LVMS Testing Schedule Lucas Oil Race

Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by jeff_7306, Oct 11, 2006.

  1. jeff_7306

    jeff_7306 Member

    Aug 20, 2004
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    Well, From what I have been able to find out testing is open from 9 to 5 on Wednesday, the schedule on LVMS website says 12 to 6. A phone call today to LVMS I was told that it will be between 9 and 5 but, (this is a big but) Alcohol cars will only be allowed to test between 5 and 7 that night.

    I'm not sure what Chris has against us Alcohol cars, but he doesn't seen to want us there.

    I asked Chris's secretary to have this posted somewhere so teams that planned on running earlier on Wednesday would have this information available to them before Wednesday morning.

    I'm not sure If I can test earlier in the day if I also enter the cars as a comp eliminator car or Super Gas car. :D Any Ideas? If we had a skinny car I guess Super comp would work.

    Also I also found out that the Goodyear tire guys are scheduled to be there at 8 am Wednesday morning.

    Good Luck
  2. jeff_7306

    jeff_7306 Member

    Aug 20, 2004
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  3. Frankie

    Frankie Jr. Dragster

    Oct 19, 2003
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    Guess there are times when being an alcohol racer isnt all that its cracked up to be is it
  4. alky racer

    alky racer New Member

    Mar 19, 2006
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    Jeff just had an idea maybe we can all enter testing as top comp cars. The rule for top comp is quickest 32 under 7.80 I think. I have seen a pro stock car run in this class once. I have been told Chris Blair does not even want to have alcohol cars at this race next year. He says he has to pay the purse and can not get enough gate entrys with the national event the week before. We all know the reason we only get two hours for testing is just another way of letting us all know we are not welcome. The hope must be treat them bad enough and maybe they wont come back. Anyone have any ideas about overwhelming Chris with phone calls and E-mails to see if we can get through to him.
  5. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    say it aint so....

    no alky at the lv race?

    no alky at all at bristol (national or div)

    let's hope that isn't the attitude towards alky cars if bruton ever does take over nhra...
  6. O.J.D.

    O.J.D. New Member

    Mar 28, 2006
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    why do I see every add for a division race having the alcohol class as headliners, but then we get treated like trash behind the scenes?

    a little 2 faced, I think?
  7. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    old model vs new thinking

    it's because you have the old model of having alky cars 'headline' divisionals to get crowds.

    the rapidly prevailing train of thought is to have big car counts and back gate crowd needed.

    track can still profit even with the $13k alky purse. they see that as a cut into their profit. all of a sudden you're a red headed step child.

    why keep running a broke system? let's all put our heads together and make something work. ie regionals...something.

    there are tracks out there that would readily jump on next year jump on it.

    lets make it happen.
  8. jeff_7306

    jeff_7306 Member

    Aug 20, 2004
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    I think that LVMS pays the Alcohol purse out of pocket is BS. There are 850 other cars entered at $160.00 each and $50.00 per crew. Lets say everybody has only one crew member :D . That will be $136,000.00 for the cars entered and $42,500.00 for 850 crew members for a total of $178,500.00. I know there is way more to this equation, but its a start.

    I'm not saying LVMS makes a killing on division races, but come on. If it's a losing business then maybe its time to do something else. Burton Smith where are you?

    Hey Will where/when will the first Regional meet be?????? I'm ready.

    If you plan on being at Vegas lets get together and talk.

    Dec 2, 2004
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    i just found this schedule for the alky class from lvms

    alky will not be pitted untill 10:00 am on wednsday
    and your 1 and only test will be at 5 pm for a $100.00
    wow.....and if you get there early you will be stacked behind the
    nascar track....what a bunch of bull crap.
    uve got ruffly 5 hrs to get camp set up and the car out
    and warmed up, fix anything, and or service the car, that is
    if you get pitted by 12:00pm which never happends and then charged
    a $ 100.00 to run once. best wishes and luck to all.

    Wednesday, Nov. 1
    7 a.m.-7 p.m. - Credential sales, pit parking, tech for arriving sportsman teams.
    9 a.m.-5 p.m. - Test 'n' Tune for LODRS classes ($100 per car, two-run punch card).
    10 a.m. - Gates open for Top Alcohol Dragster and Top Alcohol Funny Car teams.
    5-7 p.m. - Alcohol Test 'n' Tune ($100 per car, one run only).
    7 p.m. - Track closed.

    Pit parking for Top Alcohol Dragster and Top Alcohol Funny Car teams will open on Wednesday, Nov. 1, at 10 a.m. Any arrivals prior to that time will be stacked behind the LVMS superspeedway.

