Engine Diaper

Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by NoBull, Feb 19, 2007.

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  1. NoBull

    NoBull New Member

    Feb 16, 2006
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    Can someone please tell me who makes engine diapers, and other engine restraints, besides Taylor?
    I sent my engine diaper to Taylor for recertification over a month ago and have been informed that it could be as least another month or longer before I get it back.
    Your help is appreciated.
    Paul Anderson
  2. nitrohawk

    nitrohawk New Member

    Dec 28, 2003
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    Stroud in OK.
    Deist in CA
    DJ Safety in CA
    These are some.
  3. Tim Stevens

    May 18, 2004
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    We are a dealer for DJ Safety, excellent product and price! Or call Joe direct at 323-221-0000 and tell him I sent ya, Tim;)
  4. Dennis Taylor

    Dennis Taylor Authorized Merchant

    Sep 3, 2003
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    I believe you were told 2 more weeks, not a month or more. You had all winter to send in your diaper, why did you wait so long? You will have your diaper in time to race, and we will not stop working on the hundreds of products that were here before yours! You also told us your not racing untill April. I have customers racing this weekend at the Gainesville Points race that still need things, and we will not let them down! Maybe you should sell your diaper and get one from another safety equipment company. I know they are just as busy as we are. DT.
  5. flash

    flash top alcohol

    May 12, 2003
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    tell'im Dennis! I would not run anything but your stuff! and you have never let me down.
  6. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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    We sent our stuff out the week after the Pomona Finals last year because all the companies that recert our stuff (diapers, buckets, belhousings, clutches, etc.) all say the same thing. There are a lot of racers with a lot of stuff and most certs expire the end of the year. Recerting all this stuff takes time because the UPS truck is delivering boxes full every day. We had our stuff back quickly because the companies we sent them to weren't bombarded yet. Now they are.

    It's like a triage. Stuff being sent in has to be checked, repaired, rejected or recertified in a timely manner. But when it all comes in at once the companies need to know when you plan on racing again so everyone gets their stuff when they need it. It's physically impossible to do them all at once. In this case, if Taylor or Crower or Stroud or whoever knows you aren't racing until April, and Von Smith is racing this weekend, Von's stuff will get done first. Yours should be in the UPS truck before you need it, too.
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2007
  7. Bob Meyer

    Bob Meyer Comp Eliminator

    May 13, 2003
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    Old Saying

    Dennis; perfect timing for the old saying:
    "Poor planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part"
    His stuff is WORTH waiting for!
  8. F/C Girl

    F/C Girl New Member

    Feb 9, 2005
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    Taylor Motorsports has Always done a great job for us as well. We learned very quickly that you have to get it in ASAP otherwise, it's a long wait. Right after the World Finals is a great time, then there are no conflicts when it's winter time except the holidays.

  9. RockBottom

    RockBottom Jr. Dragster

    Jan 23, 2004
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    Me thinks P.A. should check with his mentor!!
  10. rick macedo racing

    rick macedo racing New Member

    Dec 12, 2006
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    Before I found dennis taylor I got some safety equipment from another supplier and had nothing but problems.THE FIRST WAS THEY FORGOT THE SFI TAGS.Recerts were a nightmare and I still have reservations as well as a helpless feeling when ups goes out.In there defense they have gotten better.I would recomend dennis to any one.PERIOD.But I dont thing one supplier can certify someone elses eqipment.
  11. hemi altered 378

    hemi altered 378 Blown Altered

    Jul 3, 2004
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    rick....... call Don. he is very reasonable on his prices and a super good guy to deal with. www.gerardot.com
  12. Kevin Brown

    Kevin Brown Top Dragster

    May 26, 2003
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    DT is by far the very best....no TAYLOR....NO DICE!

