Bruno/Lenco or Lencodrive

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by Sledge, Oct 20, 2006.

  1. Sledge

    Sledge Poor

    Nov 11, 2004
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    I have been reading the posts on this subject. My questions are
    - does the Bruno offer more tunability than the Lencodrive as the pressure can be adjusted to lighten the hit and I would take it lighten the shift also. Additionally, with all the available lenco parts isn't the Bruno more feasible for fine tuning/ changing gears if need be?
    -Does both the Bruno and lencodrive have to use a titanium can?
    I know there are many people using the Lencodrive but is there anyone using the Bruno/Lenco in TAD.

    Great site, great people, and the archived threads really make this a unique racing site! Hats off to all of you and thanks for all the advice for a dumby!
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2006
  2. DQUES

    DQUES Member

    May 20, 2004
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    Lenco sells cast aluminum bells and Browell sells steel ones also for the lencodrive .
  3. Sledge

    Sledge Poor

    Nov 11, 2004
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    In a previous post it was stated, "The new nhra rules for 2005 state a torque convertor equipped car (funny or dragster ) must use a titanium can meeting 6.1 ,6.2 , or 6.3 ."
  4. T.A.D. 776

    T.A.D. 776 New Member

    Oct 12, 2004
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    I pulled this off the N.H.R.A. site. Some clarification would be nice. But it reads to me that if the bellhousing is aluminum and meets SFI 6.2 you can run it in TAD or TAFC

    General Regulations
    Page 201 (12/05)

    Flywheel Shield & Motor Plate, General: Add new first sentence, "The use of aluminum bellhousing is permitted in all categories and applications. The aluminum bellhousing must meet applicable SFI Specifications.
  5. lowcountry71

    lowcountry71 New Member

    Jul 3, 2005
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    a bruno comes with a sfi sticker that says sfi 30.1 - good for 5 years. as far as adjustability - with a bruno drive one can adjust the drive pressure up to 300 pounds. bruno makes an option that takes the place of the pressure set screw which also will adjust drive pressure - i believe it is used mainly on turbo applications where there is either a turbo lag or it hits too hard. one can also tune bruno/converter by using different viscosities of oil - this cannot be done with a lencodrive. the bruno uses seperate oil from the lenco whereas the lencodrive uses the same oil. i use synthetic oil in my lenco and different viscosities of CAT hydraulic oil in the bruno drive (cannot disclose the viscosities - every application may be different). lencodrive gear options are not much different that a normal lenco - the biggest difference in that it is easier to work on the lenco (leave bruno/converter attached to motor) than a lencodrive (requires total unit removal). thus changing ratios might be easier with the bruno vs lencodrive.
  6. Sledge

    Sledge Poor

    Nov 11, 2004
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    Does any Blown TAD's use the Bruno?

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