O. Bruton Smith

Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by Dave Germain, Mar 27, 2007.

  1. Dave Germain

    Dave Germain New Member

    Aug 1, 2003
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    In today's Tacoma News Tribune sports section the following news blip was seen "O. Bruton Smith, the richest man in stock-car racing, said he wants to buy the NHRA drag racing series and boost the sports's appeal to race fans and television audiences" Could be cool. At least a new direction than the same old S#&*. Dave Germain
  2. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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    As has been discussed before about Mr. Smith. You have to wonder what his plans and direction for the NHRA (BSHRA) would mean to every other class in drag racing that doesn't make the nightly news. His plan may not be very user friendly to the 1,000's of sportsman racers if his sole purpose is the almighty $$ and TV. An NHRA national event featuring only the professional catagories could be pulled off in one day...leaving you and I where?
  3. lowcountry71

    lowcountry71 New Member

    Jul 3, 2005
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    the rumors of burton smith wanting to buy nhra have been around for years. if the past is a prediction of the future i suspect this rumor is created and passed on more by racers than smith's bussinesses. although his businesses own sonoma, bristol and the las vegas drag racing facilities they were secondary to the nascar tracks at these locations. in the 70's ihra raced on pit road at charlottle motor speedway (now called lowes). an accident with a rocket powered dragster killed several people and called negative attention to drag racing at his nascar facilties - which has left a negative taste by his companies towards drag racing. since nhra is a "non profit" organization any purchase of it's business causes legal dilemas. burton smith's charitable arm (speedway charities) is a large part of his businesses which would be a perfect owner of nhra since both businesses are non profit. it is pure sepeculation as to whether sportsman drag racers would continue to exist or end under a burton smith drag racing organization - if one was to look at his nascar tracks (atlanta, bristol, fort worth, sonoma, las vegas) it appears that sportsman racing coexists with the big boys.
  4. HEMIdude

    HEMIdude New Member

    Oct 11, 2005
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    At least a new direction than the same old S#&*. Dave Germain[/QUOTE]

    Yeah. He once stated that he'd like to see 4 fuelers run simultaneously.
    THAT would certainly be a new direction!
  5. clint thompson

    Jan 15, 2004
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    same old s---????

    :cool: It sure seems like a lot of people spend a lot of time and energy talking about the negative issues surrounding racing sportsman in the NHRA. I wish people would think about it a little. Is it really that bad? if it is, then why do the people who complain about it do it? I would be the first one to agree that it (nhra's sportsman program) is not perfect, and in fact I agree that there are many easy "fixes" to many of the issues, but if you consider the whole package, NHRA provides a pretty good place to play with blown alcohol hot rods, not really a better game out there. I think all the talk about us being unwanted step children and that NHRA is out to eliminate our classes is just bunch of crap. Do we get anywhere near the same treatment or attention as the pros, obviously not, and frankly, we're not pros. But all in all, it is a pretty good program. If more people concentrated on the good, maybe there would be more of it?? just my .02, now back to the regularly scheduled complaining and paranoid speculation.

  6. Russ Parker

    Russ Parker Member

    Jul 19, 2003
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    Well said Clint!
  7. Inspector 12

    Inspector 12 Member

    Oct 18, 2004
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    + 2 for what Clint said.
  8. Kosmo

    Kosmo tad

    Jul 2, 2003
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    :rolleyes: damn, not the b.s. crap again!(I have a bridge in Jersey for sale too!):)
  9. Dave Germain

    Dave Germain New Member

    Aug 1, 2003
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    hey I just read it in the paper. I don't endorse or condemn the idea, although being on equal footing with the Busch cars could make finding sponsorship easier
  10. bud7291

    bud7291 New Member

    Nov 20, 2006
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    Clint, I agree with you that alcohol cars (as least I think) will never be taken away... They are the feeders for the pros, and NHRA wouldn't get new blood without it... Besides, who else would run the track inbetween the pros ;) ... However, classes like Super Comp don't have that security... Especially now that Top Dragster is becoming popular and accepted in more divisions...

    CJ Curtsinger
  11. Woodchip

    Woodchip Top Alcohol Dragster

    Aug 27, 2004
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  12. clint thompson

    Jan 15, 2004
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    sorry dave


    I wasn't really trying to come down on you dave, however you did end your post with "At least a new direction than the same old S#&*" which in my opinion is just proliferating the bitching and complaining that seems to be rampant amongst some of the alcohol owners, I for one feel like this, it is NHRA's game, they tell you the rules, you choose if you want to pay to play or not. It really never is going to be lucrative to participate in this sport. Everyone needs to remember this is a fun hobby, not a business. If you want to get treated like a pro, be a pro.

    sorry there i go again:eek:

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