best inline fuel filter to run

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by blown1020, Nov 15, 2006.

  1. blown1020

    blown1020 New Member

    Mar 17, 2006
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    whats eveybody running for inline fuel filters?
  2. KDavidson

    KDavidson Member

    Dec 7, 2005
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    We run the inline screen from JR @ RBS.

    Works great.


    WIZBANG Member

    Nov 8, 2004
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    System 1 , both oil and fuel !
  4. blown375

    blown375 New Member

    Sep 9, 2005
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    I use the kinsler monster mesh filter and love it !
  5. hemi altered 378

    hemi altered 378 Blown Altered

    Jul 3, 2004
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    i would say that the majority of the cars don't run a filter. just my 2 cents
  6. Spud_Miller

    Spud_Miller New Member

    Sep 1, 2006
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    Filters can cause a serious flow problem. I've flowed a few systems that leaned out on the top end due to the filter being a restriction. In one case, I sent it back with no element in the filter housing and told them to just run the hollow shell, it flows great :)

    If the filter colors the tuneup when it's clean, it only gets worse as it picks up dirt and fuzz.

    If you have to run one, plumb it so that it only filters what is going into the engine (typically only 50% of the pump output or so). On a hat type setup, this would mean after the barrel valve on the way to the distribution block. Then it has a prayer of keeping up. Filtering 100% of what comes out of the pump takes a huge filter. Running one on the inlet side of the pump invites cavitation unless the tank is higher than the pump.

    A pleated stainless mesh filter is the best (more surface area). Use the biggest filter you can stand to look at! Best deal in my opinion is filter the fuel as it goes into the tank and check the nozzles often.

  7. Luke

    Luke NFAA Altered

    Feb 19, 2005
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    do the 2 x 9 inch system one filters restrict much? as we were thinking of getting one
  8. shawn davis

    shawn davis Member

    Feb 27, 2004
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    I Second The Inline Like J.r. Sells. Easy To Take The Line Off And Inspect And Clean, Adds No Weight. Not Real Fine Screen So Restriction Would Be Minimal. Better Than Plugging A Nozzle Anyways
  9. blown375

    blown375 New Member

    Sep 9, 2005
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    Spud the idea of filtering the fuel before it goes into the tank is great but if you don't filter it before it hits the nozzles and the high speed and the idlecheck you are rolling dice !
    I had a problem with small pieces of aluminum from the fuel tank coming loose fortunately it didn't hurt the pump but it did plug nozzles and stick bypasses and bang burst panels!
    So the choice is up to you but I don't feel it's worth banging the blower,changing the burst panels,checking the nozzles every run and risking scuffed pistons because a giant filter is ugly ! If you don't have a big enough margin on your tune up to handle a filter I would say you need a bigger pump.
    P.S. Spud I am just sharing my opinion and what I have encountered . Im not trying to degrade your opinion or your knowledge in any way and I have very much respect for you !
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2006
  10. Luke

    Luke NFAA Altered

    Feb 19, 2005
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    so does anyone run a system one filter? if so what size as they do a few. is the 2 x 4 inch one up to the job?
  11. Spud_Miller

    Spud_Miller New Member

    Sep 1, 2006
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    Hi Robert,

    There's no amount of "margin" in a tuneup that can make up for a fuel filter restriction. You can't put a bigger pump on it to fix it either. If the fuel filter you choose to run only flows 12 GPM and your motor needs 14 GPM from your 18 GPM pump, you can double the pump and the motor will still only get 12 GPM through that filter.

    If you want to run a filter, that's just fine. My recommendation is to run as big a filter as you can stand and put it AFTER the barrel valve if you can to reduce the demands through it.

    I was going to say this the first time but didn't want to sound like an advertisement...but I'll say it now. The best deal is to have your system flowed WITH the filter you choose to run and make sure it isn't a problem. Your flow guy should test the filter and make sure you have some headroom with it to allow for dirt and richer tuneups in the future.

    On the 2 x 4 much are you going to try to put through it? Where would the filter be located in the system?

  12. Flyboy68

    Flyboy68 Member

    Mar 26, 2006
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    Luke we run the 2" x 4" system one inline filter right after the fuel pump. The screen in it is very high quality, best i've seen. It does have very small pores however. We haven't had our system flowed yet, but are going to this winter. I'm curious what the filter is restricting cause we've blown four head gaskets and torched the heads each time just this year. ...will be interesting :eek:
  13. Luke

    Luke NFAA Altered

    Feb 19, 2005
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    Spud, pump flows 17 gallons minute. would be located after pump before barrell valve.

