does anyone know anything about xdi ignition

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by craig moss, Dec 6, 2006.

  1. craig moss

    craig moss Member

    Sep 29, 2006
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    it is made by electro motive you can search just type in xdi ignition it is a crank trigger system that uses 4 coil packs and no dist. it is said to be in between the msd pro mag 20 and the 44 there is a new programable system out that is verry adjustiable for 1400.00 ???? any coments welcome thanks craig
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2006
  2. Hokes Racing

    Hokes Racing Moderator

    Oct 13, 2003
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    Link does not work

  3. craig moss

    craig moss Member

    Sep 29, 2006
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    xdi ignition

    sorry about that Lanny just do a search for xdi ignition it will take you to it I dont think it shows the programable system but the older version should explain it thanks craig
  4. TOL

    TOL Active Member

    May 18, 2005
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    It all depends upon what application you want to use this in......

    XDI looks to be a fairly accurate waste fire DIS ignition system, based upon their literature. In the same realm as a Mag 20 or Mag 44 though? Not a chance. I would also not run a waste fire ignition system in anything with really high cylinder pressures and exotic fuel loads.

    If "distributorless" is important to you, then there are vastly superior coil per cylinder systems available (not waste fire), although they are going to cost you more money.

    If "distributorless" is not important to you then I would recommend any of MSD's systems & controls, with a crank trigger.

    What is your application?
  5. craig moss

    craig moss Member

    Sep 29, 2006
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    xdi ignition

    thanks for the input what do you mean by waste fire I do know it has been ran on a pro mod with 50 psi boost it is a turbo car with no problem my combo is a 468 bbc 12to1 14/71 25 psi with ports turning 7500 I had a super mag 3 it worked fine but need the electronics to get my jet boat to leave at a low cost any info would be great thanks for youre time craig if you dont mind give me youre phone # and I will call you thanks craig
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2006
  6. Eric David Bru

    Sep 4, 2005
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  7. craig moss

    craig moss Member

    Sep 29, 2006
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    what do you think of this system I bought one hope I did not take a step back they said it would work great
  8. TOL

    TOL Active Member

    May 18, 2005
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    If they said it would work "great", then take take their word & try it out. If it does not work then you know where to send it back to.

    Waste Fire is the same as Wasted Spark. It is an ignition approach which employs half as many physical ignition coils as cylinders, with a double ended secondary coil attached to the primary. 4 coils for a V8. 3 coils for a V6, etc.

    The idea behind waste fire is that the ignition system controls the primary side of the coil, and in turn the secondary side of the coil fires two plugs. One plug will be on the compression phase, and the other will be on the exhaust phase. The later is deemed the "waste" fire.

    If the conditions in the compression cylinder are extreme (depending upon how the system is configured), then the secondary side of the coil may favour the waste cylinder. That's why one coil per cylinder is preferred over waste fire, if given a choice in extreme racing conditions.

    You mentioned that they told you the XDI worked in a 50psig turbo Pro Mod application? I'd be curious to know which one, and how well, and with what fuel. There simply aren't too many applications out there matching that description.

    Give XDI a try in your application, and let us know how it turns out.
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2006

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