Tire groth and converter slip

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by Jap Tin, Dec 31, 2006.

  1. Jap Tin

    Jap Tin New Member

    Apr 9, 2006
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    Trying to figure out finish line rpm with the altered we are puting together. We are running a 34.5 X 17X 16 M/T on a 16 X 16 double beadlock rim. The rear gear is a 4.57, going to be running a glide. I was figuring around 180 mph maybe a little more. The engine is a 4.5" X 3.5" 445" 481X A.J. with a 6-71 running 30% over on alky. Was planing on running the March Meet in Eliminator 1, a 7.60 index. how much tire groth should I figure? should I throw in a inch or two on top of the 34.5" ? The converter is a 10" ATI extreme blower converter, susposed to be pretty tight, we got it with the trans from ATI. Should I figure tire groth will cover up the converter slip? Thanks for the help guys, this is my first time at blown alky. My partner is pretty sharp on it as he and his brothers used to run a blown altered in the 60's and 70's. Jack, Harry, and Charlie Boudakian. The blower and injector on the engine is the same one they ran at Pomona in 75 when they quit racing.
  2. bobbyblue359

    bobbyblue359 New Member

    Nov 3, 2006
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    J. T. The Mickeys usually gave us 260 to 310 rpm less than calculated due to tire growth, but we were running a 4.10 gear at 190 mph. Converter slip is all over the place due to engine torque, load, speed, rpm, design lock-up, etc. Never had one converter do what they said it would do from the mfg. TSI will give 3-6%; JPT will go 2 1/2 - 12% depending on type. You'll probably have to make at least one run to find out and then change gears if you have to_On the blown stuff we always figure at least 41/2 to 7% slip until proven otherwise. Good Luck.

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