    Flyboy, OUCH! i def dont wanna do that!

    at the moment we run a tiny mesh filter that fits into the main inlet on the barrell valve and when we leaked the barrell valve down at start of season, with it in/out it made 3% difference. which surprised us so we checked it 3 times, came out the same.
  14. Spud_Miller

    Spud_Miller New Member

    Sep 1, 2006
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    There's no way the 2 x 4" filter can flow 17 GPM, so if it's right after your pump, it will at least color your tuneup in a big way. If you were pumping 7 GPM, I'd say it would probably be ok. The 2 x 4" is the type I took the element out of and then things were fine when trying to pass everything delivered from an Enderle 990 pump. The fuel curve flat-lined at 5500 RPM with the filter!

    In a mechanically injected system, the flow is supposed to increase with RPM as we all know. With that filter on there, it will increase as expected until the filter can pass no more fuel. Then the fuel curve will flatten out and the flow to the motor will stop increasing with RPM. If you get lucky and that happens 500 RPM before the finish line, it might go like hell and live another day. If it flattens out 1000 RPM or more from the peak RPM you achieve on a pass, you'll melt it down.

    If you put just the fuel going to the hat nozzles through the 2 x 4" and another 2 x 4" on the port nozzle supply line, you'd be just fine.

  15. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    filters and problems...

    it's always a good idea to do what your fuel system guys says...

    not disputing your reports spud...but there are a number good running cars that run filters prior to the barrel valve. myself included.

    i had a problem where there was a line going to the fuel management system we were overlooking and not draining in between races when we first started (wasn't draining fully). so the first run of the weekend, or warm up after we started checking harder, the fuel filter would be clogged up with the black 'jelly' that alky turns into when it sets up. when we didn't catch it, it would cavitate, cut out and i would abort the run. it cost me aborted runs until we found the problem, but it saved us thousands i'm sure in blown up stuff.

    while we have yet to set the world on fire (we've set the car on fire, but not the with our car, we ran pretty good numbers with jason cannon's car a few years ago, which had a system one filter plumbed prior to the barrel valve. the sae filter which jr at rbs sales has been flow bench proven to not restrict flow...can't comment on the other kinds, other than i know the system 1 filter element worked fine. mick snyder is another car i can think of that runs the filter in front of the bv and hauls ass with minimal parts problems.

    i will agree with you spud, there are probably filters out there that do restrict flow and cause problems. that being said, the sae (conical drop in filter) and the system 1 filter are the only ones that i know that have been used successfully in a competitive top alcohol application.

    i run the sae filter (12 an) in front of our gorr bv - in large part that the bv is controlled by two needle valves. last thing i want to chase is getting crap in one of those needle valves.
  16. Spud_Miller

    Spud_Miller New Member

    Sep 1, 2006
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    Oh, I know there are lots of people who run tiny little filters right after the pump and they make it down the track fine. It isn't optimal though. If you see situations where the car doesn't seem to follow the weather, things aren't consistent, you richen it up and then it melts the spark plugs... these are symptoms of something in the fuel system reaching terminal flow (like a filter) and fuel delivery going flat.

    There isn't a single filter out there that doesn't restrict the flow...eventually. Just pick one that will flow what you need and you'll be ok. For example, there is no way the little 2 x 4" System-1 filter will pass 17 gallons through it in 60 seconds. It flows somewhere around 10 GPM max. The 2 x 6" filter would probably be ok with 17 GPM. I believe the 2 x 9" System-1 will flow around 23 GPM.

    If your hardware requires a filter (needle valves) or if you just feel better having one, pick the right size and when in doubt, have your system flow checked to make sure.

  17. Luke

    Luke NFAA Altered

    Feb 19, 2005
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    after reading all these posts think we are gonna go for the 2"x6" after the barrell valve (just to be safe) and only on the port line.

    Feel there is no need for the hat line personally.

    WIZBANG Member

    Nov 8, 2004
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    We run the 2 x 9 System 1. 3 16 line BEFORE the pump. Have never had any trouble so far. We use to run no filter. I have tried the same combo with the filter in place and without, can't see any difference ? Other than I feel safe knowing the system is clean. Maybe it is becuase the filter we have is "plenty" big ?????
  19. blown1020

    blown1020 New Member

    Mar 17, 2006
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    thanks for all the posts,know im really confused,lets have a poll,who runs one and who doesnt!!
  20. DQUES

    DQUES Member

    May 20, 2004
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    Take a look at most blown pro mod cars , almost everyone has a filter after the pump and before the BV . While not a BAD or AF/C , they weigh in at 2700 lbs and build enough power to run 6.0's on a regular basis . I think they all run the system 1 filter .

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