    Friday, Nov. 3
    7 a.m.-7 p.m. - Credential sales, pit parking, tech inspection concludes.
    8 a.m.-7 p.m. - Time trials/qualifying for LODRS classes.
    7 p.m.-9 p.m. - First Top Alcohol Dragster and Top Alcohol Funny Car qualifying session.
    7 p.m. - Track closed.

    Saturday, Nov. 4
    7 a.m. - Credential sales and spectator gates open.
    8 a.m.-7 p.m. - Lucas Oil Series sportsman eliminations.
    Noon - Second Top Alcohol Funny Car and Top Alcohol Dragster qualifying session.
    4 p.m. - Third Top Alcohol Funny Car and Top Alcohol Dragster qualifying session.
    7 p.m. - Track closed.

    Sunday, Nov. 5
    7 a.m. - Spectator gates open.
    8 a.m.-5 p.m. - Eliminations continue for all LODRS sportsman classes.
    Noon - First round of Top Alcohol Dragster and Top Alcohol Funny Car eliminations.
    2:30 p.m. - Second round of Top Alcohol Dragster and Top Alcohol Funny Car eliminations.
    4:30 p.m. - All final-round eliminations.
    5 p.m. - Track closed.

    *Schedule subject to change.
  10. Cricket

    Cricket New Member

    Oct 29, 2005
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    Maybe I am just thick, so can someone can explain this to me.

    If LVMS is an NHRA Track and the race is an NHRA event, why is NHRA allowing them to treat the Alcohol class like shit? Why is NHRA not stepping in and doing something about this.

    I realize that for some reason they don't like the Alcohol Funny Cars, but you can't change the rules on a whim. They are posted and the track needs to follow the rules like anyone else. As far as I know, if a rule is written and no formal changes are announced, then all parties must follow the same rules.

    Has anyone called NHRA and asked them about these arbitrational rule changes?

    Does LVMS not sign a contract with NHRA specifying the types of classes, number of qualifying runs, practice runs, etc? If they are not following the contract, then NHRA is obligated to step in and resolve the issue.

    Last time I looked in the rule book. Alcohol Funny Car was a recognized class in the NHRA.

    Just curious
  11. jeff_7306

    jeff_7306 Member

    Aug 20, 2004
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    Cricket, I'd make that phone call myself if I thought it would make a difference.

  12. Hokes Racing

    Hokes Racing Moderator

    Oct 13, 2003
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    Most Track when they post the schedule they put test and tune Thur. run by the track that way the track can do what they want.

    Just a point we ran in a Jegs Quick race last weekend at Indy and paid $100.00 to run they had 80 cars try for a 64 car race first paid $1500, runner up $1000, semi. $300 quarters $150 and eights $100 thats $4200 they paid out. crew passes was $30. if there was 1 per car is $2400. but I know that most had 2 that would be $4800. so they made around $8600 on the Super Quick cars

  13. bricker racing

    bricker racing New Member

    Oct 20, 2006
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    Im not really sure whats the deal is with LVMS but we live and race here in vegas and because of how alky cars are treated at Vegas forced us to not ever be able to test at Vegas and we have to go to other tracks to test when we live 15 mins from the track. We whould rather go out of town and drive 8 hours to test than go to Vegas and show up and 9 am and not get to run untill midnight. We have been accused of oiling the track down and kicked out when his tech guy come over and looked the car over and told him that we did no oil the track down but he still said its a alky car thats all they do is oill the track down. Like pre season testing this year we had a completly new set up and was trying to get it figured out and we hit a cone so they kicked us out for the weekend, when another car hit at lest 2 cones per pass was sill able to test the whole weekend. Its really sad that the time and money we spend on these cars all we want to do is race thats what this is all about right. Maybe we can get NHRA to start running the test sessions too so when we go track to track we know what to expext.
  14. D7D

    D7D Member

    Feb 22, 2006
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    People, you need to relax a bit. The only thing LVMS has done with the parking schedule is to try and get you the best spots. Top Alcohol cars will be pitted where the pro's are this weekend. Have any of you ever been to a track on Monday after those guys leave? It's usually a huge mess! Also, many pro's will be testing on Monday, so most clean up will not be able to happen until Tuesday. If you're that worried about 5 hours not being enough time to get ready to make a run, they'll gladly get you in early, down by the dirt track. I suppose you could then move on Thursday (or after you run on Wednesday).

    Believe me, I'm with Will on this regional idea. I made a proposal four years ago to get that going, but to this point nothing has been accomplished. It's a tough deal as many tracks do want the TA cars, but many would rather have a LODRS event without them. We're still discussing, but the more of you that beat on US (DD's) might help kick it in the rear and get it moving.

    Now you have your mission for the off season. Let the beatings begin...

    Dec 2, 2004
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    o just kiddin...LOL

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