  13. NoBull

    NoBull New Member

    Feb 16, 2006
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    With no disrespect to Taylor Motor Sports my original message was not intended to be disrespectful. I was simply stating the situation I was in, and asking for some advise on where I could buy a backup.
    Unfortunately I come from a different business background where first come is first serve, regardless of the situation. I am not familiar with favoritism, or moving another customers product ahead of someone's just because they are going racing a couple of weeks earlier. In my business when told from the start to expect three weeks, that means three weeks and not ten. Which is why I sent it in the first place, because if I was told ten weeks from the start then I would have just ordered a new one. Which brings up a good point, why didn't the customers needing things for this weekend Gainesville Points race not have their stuff in before now? Does the rule of having my stuff in early only apply to me? From my experience, you cant depend on other people's word which is why I was just making a plan B.
    Regardless to the situation I was simply asking for some advise not criticism! But I do appreciate the fuel for the fire.
    Paul Anderson
  14. bj2racing

    bj2racing New Member

    Jul 6, 2006
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    taylor made the one on my t/d they did a great job! fits great easy to get on and off they also made the one that i take off and on tad 308 fits great and is easy to use great job taylor !
  15. Bioch

    Bioch New Member

    Oct 17, 2006
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    Rude people

    Gee Paul I would think that all of these people would treat the 2006 Rookie of the year with a little more respect than that. I think that people on here should be able to answer a question without showing disrespect!!! Me thinks that "Rock Bottom" just didn't have a better low blow than that to say. Why should you care anyways?
    With all my respect to Paul for not being rude when he could have been rude!
  16. Frankie

    Frankie Jr. Dragster

    Oct 19, 2003
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    Simmer down folks

    I am jumping in here and stating my opinion from a moderator's point of view.

    I have read the thread and responses a couple of times and have found that thier really wasnt any disrespect on Paul's part towards Taylor Motorsports or DT.

    Likewise I saw no disrespect on DT's behalf either.

    Several of you offered Paul some other options that he has in regards to other safety manufacturers. That is all that Paul was ever asking for was other options.

    Those of you defending DT and his company, admirable but not really needed.

    Now when it comes to Rock Bottoms repsonse about Paul needing to ask his mentor ( I presume Vern Moats ) was that really needed? No. Neither was Biotch's reply. THe majority of the responses showed Paul no disrespect. Pointing out the fact that Paul was the D5 Rookie of the Year, great job, but that doesnt mean the people on here have to show him respect if they dont want to.

    Bottom line, Paul asked for help, he got some input. DT explained how his business works, great. People spoke highly of DT's products, fantastic. No need to turn this into a smack talk session nor a personal attack either.
  17. Tommy

    Tommy Super Comp

    Jul 27, 2003
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    beitch it doesnt matter if pauls the 2006 rose parade queen. There are only a small amount of supplyers of parts and they need to supply everyone. If Paul raced pomona and blew up his car so bad that it ruined his diper it would be Tailor to the resque only b/c he would put others in line behind him that arent racing for another month if Tailor new Pauls next next race was Baytown this weekend. This isnt a regular business like someone selling burgers in the drive through where the line of cars decides the orders placed and when they are handed out the drive through window and recieved. Paul should say he doesnt need it until april and if he had it today all it would do is warm the workebench while someones else racing this weekend does without theres. From bracket racing or wherever paul came from maybe getting the parts was like waiting on the porch for christmas presents from grandma even when he didnt need them yet but now in alky hes in line like everyone else including the profesionall teams like Force who rely on Tailor to supply dipers from him. Good luck going to another supplier because hell get the same treatment from them in. And the parts wont fit as well. Thanks, tommy. PS the internet was a lousy place to air the landry on this b/c the pits are small. other supplyers have respect for tailor and will be carefull dealing with P in the future. trust me he should have called dt and told him he was unhappy about all this first and mabe dt would have explaned it in a way P would have understood. or dt could have talked to his mom and dad about it Im sure they would get it..
  18. Bioch

    Bioch New Member

    Oct 17, 2006
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    I agree

    I agree with you frank, however you say that there really wasnt any disrespect however what do you think "his stuff is worth waiting for" is suppose to mean, In my responce I agree that just because paul is D5 rookie of the year doesnt mean that people should respect him if they so wish however i do feel that they shouldn't disrepect him which i think people have. I think that in my opinion all that anybody was looking for was other options and people took it to far! Best of luck to paul in his search, and no smack talk from here!
  19. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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    This has been discussed to my satisfaction. Let DT and PJ work it out themselves.

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