt a thing. I know when we hit the rev limiter on the points box it's bad news.
  3. Mike Canter

    Mike Canter Top Dragster
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    Mar 10, 2004
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    The old analog rev limiters such as what is in the Pro Mag points box or what is used on a analog ignition system are a roll of the dice as to what happens. The analog rev limiters may not fire the same cylinders many times in a row or you might be random. Most times the analog systems stop firing the same cylinders several times in a row. This can cause the cylinder to fill with unburned fuel. As Crew pointed out the digital systems such as the Digital 7s or the 8973 use a "Soft Touch" rev limiter which sytematically move the not firing cylinders around so they will never not fire in a row.

    The analog systems can be hard on the motor.
  4. MotorPsycho

    MotorPsycho Member

    Sep 1, 2006
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    I've heard from a pro mod team, it'll rev to 10,500rpm with no problems, set the limiter to 10,000 it hits it and destroys the valves/springs
  5. aj481x

    aj481x Member

    Jan 27, 2004
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    From the website
    . Can the Rev Limiter damage the engine?

    NO! If and when the engine reaches the selected rev limit point the Rev Limiter will only drops cylinders randomly. The Rev Limiter is only as accurate as the input signal. The Rev Limiter is based on the incoming input signal from the magnetic pickup at the base of the generator or the pickup from the crank trigger. When the generator pickup is used it's not uncommon for the limiter accuracy to widen due to the mechanical slop or movement at high engine speed. This has been evident by a RacePak data recorder showing the timing variance (see above: What's the difference between a trigger from a magneto and a crank trigger?) In order to maximize the Rev Limiter accuracy it's advised to install a crank trigger.

    The Rev Limiter Chip is a precision resistor with 0.1% accuracy that calibrates the Rev Limiter circuitry. The RPM value should not change by heat or vibration nor can a resistor be "Shorted". A resistor can be "Open" which would then result in a "No Rev Limit"
  6. Crew

    Crew Volunteer

    Jul 31, 2005
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    You should compare the graph from the points box limiter to the 8973 limiter. Not only did we not hurt anything, it didn't hurt the run as bad either.

    Dec 2, 2004
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    2 say it can hurt the motor being on the rev limiter,..
    and 2 say no, it wont.
    and 1 resites from the msd web site..
    Thats gotta relly help Dave out here

    Dave uses points type box, not the 8973, no crank trigger
  8. Crew

    Crew Volunteer

    Jul 31, 2005
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    in our experience, hitting the limiter on the points box = damage.

    WIZBANG Member

    Nov 8, 2004
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    Any Thoughts On The Psi Rev Limiters ?
  10. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    you'll probably see better luck setting the motor a decent bit 600-800 higher than what you actually want to limit it at. in most non digital applications, the chip will start hitting 600 to 1000 rpm out. this causes a lot of problems. one it may be loading a cylinder up with fuel, two it throws everything out of balance, esp the clutch the longer you stay on it. this has killed many a rear main.

    case in point, with a 10,800 or 11,000 chip, you may have caught the situation quick enough to keep it off the limiter.

    was this a tire smoker or driveline failure, or just at the top of a gear?

    in my opinion, the chip should only be used to prevent extreme high revs from driveline failure. thus it should be around 11,000 or more depending on the size of the motor.

    this is a prime example of why the 'spec 9500 rev limiter' idea is such a BAD idea. the motivation behind it to keep costs down is good, but it's been proven many times rev limiters will hurt parts way quicker than higher revs.
  11. mikentracy718fc

    mikentracy718fc New Member

    Jan 5, 2006
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    In the class I have run for years no one has really hurt an engine that I have seen just hitting a rev limiter. Just untill the new msd stuff I have seen some real smart people and consistant hitting the rev limiter durring burn outs and about 900 feet with blown alky engines. These people have lost a few cranks and rods all the time. Do I have the wrong thinking hat on ???? I beleve that it is the rev limiter because of imbalance of cylinders like will stated. These people know how to build engines and there problem seems to be reacurng. I have sat back and watched the last two years and observed. What do ya think ????
  12. Mike Canter

    Mike Canter Top Dragster
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    Mar 10, 2004
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    So is launching with a blower motor on a Two Step the same as hitting the the high end rev limiter? It is done all the time without a problem. Something to think about.
  13. Dave Germain

    Dave Germain New Member

    Aug 1, 2003
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    My run was a normal pass, nothing out of the ordinary. I had a 9800 rpm chip in it and it hit the rev limiter at 9550 in high gear. According to the racepak it was on the chip for .4 of a second when I lifted. I didn't have enough clutch in the car so it drove through the cluch badly. We had missed our first qualifying pass so I wanted to make sure we could get down the track. I now know that a 10900 or 11000 chip is the way to go. I generally don't spin the car much over 9600 to try to save some parts. I had been told that RPM=$ but I know also know that Rev limiters=$ too.
  14. obsessed

    obsessed New Member

    May 30, 2007
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    Rev Limiters

    We have hit rev limiter 3 times in last 15 passes with 6 shooter and each time it cost a set of rods. Went to 8793 and hit limiter 2 out of 4 passes only beat up a couple bearings. BAD, TFX, BAE VI, lencodrive, 2 step. lots easier changing bearing than rods, I'm happier.
  15. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    results vs why


    i'm guessing the difference between laying over on a chip at the top of a shift or high gear vs at the start would be load on the engine?

    i can't explain exactly why...we all have theories....but the end result evidence supports the case it's much worse to hit a chip than slightly over rev.

    the chips are good mainly for driveline failure. not much else...usually after those runs you change the rods after the failure to be safe...they usually don't come out the block. once again, maybe load is the issue.

    dave, i feel for you. the idea had the best intentions in the world gone bad.

    mike - is the 8973 limiter the same limiter as the plug in soft touch control?

    right now on harker's car we're putting a new chip in it every race. brad anderson says throw them away if you ever hit them.
  16. bryanbrown

    bryanbrown Member

    Dec 21, 2003
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    You're not using the digital limiter in the retard box?
  17. Mike Canter

    Mike Canter Top Dragster
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    Mar 10, 2004
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    I think changing a chip every time you hit it is a little over cautious. The chip is nothing but a precision wire wound resistor which is not going to change value from use. I bet that the voltage is going through the chip anytime there is power on the system and it doesn't know that you are "hitting the chip".

    Here are the MSD resistance specifications for some of the even number RPM chips. If you have an accurate digital multi-meter you can check them.

    9200 rpm - 8590.2K ohms, 9400-8897.1K, 9600-9212.3K, 9800-9536.0K, 10000-9868.5K, 10200-10210.4K, 10400-10561.8K, 10600-10923.4K, 10800-11295.4K, 11000-11678.4K.

    If anyone wants the odd number RPMs I have those also.
  18. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    we have no retard box at all on harker's car.


    i can't tell you why but at some point in the past few weekends the car will start hitting the chip way early...over 1000 less than the chip. we put a new chip in it, and it's fine. make a few runs, and it intermittently hits. change the chip...
  19. Mike Canter

    Mike Canter Top Dragster
    Staff Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    Will, read the resistance on the chip that was hitting early and compare it to the new one and see how far off it is. Then track the resistance on the new chip over time and make a note in the log book then if you hit the chip again then make amother reading and see if it changed. In order for the chip to hit a 1000 RPM lower it will have to have reduced its resistance by around 1600 K ohms and that is a lot.

    If I was you I would check the resistance of all your chips with a digital multi-meter and see if they are all good.

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