RIP: Larry Lay

Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by Bob Meyer, May 8, 2004.

  1. Bob Meyer

    Bob Meyer Comp Eliminator

    May 13, 2003
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    I was shocked to see we lost Larry in Nat. Dragster. Does anyone know what happened? 52 years old is just not enough life!

    In the 80's, Larry was the "Commander" of the infamous "Indy first round loser - non qualifier" party on Sunday nights that we still talk about to this day. I'll never forget his quote "Annie, get me another JETFUEL ". Great morning after stories of these events included one where everyone went looking for Woosley to go to the hotel, I mean everyone, finally giving up, we all left. First thing in the morning, and all back at the track, his guys decided to start packing the trailer to go home, when they opened the back door, Don came rolling out as far as the chute shroud lines would go, still asleep ! Apparently he wrapped himself in both chutes to stay warm for a quick nap, and his crew didn't find him that night!

    Larry ran pretty good in those days, he raced hard and played hard. We've lost another old friend.

  2. eps938

    eps938 Super Comp

    Feb 15, 2004
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    Larry was a swell guy. Straight shooter who would lend you anything you needed to make the next round or pitch in and help get the job done. I don't particularly care for a whole lot of people but will miss Larry and wish him a safe trip to wherever it is that he is headed.
    Glad to have known you Larry. Eldon P Slick
  3. kosky racing

    kosky racing Comp Eliminator

    May 11, 2003
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    Re Larry Lay

    Some fond memories of Larry......his great burgers with his Mombo Sauce, that he would not serve "before their time"......and the "special " apron he had custom made that he would wear at his dnq party Sat. nights.....God Speed Larry.....

    Mike and Janet Kosky
  4. Doug McCan

    Doug McCan New Member

    May 12, 2004
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    Larry was also a good friend and fellow racer. There was a lot of good times at the races. Larry worked for Big Foot 4X4 in St.Louis for several years and helped us in the T/F car (IHRA)for a while. At the time of his passing he was working for a construction company in St. Louis and putting in a lot of hours. This year he was going to take some time off and do some races.God bless him and as Mike said life is to short.
    Doug McCan
  5. Bob Meyer

    Bob Meyer Comp Eliminator

    May 13, 2003
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    Doug; I know you were as close as anybody I know.
    Please call me, Gary and I are wondering.

    Thanks , Bob

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